Neville Goddard's Secret-of-Success Answer to Sami: the Death of the Salesman
"When I speak of feeling, I don't mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. And you can think you did that, but you can know for sure: if you haven't achieved your goal, you don't have acceptance. And the reason you don't have acceptance is that you are still thinking of the goal rather than thinking from the goal. That is all there is to it. And if you are thinking of a goal, rather than thinking from the goal, you can do that for ten years and nothing will happen. But the instant you think from the goal, your world will change. And that can happen tomorrow. It can happen in an instant, but it can never happen from continuing to think in that older way" (emphasis mine).
Acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled is the key. So also is vividness, gratitude and thanksgiving. It isn't just being there, say as an actor on the stage; it is 'there' being real to you. This brings to mind Gregg Braden's discussion of the three mystical physicians in Beijing metaphysically operating on a woman with a tumor in her bladder. I don't remember which video that was, but I will find the clip and post it here. Okay, I found a copy of it in a compilation called "Gregg Braden Feeling is Prayer" The relevant clip starts at 8:13 minutes and the operation is seen (!) at 14:35 to 16:35. Two minutes flat to heal an inoperable cancer. The thing is, the three TRAINED pray-ers agreed that the woman was normal, that the tumor was not there. Braden seems to think they were saying, "Wa-sa," but I hear "Hua," "Se," and "Mei." These are not magic words but express their acceptance of the desired reality. And the tumor disappeared in two minutes flat. The pray-ers were trained to do what? The relevant clip starts with Gregg explaining this.
What are they doing in the video? The implication is that this heart attitude is really how to pray. Their prayer is not the words; it is the attitude they are experiencing inside. Find that, and you have found the fulfillment of all your dreams.
We make great mental effort to convince ourselves that what we desire is, that we are there, that we are in it, that we are thinking from it, that we have the feeling of having accepted it, that we have received it. But as long as we are trying to sell this to ourselves, we haven't accepted it. As Neville has taught, prayer is movement to that place, the state desired. When we break through to actually accepting it as reality, the salesman "dies." We have bought it -- lock, stock, and barrel.
Neville asks, "What would it be like if it were true? Can you believe it?" If you do believe it, the world will be compelled to manifest it in the out-picturing of your inner person. Prayer is compelling the world.
Those who show up in prayer lines for healing believe that Jesus Christ is Lord (YHWH). They might be quite inaccurate in what they do believe about him, but they thoroughly believe that he is. They accept it. Healing tells them, "Yeah, you've got this much right. Now you KNOW that I am real and that I am Lord." Once that is anchored, he can straighten out the details.
We don't have to have all the details right. All we have to do is to believe that what we see or hear or feel in our imagination is real. Real real. Burt Goldman has a good line on this. He came up with Quantum Jumping, which is imagining that you go to another planet where another you is doing something you want to do or knows something you want to know, and you carry that ability or knowledge (or whatever) back to this reality with you. But the thing is: their reality, the one you are visiting, is real to you. You accept your doppelganger's reality as a real reality -- brick and mortar stuff. I imagine that the logic of Quantum Jumping, which I have not tried, suspends your salesman (or at least confuses the hell out of him).
Happy believing . . . and accepting. RIP, salesman.
I just learned that "Sami's Question" was actually written by a man Sami Laitinen, as part of a Neville yahoo group a long time ago and has been falsely attributed to Neville.
Anonymous, at 8:27 AM
That may be. Probably long before I discovered Neville. Maybe it was Sami; definitely it was Neville. If it was Sami, Thanks, Sami.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:33 PM
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