The Becoming God

Friday, September 30, 2016

E'had in Deuteronomy 6: 4 Is Not Father and Son, It Is Him and You

The E'had (one) in Deuteronomy 6: 4 "Hear, O Isreal, the Lord your God, the Lord is one," is not Father and Son; it is Him and You. What do you think 'Israel' MEANS?

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Elohim is a Singular Word With a Plural Ending

I know I have said this before, but it bears repeating that the word 'Elohim' is singular even though it has a plural ending. It signifies "Over the flames." What is over the flames is power, power that is power because it is the Ineffable, but it isn't spoken because it is ineffable.

This is the same case as in the first verse of Genesis: "As the Beginning 'Son' of God, (the Ineffable) created God, the Heavens, and the Earth." The Ineffable is the actor, but is not spoken. 'Created' signifies an imagined plan the Ineffable is becoming. There isn't a separate Creation; the ineffable Source is imagining, and Its imagination is becoming. The Ineffable is the created, and the "flames" (Jethro and us) are It-as-created, also. Becoming is in-house: God is one.

Day one in Genesis 1, by the way, is I believe his revelation, our salvation and Pentecost. A package deal. Most people in becoming Christians never get past Day one. The subsequent Days are psychological advancement, maturing, not the physical evolution of the planet earth.

In Psalms 82: 6, God is not saying that we are gods, he is saying that we are him!!! This is the point also in Deuteronomy 6: 4, that God is one, and we are included in him. And it is the point again in Exodus 3: 14, that God is manifesting in and through us. His emanation is him. There is no division! And again, this is what is meant by Jesus Christ: Jesus is God, YHWH, the Ineffable in action, and Christ is his being in us -- that is, our being him. We are the God-man.

You really have to read Alexander's translations. See -- he publishes online! I buy his books because there is so much to learn. Yeah, I buy them.

Neville Goddard's Practice of Bi-locating

I usually just listen to Neville's lectures on YouTube, but the other day I did a general search on Neville Goddard and noticed "Who was Neville Goddard" by John Kironde ( I will say up front that I do not agree with Kironde's theology, but he highlighted something about Neville's practice that I have paid too-little attention to, that of bi-locating.

Speaking of the training Neville received from Abdullah, Kironde says:

"Neville spent the rest of his life teaching what he had learned from experience, albeit rudely (see comment by John Peter at 4:40, below). In order to do that, he experimented by 'bi locating': putting his imaginal body where his physical Self wasn’t. He would sit in his bedroom, with the door closed and imagine that he was seated in the corridor, by the telephone, a place that was not even visible from the bedroom. Upon opening his eyes, he would be shocked to discover that he had successfully deceived himself into feeling like he, indeed, was in the corridor.

"Neville discovered that assuming, in imagination, that you are at a different point in space and time, always leads to your physical body gravitating to that place, after a while. In other words, Abdullah was so sure that Neville would go to Barbados because he had imagined the outcome, knowing that the Law is very precise and unalterable. Neville then learned that, the more you practice, placing yourself where you physically aren’t, you will achieve a refinement of the inner senses, leading to a full awakening of your Imagination, the Being you really are."

Practice. Neville practiced the practice of bi-locating. This is what he meant by thinking FROM the desired state. In his mind, he actually went there. With intense effort that eventually became quite easy for him, he would hear good reports from people. In the evening he would review his day and revision its events as having happened the way he wanted them to happen. Says Kironde in "Who was Neville Goddard,"

"Neville taught the following technique as quoted from his book, OUT OF THIS WORLD:
1. Define your objective—know definitely what you want.
2. Construct an event which you believe you will encounter following the fulfillment of your desire—something which will have the action of self predominant—an event which implies the fulfillment of your desire.
3. Immobilize the physical body and induce a state of consciousness akin to sleep; then, mentally feel yourself right into the proposed action—imagining all the while that you are actually performing the action here and now so that you experience in imagination what you would experience in the flesh were you now to realize your goal."

