The Becoming God

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Interesting Things to Think About #3, The Rules of Prayer (cont.): We Need to Convince Our Subconscious Mind That What We Desire IS; i.e., In Our Mind We Need to Imagine as Manifest What We Want IN ITS POSITIVE FORM

The world is constantly echoing what we believe is. Because our subconscious mind is our connection, as it were, with God, and if we are convinced - believe - a thing in our subconscious, God manifests what we believe AS A REFLECTION OF OURSELVES in our world. In all actuality, our subconscious minds, our conscious selves, and the echo/reflection of what we believe all are God. Our conscious selves are not real clear on the concept and are working on it.

The subconscious mind does not have any doubts or fears, and it does not understand negatives such as "I do not want that to happen." It simply sees our doubts, fears, and "that" manifested in the mind as beliefs and echos them in the world, much to our dismay. Be careful what you think (i.e., what you manifestly believe in your mind), as what manifests there WILL manifest in life.

In traditional prayer, we may intensely desire some envisioned outcome and intently pray that vision in its desired fulfillment - the answered prayer - over and over in our request unto God. For many thousands of years people have testified that such prayer does work. For God is that Consciousness we are in our subconscious mind. We are thus no distance to God--we all are one consciousness. I guarantee God, the Consciousness, hears us . . . without fear to manifest what we MANIFESTLY believe in our subconscious minds. But is that really what you want manifested in your world? On a scale of one to ten, I'll bet not.

Are you getting what I am suggesting about "manifest" belief? It is one thing to idly entertain thoughts, to daydream, to engage in "wishful thinking," but when something is believed to be real, whether it is or isn't, it becomes manifested mentally. You might say that the thought takes on substance. This is the same kind of creation we read about in the Book of Genesis: "God created." I.e., the Consciousness IMAGINED. Now, the Sabbath, we are taking on physical forms.

To pray, we have to convince our subconscious mind, which is the Consciousness, that what we want is manifest in our mind. Our desire has to become manifested belief. We can either:
a) pray traditionally, requesting our envisioned fulfillment with belief, praise, and thanksgiving.
b) revision the past, which is to re-experience it as though what we desire is what happened.
c) remember when, which is to mentally experience fulfilled desire in an imagined future, like Genesis 1, remembering the present as a distant memory.
d) refuse and recreate, which is to often done on the run, rejecting things seen and heard--experienced--which deny that what we desire exists, and imagining instead seeing and hearing what we desire as though it were what was seen and heard.
e) quantum jump, which apparently is to imagine visiting/being in a world where what is desired already exists. This might be very much like Neville's student suffering writer's-block, who imagined how Robert Louis Stevenson must have felt having completed a wonderful story, and then MANIFESTLY FEELING THAT WAY HIMSELF. Some (generally kids looking to perform Magick) are calling possibly occult ritual techniques like this "dimensional leaping."

Any of these techniques thought in mind to the taking on "all the tones of reality" IN ASSUMPTION may convince our subconscious that it is what we manifestly believe, thus causing its manifestation in our world by the Law of Assumption.

Interesting Things to Think About #3: The Rules of Prayer

Note on "Interesting Things to Think About #3: the Rules of Prayer": the Gospel is Real

"Try it!": Neville Goddard on Successful Prayer

More Neville on Successful Prayer


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