The Becoming God

Monday, October 27, 2014

Seedtime and Harvest are "Law" Because They are the Very Nature of the Ineffable!

Run your calendar back a ways to when there was nothing in the universe. I originally thought to say to when there was nothing in the universe but the invisible power which is intelligent, the consciousness which has strength, i.e., "the Imagining"; but let's go back a few days before that, back to when there was not even spirit, perhaps not even the endlessness of outer space as we know it (can this dimension not exist? No stars or gases or light particles--nothing at all, not even the dimension itself?). Imagine nothing but non-existence for as far as the eye can see . . . except for the ineffable, Most High God, whatever THAT may be.

We are here to visit Seedtime and Harvest, which are more than evidences of the Ineffable. My point here is that Seedtime and Harvest are the Ineffable. They are "Its" very nature, part and parcel to Its being. This is also the basis of missions.

"Part and parcel" is fun to say about the Ineffable, which is famously No-thing (therefore, no part, no parcel). The Ineffable is neither spirit nor mind; nor is It thought, consciousness, force, power, or strength. It isn't a field, a dimension or a state. It isn't even a "being" . . . as far as we can tell. The problem is, there isn't a single thing we can tell about the Ineffable--It is entirely beyond the scope of our experience. The Ineffable is the one "thing" about which we could possibly say, "It is wholly other," except for the fact that It has become us. Our being It kind of ruins that.

And that is why I have called you all together here today, back to when we were the Ineffable before anything existed, back to when we discovered these particular facets of our own nature: Seedtime and Harvest. Back then, the hallmark of our eternal existence was non-thing-ness. It was pretty quiet--no one around to kid us about being like the hair on a billiard ball. It was spooky, too. Not one to dwell on the negative, though, we invented wisdom: thinking the positive. Emotionally, we desired form.

No, we are not descending through the transcendent chain of cause and effect to ourselves again. We "get" that the Ineffable imagined and Its Imagining (i.e., God) became us. I am interested in the other direction-- the principle underlying seedtime and harvest that existed before the Ineffable thought, the cause of Its imagining. So let's look upward and inward. I want to get back to what we were originally, and that, I find, is Jacob, the Inner Man--the ineffable Most High God Himself, within Himself. This is the source of seed, the Rib of Adam (Adam being the Ineffable Itself), from which He becomes everything. The Most High loves Jacob, Its own inner man. Esau, his outer fluff stuff, not so much.

The inner man is the Ineffable's inner emotive experience, the source of Its thought and imagining. The Imagining of the Ineffable arranges itself to host the emotive experience of the Ineffable's "Jacob" as its creative imagining. And as that imagined experience is of the Ineffable, somewhere in the expanse of our existence it rises as the imaginal experience of Jacob, OUR inner man. Becoming seed from OUR rib within OUR inner man and created here by OUR imagining, OUR "outer man" Esau, the physical universe, arranges its physical form to host the established emotive experience. Hence, the imaginal and emotive "Seedtime" and "Harvest" manifest in time and space as our imagining and subsequent physical experience.

Do not want a billion dollars. If you want it today, you will want it tomorrow. What would you experience emotionally if you had it? Imagine THAT. If it takes a billion dollars or two or three of that amount to manifest your inner emotive experience, the universe will arrange itself to facilitate it. If not, what does that matter to you? All that matters to us is that our inner man's emotive experience MANIFESTS. I think that should be sufficient cause for rejoicing. And humbling, for if it works, then we have found Him. Let's be on our best behavior.

Our inner emotions define the state we desire. There is no other state in all eternity that will have exactly the same emotional sense as the state we would like to have. In our inner man, we need to clearly, vividly experience the emotive senses we would have the universe arrange itself to host. When we experience inwardly the state the outward man would have to experience if what we desired was true, our outer man, Esau, will experience the whole of the state that is thus created: joy for joy, woe for woe--heat, taste and itch for heat, taste and itch (Neville Goddard, Creating With Imagination, Rare TV Talk 1955, twelfth minute).

Our Jacob's imaginally-experienced "flocks" (gain) become Esau's manifestly-experienced flocks, for our inner emotive investment becomes outward emotive profit, and if it is wealth, health and success that yield that emotive feeling, well, the two of us are married and we should be equally yoked. What we sense inside is what he gets outside. Cain's nature is acquisition. Just don't forget that gain is temporary, transitory, and that Esau will continue to live in Seir (physically, and here).
This is not voodoo or sorcery. This is simply understanding that we are part of the Becoming One, and we need to get on board with Its program. This is why prayer works, and why the Gospel of Moses has been preached "from the rooftops" for thousands of years. This pattern is fundamentally established within the books of the Old Testament: the emotive seed of life from the inner man of the Ineffable (=Y), its "hosting" in Its Imagining (=H), the power of divine life experienced imaginally in our inner man (=W), and its hosting in the experience of our outer man (=H). Put them all together, they spell, literally, "His Becoming," which is "MY GOD": Jehovah.