Again, I do not mean to endorse John Kironde's theology -- he hasn't learned some the things I myself have recently found, that we are not 'gods' but God himself (which is the whole point of the revelation) -- but I certainly do appreciate his pointing out that Neville practiced . . .

. . . and practiced . . .

. . . and practiced . . .

. . . and practiced . . .

. . . bi-locating. I remember Neville's experience flipping back and forth in consciousness from lying on his bed to being inside the room pictured on the wall. Finding himself in that room, he went exploring past the door in the picture. In the hallway he scared the wits out of some ladies walking by. I wonder what they saw or heard as he greeted them. Was it just his imagination? His sister in Barbados saw him when he imagined himself there, while he was physically in New York!

He said that what the inner man experiences, the outer man shall also experience. But it takes practice for practice to make perfect. The word 'perfect' cuts two ways here:

1) You need to practice to make your practice perfect.
2) You need to practice to make YOURSELF perfect, for that is our high calling in Christ Jesus.

Said Abdullah to the unemployed, penniless (literally) Neville, "What?! Who said you are GOING to Barbados? A man of your stature? You are IN Barbados and you WENT 1st class!!!!"

Stature? Neville the penniless student? Neville, who couldn't afford a $12 suit or a $3 pair of shoes? Besides bi-locating Neville practiced bi-stating. Abdullah had him imagine himself to be noble, a man of character, status, and prestige; a kind man, a man of charity and patience, a benevolent man who invested his power and knowledge in the uplifting of others. We are not here just to get good, but to give good.

One reason I do not believe in the so-called Law of Attraction is its direction is all wrong. Our lives are the OUT-PICTURING of our inner selves. We are not getting, we are GIVING. The Law is the out-picturing, the out-flowing of our ASSUMPTIONS, of God's assumptions. Learn to assume well, and practice, practice, practice.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Neville Goddard's Secret-of-Success Answer to Sami: the Death of the Salesman

I think this is one of the big secrets that everyone is looking for in the Law of Assumption. I have tried to explain elsewhere, but nobody does it better than Neville (see paragraph below). You can listen to it on YouTube, if that is accessible to you, as *Rare* Neville Goddard Lecture 255 "Sami's Question" (1968) ( Says Neville there:

"When I speak of feeling, I don't mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. And you can think you did that, but you can know for sure: if you haven't achieved your goal, you don't have acceptance. And the reason you don't have acceptance is that you are still thinking of the goal rather than thinking from the goal. That is all there is to it. And if you are thinking of a goal, rather than thinking from the goal, you can do that for ten years and nothing will happen. But the instant you think from the goal, your world will change. And that can happen tomorrow. It can happen in an instant, but it can never happen from continuing to think in that older way" (emphasis mine).

Acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled is the key. So also is vividness, gratitude and thanksgiving. It isn't just being there, say as an actor on the stage; it is 'there' being real to you. This brings to mind Gregg Braden's discussion of the three mystical physicians in Beijing metaphysically operating on a woman with a tumor in her bladder. I don't remember which video that was, but I will find the clip and post it here. Okay, I found a copy of it in a compilation called "Gregg Braden Feeling is Prayer" The relevant clip starts at 8:13 minutes and the operation is seen (!) at 14:35 to 16:35. Two minutes flat to heal an inoperable cancer. The thing is, the three TRAINED pray-ers agreed that the woman was normal, that the tumor was not there. Braden seems to think they were saying, "Wa-sa," but I hear "Hua," "Se," and "Mei." These are not magic words but express their acceptance of the desired reality. And the tumor disappeared in two minutes flat. The pray-ers were trained to do what? The relevant clip starts with Gregg explaining this.

What are they doing in the video? The implication is that this heart attitude is really how to pray. Their prayer is not the words; it is the attitude they are experiencing inside. Find that, and you have found the fulfillment of all your dreams.

