Revelation is not an Introduction
Neville Goddard was an ardent Christian believer. He believed all the Bible, but "not like that" with regard to the traditional way of understanding it. He met the Love of God, and It was a Person. He met the Power of God, and It was a Person. My own conceptualization of Jesus Christ is that 'Jesus', specifically, was the Anointing of YHWH' s person upon a common human man who was prepared mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to submit fully to Jesus, the acting Consciousness of the Ineffable which is YHWH. The man by his submission to YHWH's actions was the 'Christ', the Anointed One. You cannot have Christ actions without the Anointing Spirit being the Actor doing them.
All of this goes without saying, yet Law of Attraction advocates hold that manifestations, which reveal the presence and power of Deity, are Deity-less.
A “gospel” is a reward. You pray. It reveals truth. You get manifestation of your prayer as a reward. There IS the Guy. God as an acting Person. Do you honor Him? Respect Him as God? Father? Husband? Maker? Lord? Do you thank Him? Ask Him what He wishes? Submit to Him? Worship Him? YOU’VE JUST GOTTEN A REVELATION, A DEMONSTRATION THAT HE IS THERE, CONSCIOUS AND IN POWER. IF YOU HAVEN’T DIRTIED YOUR PANTS, YOU SHOULD BE ON YOUR FACE BY NOW.
This is the opportunity for an introduction. Time to say, “Hello.” Introduce yourself: “Yes, I see You there. I am (your name). You are God. I am your, well, whatever I am, I am Yours, and I submit myself fully and completely to you.”
"Many will say to me on that day, 'My Lord, my Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name cast out demons and in your name perform great powers?' And then I will declare to them that, 'I never knew you, go away from me, workers of abomination'" (Matthew 7:22-23 Alexander).
Abomination? Using the Law? Using it without honoring Him Who IS the Law, yes. Manifestation is your evidence!!!
PS: Just happened, Providentially, to start listening to a Curry Blake video about Divine Healing Technology. Listen, please, to just ;30 to 3:00 of this video. It is testimony of a guy, an atheist, who was surprised that the Word of God worked for him, an unbeliever, and recognized that if it is working, the God it is of must be real.
The Four Basic Principles of DHT Healing - March 19, 2017
This goes directly against what you said about the oneness of God.
Neuromantic*, at 9:50 AM
No it doesn't.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:30 AM
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