For this God said in Exodus 3: 14, "The becoming of My Creative Imagining is His becoming." Which way that is going, up or down, I honestly do not know, because we are all one united package. And that is good enough for me. Let us pray IMAGINALLY, EMOTIVELY, and especially VIVIDLY, UNTIL WE EXPERIENCE SALVATION IN THE INNER MAN. And then faith that what we have created inwardly we HAVE, and that God will bring it forth in its time for the outer man to experience.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Imagination Technique for Causation: How to Gain by Effort of Imagination

Were to God we had learned it long before, that our imagination is the cause of life. Be that as it may, it behooves us now to learn imagination technique as investment. I have on my mp3 player as many lectures by Neville Goddard regarding imagination technique as will fit. I listen to them over and over and over as an interested lay theologian, for Biblical insight is my interest. Biblical theology is my "bag," so I have downloaded everything I can of Neville's audio lectures, transcripts and books.

I believe you would do well to listen to these lectures, also. I realize that not everyone cares as much as I do about theology and the logic of the real world, but in these lectures Neville delineates the Biblical method of causation by imagining, things we ought to know, and he does it better than anyone else I know of.

Perhaps you did not know that there is such a thing as imaginal causation, but that is what much of the Bible is about. The ancients had a peculiar way of encoding their ideas through illustrations using symbols, and so we have misread much of their technique as historical events. Well, that's life. Here are some of the best of Neville’s lectures for listening to and learning causation techniques. You can find them easily by searching or Google. I will try to provide some supplemental pointers below:

a) Neville... How Abdullah Taught the Law
b) Creating with Imagination - Rare TV Talk 1955
c) God's Law and His Promise
d) The Secret of Imagining
e) Is Causation Imaginal?
f) Imagination Plus Faith
g) How to Use Your Imagination
h) The Pruning Shears of Revision
i) Strong Imagination

Regarding illustrations of technique in the Biblical text, proper names usually mean the nature that is the definition of the name. For example 'Jethro,' the father-in-law of Moses, means "his jutting-over-the-brim abundance," or "his excellence." Or simply, "his gain." Moses watched over the “flock” of Jethro. Sheep in a flock follow one after the other, like Moses' thoughts in a meditation on the phenomena of gain.

Likewise, Adam can be taken as the divine life-force, and his rib as the font through which the life-creating force flows when focused on some certain desire, say, for instance, a woman. Women are usually representative of some desire or interest they will give birth to. You see, the illustrations are of representative values which have correlation in the real spiritual world.

As Neville mentions, it is the inner imaginal world that is hard-core reality. This outer, physical world is its shadow tagging along after it. For this reason be careful of what you imagine, because its shadow has consequence.

You want to create the desired END. Not the first slice of bread, and not the completed sandwich, but your sitting back satisfied and feeling bloated and thinking, “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.” If a job, create the paycheck.

Neville frequently mentions sleep, slumbering and drowsiness. He likens sleep to a flood unto high tide where we are lifted, and wakedness to ebb or low tide where we are grounded. I do not know what this has to do with anything except, perhaps, the state of "unconditioned awareness of being." That was the mental/spiritual state we were in before becoming men and women. We were aware of being, but not of being anything at all. Just kind of floating awarenesses imagining whatever God would have us imagine. Then we determined to experience man and conditioned ourselves to be us.

Perhaps that is key. At the flood tide of sleep, we are unaware of our conditioning. We put it off of ourselves and float, as it were, as unconditioned awareness of being. At that point, at the brink of sleep, Neville would condition himself to be what he wanted to be. Conditioning would be vivid imagining unto a three-dimensional "living" experience of the desired reality. He believed that what he experienced "literally" in the inner man, the outer man would also have to experience as its shadow.

The trick, of course, is getting to that inner, "literal" experience. In one example often used, Neville spoke of going to sleep nightly IN Barbados, where he wanted to go TO, for the period of a month. During a later trip, to get off Barbados, he intensely imagined boarding the departing ship over and over and over until that boarding was real, and then he fell asleep, all in one evening. Still later, he said that no one should have to spend more than ten seconds to bring the imaginal hearing of good news for a friend to "consummation." I guess it has to do with urgency and experience in the technique.

Please note the role emotions play in imagining the experience. Neville stressed emotional sense in his discussions, for here it is especially true that feeling is the secret to success. It is famously said in Job 3: 25, "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me." Sorry, Job, but you expressed the wrong emotions in your imagining. Your ignorance was your Satan, and you created the shadow of what you feared. Imagining is creating, so you have to be careful to include the emotions that will be formed. This is not like watching TV; it is entering into the real experience of what is desired--the whole enchilada of the shadow that is to come.

Neville, when he was in the Army and entitled to, but denied, an honorable discharge, imagined being at his home in New York with the specific emotions of relief for having been discharged and NOT having to go back because he was NOT on furlough. We can feel the difference of no dread. To leave Barbados, he mixed the emotions of joy to be sailing with the emotions of sorrow for leaving his beloved family and childhood home. To regain his friend Freedom's piano, he enjoyed a beautiful piano concerto as though it were played by his friend on his own piano. My own old friend was caught up in an emotional ecstasy as though into heaven itself and heard the words, "You are healed." And she was. Create the emotions, and the shadow world will arrange itself to facilitate their manifestation. That is what it is here for and is intelligent to do. We are a package deal.