We make great mental effort to convince ourselves that what we desire is, that we are there, that we are in it, that we are thinking from it, that we have the feeling of having accepted it, that we have received it. But as long as we are trying to sell this to ourselves, we haven't accepted it. As Neville has taught, prayer is movement to that place, the state desired. When we break through to actually accepting it as reality, the salesman "dies." We have bought it -- lock, stock, and barrel.

Neville asks, "What would it be like if it were true? Can you believe it?" If you do believe it, the world will be compelled to manifest it in the out-picturing of your inner person. Prayer is compelling the world.

Those who show up in prayer lines for healing believe that Jesus Christ is Lord (YHWH). They might be quite inaccurate in what they do believe about him, but they thoroughly believe that he is. They accept it. Healing tells them, "Yeah, you've got this much right. Now you KNOW that I am real and that I am Lord." Once that is anchored, he can straighten out the details.

We don't have to have all the details right. All we have to do is to believe that what we see or hear or feel in our imagination is real. Real real. Burt Goldman has a good line on this. He came up with Quantum Jumping, which is imagining that you go to another planet where another you is doing something you want to do or knows something you want to know, and you carry that ability or knowledge (or whatever) back to this reality with you. But the thing is: their reality, the one you are visiting, is real to you. You accept your doppelganger's reality as a real reality -- brick and mortar stuff. I imagine that the logic of Quantum Jumping, which I have not tried, suspends your salesman (or at least confuses the hell out of him).

Happy believing . . . and accepting. RIP, salesman.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Neville Goddard and the Missed Message

There is a message which almost everyone has missed: The Father is the mother of the Father, and you are the Father. That seems clear enough. "You are the Father that is mother to yourself," is another way of saying it. In the ancient Aramaic, God said, "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" (Exodus 3: 14, see Alexander's notes: In other words, you cause your world. That . . . is you.

The ineffable Most High (. . .), who is incomprehensibly beyond everything we can think or know, desired form. This was the Father becoming the Mother of Itself, for everything is birthed from the imagination; that is, THE Imagination. Imagination IS Its form. What comes from the Imagination is the manifestation of the Father, for His Imagination is Him, and the manifestation of Himself is that which He desires. His intelligence imagining is Power to become what He imagines.

THEY, if you will, became us.

We (they with us, for we are included in them) have become everything. The world reflects us, even as we reflect them. THAT, considering this world, may be discouraging, but we are early in the Eternal. The Father desires us to be Him. We have to BECOME Him, because He did. Whatever generation He has gone through, we have to go through too. Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day, and the Ineffable Source is a lot bigger than Rome.

First the desire, then the manifestation, which may be a long ways away as it happens "naturally." 'Tis a long birth process, my friend.

The Power or "Kingdom of God" is the imagination. We are born in ignorance, and finding self-control of the imagination is a narrow door. Imagining under control is a constricted way. Seriously, being faithful to the idea that someone you know who has a deplorable, wholly aggravating personality to be a good, noble, loving person is HARD. Forgiveness means FORGETTING, and forgetting that so-and-so is a SOB or that you are hungry or sick is nigh unto impossible. But it is the way to life. The way we want it to be has to become the way we think it actually is . . . until it is.

Neville Goddard was a Christian. He learned mystical Judaism from Abdullah. Neville desired to go to Barbados. "You are in Barbados!" said Abdullah. We must imagine the END, that which shall be, as though it were, for it is the END that is desired.

Neville, in 1933 New York approaching Christmas, imagined being in balmy Barbados. He slept in his bed as his bed in Barbados. And while literally penniless, he spent Christmas with his family in Barbados. He had discovered the Kingdom of God and the narrow door and the constricted way.

These are repentance: "For he whoever asks, receives* (*note: is set), and [whoever] seeks, finds. And whoever knocks, it is opened to them" (Matthew 7: 8; Alexander If you would ask, imagine it's been received and is already set. If there is that for which you seek, believe it is found. You want it opened? It is opened to you.

