The Becoming God

Monday, November 12, 2018

YOU are the Son of the Natural God — We All Are!!

It amazes me how difficult it is to convince someone that God exists and to get them to participate in Him. I have to admit I was blindsided by God: I mindlessly knelt down to receive the gift of tongues after becoming a doctrinal Christian (i.e., I was considered a "Christian" simply because I believed the doctrines) and was Shanghaied into a trance which took me to meet God face-to-face (that's a figure of speech, folks). My moments in that trance got real serious, real real, real quick. Then there I was, slapped upside the head with a two-by-four by its reality, trying to tell family and friends alike that it was real, that God is real, and they were all, like, crossed fingers in front of me: "Get away from me, fool!" Like it wasn't real or something.

"It's all evolution," said one. Well, sure it is. What else would it be? BUT, WHAT IS EVOLUTION? We open the Book of Science, and it says that everything is energy, that all energy is intelligent, that all time is current, that the future dictates the past, and that all is non-determined. I.e., It. Is. All. Evolving.

Duh. God says to Moses, "I am you, and you are Me" (my take on Exodus 3:14 Alexander). God is constantly manifesting in everything that is. He, the Intelligence and Imagination of the electromagnetic (or whatever) field, knew from day zero all knowledge till the last day (not that there is one). So God knows all that ever was, all that is, all that will ever be . . . and every variance that will ever evolve at any time in the entire universe. EVERYTHING PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE IS PLASTIC IN HIS HANDS, WHICH IS IMAGINATION. And we are that.

So why won't people go? I have evidence for me, but everyone needs real evidence for themselves. I stretched out my arms and found that one was about half an inch shorter than the other. Okay, one was about half an inch LONGER than the other. Charles Hunter simply asked Jesus to make them the same length, and I watched the fingertips of the shorter one move even to the longer one. WATCHED them, because I had stretched out my arms.

Big whoop-de-doo, right? Well, I am realizing now that the Intelligence simply re-imagined and corrected my past arm growth. Changing my past, my present arm length adjusted! ALL IS MALLEABLE TO HIS MIND. "Jesus" is simply Jehovah (YHWH), the power and the wisdom of the Intelligence, consuming bad and providing good to replace it. It does not matter if the bad was past, present, or future. It goes and good is in its place; it is all present to Him.

We are this power's sons. Male or female, we are OF It, but we are here. We are Its sons. To honor the Intelligence as our father is only fitting, because a) it is true, and because b) honoring Him is right. THAT IS ALL HE IS ASKING OF US: JUST RECOGNIZE THAT WE ARE ONE.

Please visit and view these videos:

What is Reality? [Official Film],"

Double Slit Experiment Explained! by Jim Al-Khalili

A simple, logical explanation? All light is the Divine Intelligence. All is connected in time and space as one, and the Divine Intelligence is one with us. Light has always become particulate TO FACILITATE OUR "OBSERVER" EXPERIENCES. No experience, no particle. It is as simple as that. The scientists’ mistake is failing to recognize the primacy of Intelligence. Intelligence is power to become what it thinks it is. Give the award to Neville Goddard; he's the one who said it.

But why won't people turn to this Intelligence, which is natural, organic, and evolving PER SCIENCE? Because it is "Spirit?" What the heck do they think consciousness is? It is local to our bodies, brains, and hearts, sure; but it also is transmitted and received to and from all of creation ACCORDING TO SCIENCE. We are just itsy-bitsy manifestations of the Big-Guy Intelligence. And He likes us. How hard is it to humble ourselves to just talk to Him with respect and honor, as child to father, mano y mano?

I try to get people to just consider Him, and all I get is flack. Dudes and dudettes, we all are OF the Eternal Intelligence. It spans and is conscious of all AS ITS PRESENT. It can direct us to desired futures, and It can correct undesired pasts, for though all time exists, it is undetermined. ALL IS THE INTELLIGENCE. How can you not respect it?


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