The Becoming God

Monday, November 05, 2018

Sing a Song of Mirth; Sing a Joyful Song of Freedom! A Rephrasing of My "Best Song in History: The Melodians' 'Rivers of Babylon'" Post

I know the words the Melodians sang in Rivers of Babylon were not necessarily the words intended. I’ve got a story for that: it is called prophecy, the speaking of God through a person. The story goes that a very capable pastor prayed that God would help him in his preaching. He kept very meticulous notes of what he was going to say in his sermons, documenting where everything he said came from. But after preaching his sermons, he noted that he had said some very impressive things he had no documentation for. Time and time again, ideas and understandings just came to him as he spoke, and he preached them unintended. "Where the heck did THAT come from?" he wondered.

"Well, you asked Me to help you."

God speaks to us in songs. E.g., I cannot hear "Help me, Rhonda" by the Beach Boys, without sensing that I am imploring Jesus to get the Devil out of my heart. "When will Messiah (the Anointing) come?" When you will but listen. Listen, my friends.

The Melodians who sang Rivers of Babylon were Rasta prophets. God certainly spoke through them. Notice how the lyrics changed. They sang, "By the rivers of Babylon, where He sat down . . . ." Yes, they were referring to Emperor Haile Selassie, their King Alpha, but he, Alpha, was a representative of the Son of God, our Beginning, the Christ. It is Christ who sits down as us in this ignorance, and it is HE who remembers Zion when WE are required by this ignorance to sing the joyful song of freedom. Boney M sings an entirely different song (I love it to pieces, though).

How can we sing the joyful song of mirth and freedom (Isaac) that lifts us to perfection, the song of King Alpha (the Anointing), while in this strange land of ignorance?

Helloooo, Isaac. The Song of Mirth comes with the realization of our freedom—the joy of discovering that we are the Milta, the Manifestation of the Ineffable Who was planned, its completeness determined from the Beginning (Genesis 1:1). Our full realization of being the Father is the fulfillment of God's will, the Gospel, and its beginning in our reality is the baptism in the Holy Spirit (don't take any wooden nickels).

The Laughter that is Isaac comes from the realization that we are the Merciful Father, Abraham. ALL THE CHARACTERS OF GENESIS ARE ONE MAN: MOSES, WHO IS YOU (AS GOD HAS BECOME YOU, FOR MOSES IS THE GERM OF THE GOSPEL OF GOD IN YOU).

In Genesis, the Ineffable became the Beginning, the Son who created (i.e., imagined and became) Adam. Adam, the "blood" of God, by imagination became all the physically and spiritually living: Cain and Abel. Alas, the Ineffable's imagination was inferior to the Ineffable Itself. Got to get it up to speed through this ignorance of amnesia. The ignorance has a purpose: it generates the nature and characteristics of the Ineffable in us. Humbled and submitted unto God, we receive the very Light, Life, and Love of God in the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Regeneration through the Anointing (O Far-I)! THAT is how we sign the song of King Alpha, by remembering that "I AM YOU" (Exodus 3:14).

Sounds kind of preachy, doesn't it? But what informed Neville's attitude? HE REMEMBERED THAT HE WAS GOD. In a sense, we revert to Godhood to do Its will. We "die" of our self-will and self-lordship and will ourselves to do whatever God wants us to do. We shut-up and listen for directions eager to obey the Divine Intelligence we are one with. And It says, "Imagine (Sing) this."


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