The Kingdom (Power) of God has to do with attitudes. We are the Father becoming manifest. Our imagination is mother to our manifestation. Note that the Mother of All Living, Eve, comes out of Adam's creative rib -- his desire and imagination. If you want, desire, in your self-controlled imagination believe you've already got.

You ARE the Father (there isn't anything else, but still, you are a big deal). Have confidence that whatever noble end you imagine IS -- received, set, found, and open to you. Eil the Shaddai is the Father, and you should see the breasts of Mother. Now THAT is Jethro (His superabundance)!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Foremost and Above All, Every Pastor Should Be Teaching Our Inclusion in the Oneness of God, Because, Dude, THAT'S WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT!!!

To my mind there is only thing the Bible teaches: the oneness of God. "Hear (listen up!), O Israel, YHWH your God (the Becoming One, the imagining action of the Ineffable Source), YHWH is one!" This charge by Moses in Deuteronomy 6: 4 is to every one who would be ruled of God by the imagining of the Most High. It is a heads-up: "This is how it is anyway! You can go with it and prosper in its progress, or face the consequences of being contrary to it. You can live with God's direction and empowerment, or in your ignorance . . . with his instructional frustrations, futility, and afflictions. He's going to make you learn and grow into him; it is every man's destiny to fulfill the scriptures. There is no freedom from God, for there isn't anything but God!"

The oneness of God encompasses all. We are inside the circle. Everything is inside the circle. The Bible is all about God, and it is all about man. He became we spirits, and we are becoming him. We are his action of becoming. God speaks by imagining, and man speaks by imagining. We are really the same dude: we (he and we) are one consciousness, but we are only aware of a small portion of it (and that for a season and a purpose). Existence is advaita, without division. There is not God and a separate Creation; there is only God. There is no other, let alone a "Wholly Other." All is God: the unknowable, ineffable "Source" . . . and all this stuff. We're a package deal.

Imagination is causative; it is his intelligence. This is the reading of Genesis 1: 1 from the ancient language and according to the mystical understanding of Jewish rabbis: "The Beginning (the imagining/Son of the Most High and Ineffable, Incomprehensible Source) created (imagined into existence/became) 'God,' the heavens, and the earth." All -- the Spirit and the universe of mind and material -- are myriad individual imaginings of the Source. His intelligence is power to become, all as one forming the emanation/manifestation of Itself! God through the Bible is saying, "Hey, can I get a little cooperation here?"

We are individual (not independent) imaginings of God. The incomprehensible Eternal Source is manifesting Its image, Its form, and all this is part of the process (he still has quite a ways to go, and like it or not we are eternal beings along for the ride). Jesus Christ our Lord is not a guy in the sky; he is 'Jesus,' God in his action of saving us, and 'Christ,' his power and wisdom in us and as us as our imagination, David! 'David' is the sum total of all human action in manifesting the Eternal, and we are his source, his father -- the Father. It isn't a circle; it is a singularity: Jesus-Christ IS us, the God-man.

The world is sign language, illustration of our inner being. It is the reflection of our inner man's beliefs, the manifestation of what is wrong with us and the nature we are called to, our state of being. Learning His nature informs us of our nature, and this is not just psychological in our minds, it is manifest as the world we live in! Who could possibly arrange that? Only God. To manifest a different reflection, we have to become a different image, a different imagining. There is no Law of Attraction/Vibration; it is the Law of Assumption. We have to assume a different state to be manifested. That is why we have to "live in the end" in our praying. And this is where self-control comes in; not as self-lordship to effect our will, but as submission to his will, to think his thoughts. We have wide latitude in this, just keep it within the bounds of his nature.

Every potential for everything that might possibly happen EVER was provided for at the start. Every potential was accounted for and exists unmanifest. We operated from birth in the ignorance we had taken on, but now (hopefully) we learn and adapt and conform to manifest our joint nature with God: nobility, love, integrity, fidelity, honor, benevolence, and grace . . . through the power of God and the Wisdom of God, our human imagination.

