The Becoming God

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Principle of the World and Our Ignorance

God-level belief becomes manifest. In Genesis 1:1, God imagined His perfect manifestation as it would exist as though it did exist. Imagination is how God creates. He imagined the End and believes the world of His perfect manifestation does exist. The world in Genesis 1:1, the planned world God created, had a problem: our ignorance is in the way of its becoming manifest. So God is using this darkened world, which is, to mature those who align with His word unto the desired End. He is going to dump all that does not.

Imagination is how God creates: believe it now, and it will happen naturally in its time. God imagined the End in Genesis 1, with Man His perfect image. He has a problem with ignorance on the way to that image. God is overcoming His problem, working through the generation of His perfect image and the elimination of ignorance. The End desired is on the other side of the problem. Interestingly, where we fall at the end is our choice. Ignoranced, we are in the forgetting, but we can opt to become informed. We can humble ourselves to serve the first world, or we can stiffneckedly use the world being eliminated. Which way you going?

PS: Why ignorance? God's intelligence in flipping from spirit (consciousness) to what It believes It is physically has to forget that It is spirit. It believes It is physical and separate from spirit and does not know that It still is the Divine Consciousness of the One Ineffable Being. You have to admit, it takes us quite a bit of time to catch on and resolve the perspective of division we think exists. Got to stop thinking it. "Unless you believe 'I am He,' you will die in your sin (of believing 'He and I are separate')." You are either on the boat or not. They took up stones to stone Jesus who was not being vain, but humbly cognizant of the fact that we are one with God. God says so: "Hear, O Israel (God's Prevailing in the Struggle), YHWH our God (the consciousness of the Ineffable), YHWH is One (you are in It and of It!)" (Deuteronomy 6:4). "I (God) have said, 'You are God'" (Psalm 82:6). When He imagined the End Manifestation of Himself in Genesis 1:1, YOU (hopefully) were in It. "And he said to Jesus, "Remember me, my Lord, when you come in the [Glory of] Your Kingdom." Jesus told him, "Amen, I am telling you, that on this day you are with me in Paradise" (Luke 23:42-43 Alexander).


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