The Becoming God

Saturday, April 08, 2023

God is a Relation, Kinfolk in Reality; not Separate Except in Perception

Our relationship with God is supposed to be that of kinfolk. We are related. It is like we share the same blood, the same genes, the same DNA. He is imagination, and we are of the same imagination. It is not for nothing that we are to call Him "Father." Because that is right: we are from God and of God, the force and energy that is the consciousness of the Ineffable. We're family.

Consider Luke 11:5-8. (This continues from Luke's version of the Lord's Prayer, "Our Father in heaven.") ". . . Which one of you that has a relative, and who goes to him in the middle of the night, and tells him, 'Kinsman, I need three loves [of bread]. Since a relative has come to me from a journey and I have nothing to place before him.' And he replies from inside and says to him, 'Do not bother me. Behold, the door is locked and my children are in bed with me. I cannot rise and give you [the bread].' I tell you, that if because of kinship he will not not give it to him, he will rise and give him as much as he wants because of his persistent sense of duty" (Alexander, verse 8 footnote incorporated). "Kinsman . . . a relative has come. " One has a sense of duty to family. We are relatives. Kinsfolk. We are supposed to be aware of this and to actualize it. God is, and does. His Life-Giving, Living Branch Jesus is, and does. I believe it is God in this teaching who has the persistent sense of duty to His kin, for it is right to have mercy upon one's kin (note the radical mistranslation the Greek is). God does what is right. And our advocate is our kin.

James 2:5 says, "Listen, dear brethren, was it not those poor in worldly possessions and yet rich in faith that God chose to be the heirs of the Kingdom, that which God bequeathed to those who showed mercy to Him?" (Alexander, italics mine).

Mark 12:29-31, "Jesus told him, 'The first of all the commandments, 'Hear, O, Israel, the Lord God is the only Lord.* And that you mercy your Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment. And the second one that is like it, 'that you love the one that is close to you like yourself.' There is no greater commandment than these" (Alexander, footnote incorporated).

1 Corinthians 2:9, "Except as it is written in Scriptures, 'Eye does not see and ear does not hear, and over the heart does not rise the thing God graced to those who mercy Him" (Alexander, footnote incorporated, emphasis mine).

Mercy, mercy, mercy. How do you mercy God? You recognize and love His RELATIVES: "Amen, I am telling you, that whatever you do for one of these my little brethren, for me you have done that" Matthew 25:40 Alexander). He is them; He is us. God is NOT separate, but is ALL. We are limited to the Manifestation. He is the Manifestation and beyond, but we nevertheless are all ONE.

"As of now* (this season) this bone from my bone and this flesh from my flesh shall be called the wife, because she was consecrated from the man" (Genesis 2:23 Alexander). Adam is "the Divine's Blood."


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