To be continued.

Thursday, September 08, 2016

Correcting Luke 11: 8's "Importunity": It is God Who is Persistent in His Integrity, not You in Your Asking, Seeking, Knocking

The mistake in translating Luke 11:8 is so severe it deserves its own post. It is completely wrong in the King James Version: "I say unto you, though he will not rise and give him because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth." They are all wrong. All versions save one plainly suggest that we be audaciously persistent in making our requests to God.

In the ancient Aramaic, the "neighbor" is your own family member, a kinsman. The "friend on a journey" is also a relative. The one who is persistent is not you in your asking but the inconvenienced kinsman in bed with his kids in his integrity. Here is how it is in Victor Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic (

8. "I tell you, that if not out of a sense of kinship he does it, then surely because of his integrity he will rise and give him as much as he wants.*

*11:8 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "I tell you, that if because of kinship he will not not give it to him, he will rise and give him as much as he wants because of his persistent sense of duty.

Regardless of the inconvenience, a kinsman is duty bound to help his relatives. We are more than kinsmen to God; we are members of his body, closer than any brother! If a kinsman will get up in the middle of the night to get you some grub (and the point is that he certainly will!), how much more will Eil the Shaddai provide for you, his own Manifestation? Correction: how much more has Eil the Shaddai provided for you, his very own Manifestation?

You do not need to repeatedly ask the Savior to give you the desires of your heart -- he is the one who gives them to you! He persists! It is his audacity. "Ask, and it shall be given unto you." That is why we ask by believing we receive: He who 'asks,' receives. In your prayer, you have got it. Then by faith you continue in confidence and gratitude and thanksgiving for what has already been granted. Adore God, for he is faithful. 'Ask' by receiving, 'seek' by finding, 'knock' by believing it is opened unto you. And then, in your imagination, do the next thing you would do if it were true over and over and over again until it takes on all the tones of reality, and fall asleep in that state, and Praise God!

Stop Misreading the Bible: Luke 11: 8 Corrected and the Other Lesson on Prayer in Matthew 7: 7

It was one of those "words" that slip into my mind, maybe because I had been talking to DeBorah about technique. "Whoever asks, receives"; not that in the future he who asks would receive from a third party, God, what he asked for, but his "asking" was by imagining what he desired as having been received. We "ask" in faith by believing that what we desire has already been GIVEN by God and is as received. Whoever "asks," receives.

That made sense to me -- ask by imagining it received, seek by imagining it found, knock by imagining it opened. So I checked my Victor Alexander version of Matthew 7: 7, "Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find. Knock and it shall be opened to you."

That was kind of a bummer. Maybe all the pastors aren't teaching prayer wrong after all. But then, Matthew 7: 8: "For whoever asks, receives* (note; is set), and [whoever] seeks, finds. And whoever knocks, it is opened to them. Oh, here in verse 8 is the lesson, the rest is commentary!

All the pastors teach how to pray incorrectly, "Keep asking; don't give up!" because Luke 11: 8 is mistranslated. You know Luke 11: 8; it is where a man goes to his neighbor's house in the middle of the night and asks for three loaves of bread, because a friend has come on a journey and the man has nothing to feed his friend. The man in the house is in bed with the whole family covered up, and doesn't want to get up, but because of the man outside's importunity/shameless audacity/persistence he will get up and give him all that he requests. Applied to prayer, THIS IS COMPLETELY WRONG!!!!

