The Becoming God

Friday, June 05, 2020

Practice the Person

I believe the Ineffable is a person. This is an imagic world, and what we see everywhere is person: consciouses (the plural: conscious-eez). Every living thing is conscious, and in that is a person. We are a bit more aware of being a person than other living things, but not nearly as aware as the Ineffable. We, as every other living being, are the imagination we have (are), and Imagination is the image of the Ineffable Being we are the manifestation of. We are imagination, the Manifestation of the Ineffable.

It is quite obvious to me, as this image (imagination) fills this experience, that the Ineffable is imagining. The Ineffable is hardly an impersonal force. It is imagining us, and our imagination is Its imagination, also--the Person. If we are It, we ought to be doing what It is doing: thinking like God, Who we are. This evokes the question: How does It think? I propose this little bit: God assumes an end with dogged, tenacious faith. It started a long time ago, and hasn't stopped yet. Practice the Person we are by assuming the end It is--the Ineffable Manifest. Practice the Person you are. Perform Him.


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