The Becoming God

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The Seven Days Of The Progressor

The ineffable (...?) is growing and maturing. It expands, and what It expands into is Itself in an immature state. It is the nature of the (...?) to progress into a mature state--kind of the principle of seedtime and harvest. That is, there is a drive or compulsion inherent in the nature of the Ineffable to become, to become more, to become better, to expand into what does not exist and mature into the perfection Itself is. For nothing else is worthy. I call this element of driving force in the Ineffable "the Progressor." It is also called Eashoa, the Life-giving Living Branch of the Living God; i.e., "Jesus." The Progressor is ultimately unstoppable, irresistible, undefeatible; it is the driving force of the ineffable (..?) Itself.

The Ineffable assumes that It is what It desires to be, and absolutely nothing can thwart Its becoming that thing. It literally becomes it. Assumption, of course, is imagination. The Ineffable has a consciousness which imagines everything, and assumes what It wants to be. Before this dimension was, the Ineffable imagined this dimension's end as a form of Itself, the Ineffable. This dimension became, and is growing, maturing through a bridge of incidents by the Progressor to become developed as the Manifestation of the Ineffable. Before this universe was, the Ineffable imagined this universe's end as a form of the Ineffable. This universe became, and this universe is growing, maturing through a bridge of incidents by the Progressor to become developed as the Manifestation of the Ineffable.

Do you see a recurring pattern here? Its the Ineffable's natural process of being. And it builds on itself. There is an imagined assumption by the Ineffable, let's say a day of it, and then a long period of incidents by the Progressor to bridge the creative assumption into the mature form of the Ineffable. "As the Beginning, the Son of God (the Progressor) CREATES the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 Alexander, parenthesis and emphasis mine). Creation is the initial imagined assumption which continues to grow and mature until it is the perfected. So the Consciousness of the Ineffable assumes--imagines--the six ends of the heavens and the earth, and yes, they are beautiful. THROUGH THE SABBATH, THE SEVENTH DAY, THE PROGRESSOR CAUSES THE SIX ASSUMPTIONS TO DEVELOP INTO THE MATURE MANIFESTATION OF THE INEFFABLE THEY ARE.

This "day" is the Sabbath, the day of development unto complete manifestation by the Progressor. The imagined ends will be attained: "Thy will must be being done" (Matthew 6:10 Fenton). Those "Pray for Peace" peaceniks are right on. We are called to assume the imagined end! And to be faithful to it, to progress towards it. Ultimately, it will NOT be thwarted. And after that, more progress!! (See 1 Corinthians 2:9.)


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