Let's look at Luke 11: 5-10 translated from the ancient Aramaic:

5. And he told them, "Which one of you that has a relative, and who goes to him in the middle of the night, and tells him, 'Kinsman, I need three loves [of bread.]
6. " 'Since a relative has come to me from a journey and I have nothing to place before him.'
7. "And he replies from inside and says to him, 'Do not bother me. Behold, the door is locked and my children are in bed with me. I cannot rise and give you [the bread.]'
8. "I tell you, that if not out of a sense of kinship he does it, then surely because of his integrity he will rise and give him as much as he wants.*
9. "I also tell you, ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you will find it. Knock and it will be opened to you.
10. "For whoever asks, receives and [whoever] seeks, finds and [whoever] knocks, it will be opened to him.

*11:8 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "I tell you, that if because of kinship he will not not give it to him, he will rise and give him as much as he wants because of his persistent sense of duty.

It is not a neighbor; it is your relative, your kin. It is not your persistent asking, your "importuning" that gets him up; it is your kin's persistent sense of duty, his integrity as your kin to provide whatever you need and expect from him because of that kinship. A neighbor would come out and punch your lights out, but this is an illustration of our oneness with God and HIS integrity in his kinship with us, his persistent sense of duty to perform his word. God has integrity to his word. It is he who is persistent. The lesson is you can count on that! Once we desire, we are set! Just be faithful to the idea and be grateful.

Thus the way to "ask" is to believe you have received, the way to "seek" is to believe it is found, and the way to "knock" is to believe it is opened unto you. For God isn't going to give you something other than what you desire. He is a good kinsman, no? So FAITH believes what you ask is heard and granted and is received; not in the future by some third party God, but now -- from the foundation of the world and by the founder of the world.

Have you been praying wrong for years because you don't have Victor Alexander's translations from ancient Aramaic? You can peruse them online at Read what the Bible actually teaches.

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

The Miracle of Miracles: Stumbling upon the Missing Technique of Healing

On Sep 4, 2016 5:08 AM, wrote:


Did I say something different from what you meant in this?

My next post works the idea of Jesus Christ a bit further.

No. I think everything you said was fine. I guess I wasn't really clear on the fact that I understand the Law, but the Promise eludes me, which at that point had caused a bit of frustration. Basically, I am focusing on the Law and leaving everything regarding the Promise alone, because I'm not having that experience.

Dear DeBorah,

As I understood Neville in "God's Law and His Promise," the Promise is working anyway -- there isn't very much we can do about it except learn the Law, so learn to use the Law. We can talk about the Law in practical terms. We talk about it as a technique, but it is not like the practice of voodoo or magic; it is more of an actualized theology. My New Testament professor always said, "The Kingdom of God has to do with attitudes." Perhaps I could say that attitudes are actualized principles, like the principles of Christ and faith: they become the very expression of our lives, which is what Mark was saying about Gautama in the Gospel of Mark.

I titled this post, "The Miracle of Miracles: Stumbling upon the Missing Technique of Healing," because so many STUMBLE upon that attitude wherein healing takes place. Not just in Judaism and Christianity but in all the other religions, too. They have their 'deer-caught-in-the-headlights' healings just as we do. Their needy have no intention of striking a certain attitude, but in the confusion of seeking they find it -- or it finds them -- and they are healed. If only it could be bottled. It seems like a technique of the Law; well, okay, it is, but it is also a leg of the Promise. The Promise becomes on this: the overall nature of everything is to generate our mature manifestation of the Source, and miracles are good boots in the butt to get us there.

Technique is ill defined: 'ask,' 'seek,' 'knock,' 'accept' and 'receive' don't tell us a thing about that attitude. Washing might. It is a great idiom, a simile of the attitude: "Go wash in the pool of Siloam" (John 9: 7). Waters for healing make for a thick litany of biblical images. The headlights wash over the deer. Maybe that is what it is -- a spiritual washing and a reboot: washed in the water, the Truck inside says, "I see you whole," and we are. I'll drink to that.

Sunday, September 04, 2016

'Jesus' + 'Christ' = God-man (God's Saving by His Power and Wisdom in Us) as Evidenced by Jethro

As Neville Goddard explained in "The Great Secret," (and similarly in the audio lecture "Revelation" the word 'Jesus' means God and the word 'Christ' means his anointing in man. This is imagination -- the point of contact between God, whose spirit is us, and our human selves, which are that spirit.

