I do have Alexander’s translations in digital form except Acts, Philemon, and Isaiah. I would very much like to get those three in digital form—neglected to download them from v-a.com/bible while it was up. Alexander said he’d put the website back up if he had a sponsor. Amazingly, he spent twenty years translating independently. Just because we who would be of the Ancient Aramaic Church didn’t have their scriptures. I request everyone who fancies his or herself to be one who would have joined the AAC to actually purchase Alexander’s translations, along with any others which might be bought for comparison and study. Alexander’s is an idiomatic work—conveys the ideas meant as well as he can. The Old Testament Scriptures is not complete, but I think supplies major ideas and concepts not found in other translations. But then again, I’m a Nevillite who reads the scriptures esotericly. My e-mail, imagicworldview@aol.com, can be found on this website.
God spoke to me audibly, so I set out to find what he has said to other people. I found he is in constant transition becoming himself MANIFESTED, and there is nothing other than himself, which makes him us and we him in the process of becoming him. The processes involved in his becoming are complicated to us, but he knows exactly what he is doing and lets us know. Thus I have learned to read the Bible a bit differently than others, and am here trying to get us in sync with his program.
Discovering that God is real and the world is per the Bible (Spirit based, not matter based), I realized everything I thought I knew--my whole secular and religious worldviews--were wrong! Studying the Bible in light of the God I discovered, I have found that most things taught about it are wrong, too. God is right, and the Bible was originally, too, but it has been edited, corrupted, falsified, mistranslated, misread and misinterpreted to mitigate our understanding of its message of oneness. "God is One," includes YOU!!!
Do you have Alexander's New Testament chapters please? I would particularly like to find Romans, if you happen to have them. Thanks, Andrew
Andrew Chapman, at 10:35 AM
I do have Alexander’s translations in digital form except Acts, Philemon, and Isaiah. I would very much like to get those three in digital form—neglected to download them from v-a.com/bible while it was up. Alexander said he’d put the website back up if he had a sponsor. Amazingly, he spent twenty years translating independently. Just because we who would be of the Ancient Aramaic Church didn’t have their scriptures. I request everyone who fancies his or herself to be one who would have joined the AAC to actually purchase Alexander’s translations, along with any others which might be bought for comparison and study. Alexander’s is an idiomatic work—conveys the ideas meant as well as he can. The Old Testament Scriptures is not complete, but I think supplies major ideas and concepts not found in other translations. But then again, I’m a Nevillite who reads the scriptures esotericly. My e-mail, imagicworldview@aol.com, can be found on this website.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:36 AM
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