The Becoming God

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Neville Goddard and the Missed Message

There is a message which almost everyone has missed: The Father is the mother of the Father, and you are the Father. That seems clear enough. "You are the Father that is mother to yourself," is another way of saying it. In the ancient Aramaic, God said, "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" (Exodus 3: 14, see Alexander's notes: In other words, you cause your world. That . . . is you.

The ineffable Most High (. . .), who is incomprehensibly beyond everything we can think or know, desired form. This was the Father becoming the Mother of Itself, for everything is birthed from the imagination; that is, THE Imagination. Imagination IS Its form. What comes from the Imagination is the manifestation of the Father, for His Imagination is Him, and the manifestation of Himself is that which He desires. His intelligence imagining is Power to become what He imagines.

THEY, if you will, became us.

We (they with us, for we are included in them) have become everything. The world reflects us, even as we reflect them. THAT, considering this world, may be discouraging, but we are early in the Eternal. The Father desires us to be Him. We have to BECOME Him, because He did. Whatever generation He has gone through, we have to go through too. Hey, Rome wasn't built in a day, and the Ineffable Source is a lot bigger than Rome.

First the desire, then the manifestation, which may be a long ways away as it happens "naturally." 'Tis a long birth process, my friend.

The Power or "Kingdom of God" is the imagination. We are born in ignorance, and finding self-control of the imagination is a narrow door. Imagining under control is a constricted way. Seriously, being faithful to the idea that someone you know who has a deplorable, wholly aggravating personality to be a good, noble, loving person is HARD. Forgiveness means FORGETTING, and forgetting that so-and-so is a SOB or that you are hungry or sick is nigh unto impossible. But it is the way to life. The way we want it to be has to become the way we think it actually is . . . until it is.

Neville Goddard was a Christian. He learned mystical Judaism from Abdullah. Neville desired to go to Barbados. "You are in Barbados!" said Abdullah. We must imagine the END, that which shall be, as though it were, for it is the END that is desired.

Neville, in 1933 New York approaching Christmas, imagined being in balmy Barbados. He slept in his bed as his bed in Barbados. And while literally penniless, he spent Christmas with his family in Barbados. He had discovered the Kingdom of God and the narrow door and the constricted way.

These are repentance: "For he whoever asks, receives* (*note: is set), and [whoever] seeks, finds. And whoever knocks, it is opened to them" (Matthew 7: 8; Alexander If you would ask, imagine it's been received and is already set. If there is that for which you seek, believe it is found. You want it opened? It is opened to you.

The Kingdom (Power) of God has to do with attitudes. We are the Father becoming manifest. Our imagination is mother to our manifestation. Note that the Mother of All Living, Eve, comes out of Adam's creative rib -- his desire and imagination. If you want, desire, in your self-controlled imagination believe you've already got.

You ARE the Father (there isn't anything else, but still, you are a big deal). Have confidence that whatever noble end you imagine IS -- received, set, found, and open to you. Eil the Shaddai is the Father, and you should see the breasts of Mother. Now THAT is Jethro (His superabundance)!


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