The Becoming God

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Life Mode

I hope you got it, when in trying to explain what modalists mean by 'modes', I said in A Disingenuous Trinity, "You identify yourself as the person living whatever life you have. But that force of life is a step off from your identity. There is you AND the force of life within your body, the spirit and the soul - or however you would distinguish, define, or delineate them." Within us is a mental consciousness and an energizing life force, two definite and distinct modes coexisting in the one person we each are. In First Peter (per Alexander):

2.Those that were chosen by the Prescience of Allaha the Father, through the Holy Spirit, to be the adherents and to sprinkle the blood of Jesus Christ -- may blessings and peace proliferate among you.
3. Blessed is the Allaha our Father and Lord Jesus Christ, He Who out of His Providential generosity gave us a new birth from the beginning, through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, so as we may have the hope of everlasting life,
4. And the Inheritance that is immutable, undefilable and unspoilable, that which is consecrated for you in heaven.
5. While you are guarded by the power of Allaha and through the Faith of Life Everlasting that you are blessed with revealing in the final ages* (seasons).

The Prescience of Allaha the Father. This is the Ineffable Being's sense of "I am-ness," Its consciousness we call "God." But note that the Aramaic Allaha is short for Allahoota, the Godhead, which is comprised of T'lah Qnu-meh, the three "spirits" of the Trinity.

Please note also that Peter says in verse three, "Blessed be the Allaha our Father AND Lord Jesus Christ" - one unit, not "Blessed be Allaha the Father and (our) Lord Jesus Christ" - two units. It is the Allaha Who has given a new birth "from the Beginning" - capitalization mine, as I believe the Son of God was the Beginning all creation is from - "through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, so as we may have the hope of Everlasting Life." Capitalization here because...

Through the Faith of Life Everlasting. The Force of Life within the Godhead - "Life Everlasting" - is a mode our force of life is like. I said, "that force of life is a step off from your identity. There is you AND the force of life within your body, the spirit and the soul - or however you would distinguish, define, or delineate them." Within us is a mental consciousness and an energizing life force, two definite and distinct modes coexisting in the one person we each are." Modes of a Person, not two (or three with the physical manifestation) separate conscious Persons in committee-like agreement.

The "Orthodox" Trinity is the heresy. The Ineffable is ONE Being, one Person becoming in and through three different but united modes. We are but perturbances within the One Being, disturbances of Its conscious field we call imagination. Were our motions quieted, we would be "oblivionated." The best we can do is to get our motions perfectly synchronized with the faith of His Life Mode. This produces the Beloved, David, the Christ. We are the fathers of THAT, and should ought to want to stay that way.


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