"Well," you might say, "That sounds whacked." But I have proof. Well, no, actually . . . YOU have proof. I present to you "From the Right" by Victor Alexander (, which is No. 23 from the Ancient Aramaic Church's [] Audio Files []).

I often mention Victor Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic. I encourage everyone to get them, but they really are not simple to read. I happen have a Bachelor of Theology and two graduate programs underpinning my forty year span of Bible study and philosophical research. I enjoy the mental wrestling it takes to make sense out of what the scriptures say. Regardless, what you get from what you read of Alexander's translations will be used of God to enlighten and elevate your mind and spirit, like this "From the Right" stuff. For Christ's sake, Alexander has it all posted on his web site (above) -- read his text and see if you can wrestle out what it means it before you buy anything.

Okay, how is "From the Right" proof of anything? First of all, your "Bible" is wrong. In Matthew 26: 64, it says that "hereafter you shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven." Your Bible says 'on the right ' or 'at the right hand,' and so with Mark 14: 62; Mark 16: 19; Luke 22: 69; and John 21: 6 (on the right side of the boat). What in reality was really said was 'from the right.' The difference is very significant. Jesus Christ was not speaking about the position he would take in heaven or the location where he would be seen or the authority he would have. HE WAS TALKING ABOUT JETHRO.

This would be the same Jethro Moses talked about. Jethro is God's goodness, his love and holiness. Jethro is the gifts and blessings God gives -- His "jutting over" usward, which is what the word 'jethro' means. THAT is what 'from the right' meant culturally to the ancient Aramaic. Jethro is what Moses discerned of God from the Egyptian myths and sought to understand in the Book of Exodus. This meditation was his "father-in-law" that brought him to the revelation and realization that God is our imagination, which is what I believe Exodus 3: 14's Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh means (see this verse's notes at As Neville so often said, "When it works, you have found Him -- God, who is spirit -- to be your own, wonderful, HUMAN imagination." God's goodness to you "from the right" is your own proof of Christ to you. THAT Jesus Christ -- the Holy Spirit anointed Son of Man -- is YOURSELF!

See John 16:23-24 Without Ulerior Motives

DeBorah Discovers She is the Universe AND the Deity

From: Deborah
To: Daniel Steele
Sent: Mon, Aug 29, 2016 11:16 am
Subject: Neville Goddard 1959

Hello again. After reading pretty much every lecture I could find by Neville Goddard I discovered that there is a drastic change between his work before 1959 and after 1959. He refers to his work before 1959 as the law and everything pretty much after 1959 as the promise that he experienced from God. This has really slowed down my pace and everything that I have been reading by Neville Goddard. I'm beginning to better understand why I haven't had as much success as I had hoped to have by this point. Still feels very much as if there is some missing piece. Something that I'm just not comprehending.

On Aug 30, 2016 5:38 AM, wrote:

My apologies, Poetess. After reading almost all of Neville's lectures and books and many lectures and books by others of his ilk, I assume everyone else has read the same (or is in the process thereof) and is trying to figure out what I am trying to figure out. I forget that I am off alone in my own world. In my communications I may have assumed that what was in my head was in your head, too.

Neville's audio, "God's Law and His Promise," Neville explains these two facets of life, the Law and the Promise. The Promise has to do with our realization of being God. Because we ARE God, we naturally have his nature, which is the Law. God's nature is imagination, for we are the imagination of the Source. We are not imaginary; we are the Source imagining myriad individual imaginings. Particulate matter are become from their (the Source's) imagining to facilitate our becoming what we imagine -- the experience of what we assume to be true. Our annexed bodies enable we spirits to experience what we desire and assume to be true in faith. Desire and fear are rather nebulous to the sub-conscious mind's idea of faith -- what we BELIEVE is what we get, "be it good, bad, or indifferent."

