The Becoming God

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

For Pastors, Sceptics, Deconverts 2: The Histories Are Not Either Or

There are two histories: the normal, natural history of the evolving physical world we are all used to, and the spiritual history of the evolving imagic world that is in the Bible. It isn't that one is real and the other is not; they are BOTH real. The Bible is an allegorical history symbolic of spiritual, psychological values. It has to do with mind, thought, imagination--things of the spirit, which happen to be the only actions God can make. And these are about US. We are them, and God is ACTING. We are involved whether we like it or not. The two histories run concurrently, and we are in both of them.

We have been robbed by unspiritual people who did not, do not translate the names of the people and places in the Bible. Adam means the blood of the Divine. That "blood" would be the consciousness of the Ineffable Being. Eve, the source of Life, would be Its intelligence. The Ineffable's assumption--knowing--would cause manifestation--Cain, "Acquisition," and Abel, "Transitoriness." Acquisition brings things of the earth to the Lord: crops. Transitoriness brings his sheep--thoughts, imagination, things of the spirit. Translate the names and you have an obvious history of spiritual, psychological matters God is working in US, AS us, because He isn't separate FROM us.

We can ignorantly ignore the two histories, but we cannot get out of either one of them. We think, therefore we are, and if we are, we are in them . . . both.


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