The Becoming God

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Foremost and Above All, Every Pastor Should Be Teaching Our Inclusion in the Oneness of God, Because, Dude, THAT'S WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT!!!

To my mind there is only thing the Bible teaches: the oneness of God. "Hear (listen up!), O Israel, YHWH your God (the Becoming One, the imagining action of the Ineffable Source), YHWH is one!" This charge by Moses in Deuteronomy 6: 4 is to every one who would be ruled of God by the imagining of the Most High. It is a heads-up: "This is how it is anyway! You can go with it and prosper in its progress, or face the consequences of being contrary to it. You can live with God's direction and empowerment, or in your ignorance . . . with his instructional frustrations, futility, and afflictions. He's going to make you learn and grow into him; it is every man's destiny to fulfill the scriptures. There is no freedom from God, for there isn't anything but God!"

The oneness of God encompasses all. We are inside the circle. Everything is inside the circle. The Bible is all about God, and it is all about man. He became we spirits, and we are becoming him. We are his action of becoming. God speaks by imagining, and man speaks by imagining. We are really the same dude: we (he and we) are one consciousness, but we are only aware of a small portion of it (and that for a season and a purpose). Existence is advaita, without division. There is not God and a separate Creation; there is only God. There is no other, let alone a "Wholly Other." All is God: the unknowable, ineffable "Source" . . . and all this stuff. We're a package deal.

Imagination is causative; it is his intelligence. This is the reading of Genesis 1: 1 from the ancient language and according to the mystical understanding of Jewish rabbis: "The Beginning (the imagining/Son of the Most High and Ineffable, Incomprehensible Source) created (imagined into existence/became) 'God,' the heavens, and the earth." All -- the Spirit and the universe of mind and material -- are myriad individual imaginings of the Source. His intelligence is power to become, all as one forming the emanation/manifestation of Itself! God through the Bible is saying, "Hey, can I get a little cooperation here?"

We are individual (not independent) imaginings of God. The incomprehensible Eternal Source is manifesting Its image, Its form, and all this is part of the process (he still has quite a ways to go, and like it or not we are eternal beings along for the ride). Jesus Christ our Lord is not a guy in the sky; he is 'Jesus,' God in his action of saving us, and 'Christ,' his power and wisdom in us and as us as our imagination, David! 'David' is the sum total of all human action in manifesting the Eternal, and we are his source, his father -- the Father. It isn't a circle; it is a singularity: Jesus-Christ IS us, the God-man.

The world is sign language, illustration of our inner being. It is the reflection of our inner man's beliefs, the manifestation of what is wrong with us and the nature we are called to, our state of being. Learning His nature informs us of our nature, and this is not just psychological in our minds, it is manifest as the world we live in! Who could possibly arrange that? Only God. To manifest a different reflection, we have to become a different image, a different imagining. There is no Law of Attraction/Vibration; it is the Law of Assumption. We have to assume a different state to be manifested. That is why we have to "live in the end" in our praying. And this is where self-control comes in; not as self-lordship to effect our will, but as submission to his will, to think his thoughts. We have wide latitude in this, just keep it within the bounds of his nature.

Every potential for everything that might possibly happen EVER was provided for at the start. Every potential was accounted for and exists unmanifest. We operated from birth in the ignorance we had taken on, but now (hopefully) we learn and adapt and conform to manifest our joint nature with God: nobility, love, integrity, fidelity, honor, benevolence, and grace . . . through the power of God and the Wisdom of God, our human imagination.

To be continued.


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