What happens by the Law's operation is our generation to realization of the Promise. The Law is not about our getting whatsoever we want. It --YHWH -- is a mechanism: we are actions of the Source towards Its becoming fully manifest. We are the Father, the very Intelligence of the Source sent into the world as ignoranced imagination to be generated to an even higher degree of likeness to the Source. David, the Beloved, the handsome lad who approaches us, is all our manifestation of the Source. When we are really on track manifesting the Source, David comes and recognizes us as his father, the God of (from) the Source. Neville insisted that we all will have exactly the same experiences he had, but I do not think ours will be the same form. Quality-wise, yes, but God is too broad to be locked into developing us all the same.

I am glad you are not accepting the situation you are in. Listen to the illustrations God gives you in your head when you ask him.


From: DeBorah
To: Daniel Steele
Sent: Tue, Aug 30, 2016 4:46 am
Subject: Re: Neville Goddard 1959

I can accept what you have written here, but it just boggles my mind that a deity that is so powerful but that you (He) could conjure something as delicate as a spinal cord, and it just stay broken -- but worlds can be created . . . and nebula and universes -- but a simple spinal cord can't be healed. I find it really hard to have faith and believe in the power of something that can't do something that simple to me (on top of making it so challenging and complicated just to understand how to request said healing).


You yourself are a universe created with all its complexities. The strange thing you may be struggling to find is that Source first creates the end. It doesn't struggle to get there, It STARTS there: It first imagines the end. The Man that you are IN REALITY is the end of this generation and development: the Christ or Messiah's full revelation. Hence, YOUR full revelation will be the Source's fully manifested emanation. It is our destiny to fulfill the scriptures. You may read this as your being healed in every way and being absolutely sinless and without fault -- the Father in full accord with the Source.

We do not see it now. You need to believe it in faith. Yes, it is complicated "just to understand how to request said healing," because one does not "ask" . . . but accepts.


Regarding the above, mea culpa, DeBorah,

I failed to include an essential point: you are a universe created with all its complexities, and you are the deity. We are zero distance to the Source. No, we are not like It as It is at this time, but we are like what It was at some time. Eternity goes back a day or two. That is my analysis of our present situation. The Source is what we are headed for in our development, and he, Jesus Christ, is us completed.

This is an odd flip to get the hang of, I think. We are to become like him, to do what he does like he does, and yet at that point not do anything at all. "Not my will be done, but your will, O Lord." This is an odd statement to make after the slug fest to get there. We try so hard to establish our will, and then submit at the last instant to his. E.g., you almost never see anyone verbally asking or begging for healing in a prayer line. At least I never have. It is, "tell them what you need . . . and then accept your healing in faith." Is it not our imagination imagining ourselves healed in agreement with the Father? I think paradoxically the slug fest to follow God's will in the world and the submission to whatever his will is both become constant.

Re "Jesus Christ." According to Neville, Jesus is the Father, and Christ is David, his son. David is the sum total of all human action in becoming the Father . . . which comes from the Father. Therefore, when David recognizes you as Father, you remember that you were the source of all his (your) actions (talk about being whipped around in a whirlwind!).

One night I "got" it. "Oh," I thought to myself, "The Source's intelligence is becoming everything, becomes everything . . . that everything might become It. There is no particular end -- It becomes particulate to facilitate spirit (consciousness/imagination) becoming experience. It is a running end. I am Its Action of becoming manifest NOW. It doesn't matter what I become -- whatever I become is the intelligence of the Source becoming the Source manifest."

As I lie down to sleep with this enlightened view in my mind, I said to the supposed Intelligence that I am about my aching shoulder, "You can heal me." And it did. It (the universe) is all intelligent! As I think, it thinks, and as it thinks, I become. Because I am it? Because I am the Source? I am BOTH. That is what 'Jesus Christ' means.

See next post.