The Becoming God

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Interesting Things to Think About #3: The Rules of Prayer

This is typically discussed as "technique." Almost like children, we wonder about rules regarding how to pray. Sitting? Standing? On knees and bowed? Reclining? Eyes open or shut? Palms up or down? Legs crossed? Spoken or thought? To the Father? To the Son? To the Holy Spirit? Formal, King James, or intimate/informal?

But prayer is mind - the rules apply there. Are we respecting our Source? Are we calmed and focused? Are we sleepy, drowsy to a theta level of consciousness? Have we risen above this world of “facts” and forgiven it? Do we know exactly what we want? Are we doing good for all concerned? Can we find ourselves “there,” having already received what we want, thinking—satisfied, relieved, and thankful—from that state, and not still feeling the wanting of what we desire? Do we need to give something up to make room for what we want? Are we demonstrating devotion and submission? Ought we repeat vision and action over and over, or just “hear” it clearly? How 3D-y do “all the tones of reality” have to be?

The one thing I most hang onto most regarding technique is my theology. My theology says that shem, the Hebrew word for ‘name,’ means nature. God’s nature is the Law of Creation, and God’s nature is its technique. God does everything according to his nature. Where you read ‘name’ in the Bible, it is talking about the thing's nature.

Edit 02/06/2019 Regarding the rules of prayer and its nature: A major factor in prayer is the attaining the feeling that you HAVE what you want. "Feeling is the secret." Why? Because Christ is the spirit within us, hidden in our sub-consciousness, and its manifestation is not in the things we get, but in the emotional experience we get from them. Our physical beings and brains are kind of an amusement ride for the Father. We in our states facilitate Her sensations of emotions through our experiences. In prayer, yes, do say what you want and see the things you want--imagine them--but especially feel the emotional experience of REALLY having them. Feel them as real, as things you have, and tactually feel and use them. Enter the nature of real experience.

In his lecture The Law of Liberty, Neville shares the experience of one of his student friends. The fellow was a successful writer. But he ran into problems with one of his stories. It wasn't working. Taking a walk, he applied Neville's teachings. He imagined how Robert Louis Stevenson must have felt having completed a good story. Then, in his "own shoes" again, he imagined himself having that same feeling about his story. He mentally manifested the emotional experience he desired AS HAVING IT. Then all the problem with his story seemed self-evident to be fixed.

Another like lecture: You are Christ - the Power and Wisdom. Remember, when the Bible speaks of 'kingdom,' it is referring to power. Having power is what makes one king. Kingdom is having the power which makes one king. One's kingdom is power. The kingdom of God, Eil, the Almighty Shaddai, is within YOU, and they are looking for EXPERIENCES. Feed their hunger for their nature to be manifest by experiencing in prayer good for everyone. "How would it FEEL if it were true?" If you cannot feel it, think of someone who could, and imagine their feelings. Now, you can feel it, and be it in consciousness, too!


Interesting Things to Think About #3, The Rules of Prayer (cont.): We Need to Convince Our Subconscious That What We Desire IS; i.e., We Need to Manifest It in Our Minds IN ITS POSITIVE FORM


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