The Becoming God

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Truth That Counts: Deconversions from Misconceptions

I have been watching a number of former-Christian deconversion, deconstruction stories on Again. It is a very sad story. Not so much the deconversions, but the basis of the deconvertees' conversions in the first place. Very few of them have had either the horror of the contrition event or the ecstasy of the baptism in the Holy Ghost, the experience of automatic speaking in tongues, or the witness and evidence of substantive response miracles. Some have, but discount them due to hormonal, stress-induced neurochemical changes which can induce emotional religious experiences. Am I concerned that there is (supposedly) no evidence for a literal, historical human Jesus Christ? It doesn't matter! I have had my evidence in spades. If He's not alive and in power, who the heck is acting?! I have two basic, fundamental truths which for me supersede all the faith-negating nays: Jesus WORKS, thus He must be resurrected (whether or not he was a man two thousand years ago); and I see imagination--both man's and God's--causing manifest reality. These two puppies are rock solid in my perception. As Neville Goddard would say, "I am not speculating. I am speaking from experience."

"You dolt," you say. "If there wasn't even a historical Jesus two thousand years ago, how could he have been resurrected?"

You are missing the point. The Season of Grace (the on-going Daniel 9) was a historical summary of what God is doing overall. Even if the New Testament stories were completely symbolic compositions of psychology placed in a fabricated history for illustration's sake, they were and are about a higher reality. The biblical Jesus Christ was a representation of that higher reality. Whether there was an actual human representative playing the part physically (this gets my vote), or the compositions are purely philosophical--something like a refined Buddhism--the higher reality was and is REAL. THAT Jesus Christ is risen--was, is, and always will be. The Season of Grace was just a report of this higher reality: "Hey guys, this is what is really going on."

Do you not get this? "Let all the angels of heaven bow, and let every human knee kneel before HIM"--EVEN IF JESUS IS JUST AN IDEA, IDEAL, OR VALUE IN GOD'S MIND. I personally believe that the birth, life, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ were all in the consciousness of the ineffable (...?) as the Beginning of Creation in Genesis 1:1. "As the Beginning, the Son of God (the imagination of the consciousness of the Ineffable) CREATES the heavens and the earth" (Alexander, parenthesis mine). God's intelligence flips from His consciousness to the ignorance of physical existence--becoming unlike God, suffers this existence, is developed to a higher conscious awareness, and because it IS God, it is forgiven this and is eventually returned to God state. The whole new-and-improved loop is constant! He--Jesus Christ--IS resurrected. Was, is, ever has been and ever will be.

The Bible is not historically accurate? So what? Who cares? Who ever said that it was supposed to be? People who haven't got a clue spiritually--intellectual "believers" who do not know what belief actually is. They don't get it, because the unspiritual can't get it. The Bible states repeatedly that the truth is hid from them. Jesus died for the scribes and the Pharisees, the religious hypocrites. They think that the Bible is about real, literal history instead of the real reality. They look, but they cannot see.

Well, that's Point 1. Point 2 is I see God's and my imaginations causing the experiential environment we live in. Our experiential environment is the STATE of our minds being SPOKEN to us by God. Our life is our monitor! Look, and listen up--THAT is you. "But I do not want that. I do not want the End Times--corruption, conflict, confrontation, anger, wars, hunger, hardship, demonic deception, etc., etc., etc." How is that not-wanting working out for you? What are you THINKING? You think OF and you ACCEPT that all these things can and will happen. You might just as well spread out a tablecloth for all of it to be set before you, 'cause it is heading for you "more powerful than a locomotive." Your brain's image does not have a 'not' for what it sees. If you do not want it, what DO you want? Assume that that is what is coming. Those "Pray for World Peace" nuts have the right idea. Ix-nay on the ad-bay*. Neville taught his wife, Bill, that if she thought her boss was disagreeable, he would be. She forced herself to think him agreeable (her boss, that is), and he was.

We are God's imagination. Some invisible, powerful entity is trying very hard to get me to believe in a certain way (deconvertees take note) that Jesus is resurrected. He has shown me the demonic, Jesus' scourging and crucifixion, flooded me with Living Waters, spoken by my mouth, spoken "audibly" into my brain, slain me in the Spirit, substantively healed me in response to Jesus' name, and has allowed me to participate in others' healings. I do not know if this entity is God Himself, Jesus the historic man, the Holy Ghost, some conscius from another world, or what, but obviously it believes that Jesus is resurrected, alive, is seated in power as God in heaven, and that I am Him. That is the certain way of belief unconverted church members cannot know. God's "only to you" was to Israel, the imagination He prevails in. If you do not submit to let Him (Eil) prevail, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT in this lifetime. Prevail.

*Pig-Latin for "Nix on the bad."


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