Lastly, having done all imaginally, remain loyal to the end you have imagined but do nothing to force the issue. “This kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting” (Mark 8: 29). Fasting means you give it to God and wait. Believe me, when it comes to forcing issues, you want him to do it. He will make everything beautiful in its own time.

Well, you will learn much more of causation by imagining than I can hope to teach you if you listen to the lectures listed above. I hope you prosper by them. IMAGINING IS INVESTMENT. The prosperity you might gain by imagining though, pales in significance to what it indicates: "If it WORKS, then you have found HIM." THAT is the goal, to find that God, the Infinite Wonder, "is your own, wonderful human imagination."

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Unpardonable Sin is Only Unpardonable Until You Stop Doing It.

The unpardonable sin, the blaspheming of the Holy Spirit, is the world view we are born into. It sees and believes God as separate and distant, disjointed from and "other" than us. The testimony of the holy spirit--the spirit that is holy within us--is that God is One, everything, and we are God having become manifest within these bodies--that ultimately THERE IS NO SEPARATION--we are Him

Christians, of which I am one, Jews , Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and all others are, well, not very bright in thinking that Jesus Christ is or was a separate, individual man who was also God. The formula is the same as for all of us: wholly divine, but ignorant of the fact for having become wholly man.

The Gospel, for God's sake, is that WE ALL are Jesus Christ, that the powers and qualities which make a king a king, i.e., kingDOM, are our powers and our qualities. "Do ye not know that the kingDOM of God is within you?" We preach Christ crucified: the power of God and the wisdom of God "dead" in having forgotten that we, whom he has elected to become, are him.

So we live our lives for a while dead in trespasses and sins because of this self-elected "death," until the light dawns upon us and we begin to realize through the occurrence of jethro that the powers are existent, and then we discover that they are resident in Christ, and then find Christ to be resident in us as our true self--that we, each and every one of us, are Jesus Christ: wholly man and wholly God.

Do not worry about committing the unpardonable sin and becoming cursed forever; worry about when you will ever stop committing it; that is, when you will be able to achieve true faith that God is One, INCLUDING YOU!

By the Gospel of the Kingdom is Meant That We are the King!

By "the Gospel of the Kingdom" is meant the proclamation of THE POWERS THAT WE HAVE AS KING. We are the King, and we have the powers, but we have forgotten how we use them, because we put them aside to become man.

We do not know them, BUT THEY ARE STILL THERE, for we are the King who elected to become us. These powers are both His and our "territory" as King. The good news is that these powers are still ours to use if we learn how to use them.

The challenges and afflictions we face each day are our opportunities to learn our powers and to practice their use. This is one tough boot camp!

Can we call it "faith" if WE use the powers as consciously as we can? We can determine what we want and "speak" it into existence by imagining it so clearly that it takes on "all the tones of reality." How else does God speak if not by imagining? He has no literal mouth but ours with which operate, and that is still via our minds. SO SPEAK! Orally or mentally, give the divine spirit within faith that IT, as you, are King. Give it agency, for we are the operant power, Neville Goddard repeatedly said.

Make what you desire your "prayer" and imagine it intensely unto the One within, your true self. I like what the pastor said at my wedding: "By the Power invested in me, . . ." Amen. By the power of the great King, not some God who is separate and distant and operating by some kind of remote-control voodoo, but the actual Almighty who loved us and gave Himself for us--to become us--that we might ascend to become Him-Whom-We-Already-Are, Anyway. And not just as his obedient Son, but in the mature nature of the Father who became us.

Is it complicated? It seems to be, but remember: " There is nothing but the Ineffable." THAT is the bottom line.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

You Can Do Something About the Situation

Yes, There Is Something You Can Do About the Situation

If you are reading this, there is probably some situation negatively affecting your life, and your question is: "Is there anything I can do to improve this situation?"

Well, no, that is NOT the question you are asking. The question you are asking is why there is still yet another problem cropping up? "Doesn't it ever stop? Isn't there something I can do to stop having one negative situation after another entering my life? Can't I ever get a break?"

And the answer is yes, there is something you can do about it. You can, in fact, change almost any situation--here, there, anywhere in time or space--for the better. At least you have the unlimited potential for this, and what I aim to do here is to tweak your consciousness so that you can change for the better any situation you think needs to be improved. This can be your break to be the affectER of life.

By "tweak your consciousness," I mean to change your perspective, because THE POWER TO CHANGE SITUATIONS HAS TO DO WITH ATTITUDES. Your attitude toward any situation is the key to the whole deal. If you really want to change any arrangement in time and space for the better, you have to have the right perspective of it on the inside.

And this is the way you have to change yourself inside if you want to change anything on the outside: you have to know in your heart that you and God--the real one--are one. God does not migrate from where he is to you, and you are not going to go to him somewhere "out there." God is already one-hundred percent inside you. It is only your awareness of this fact that needs to increase, to get clarified and powered up. "My Glory I will not give to another," but he gives it to YOU abundantly because you are not another; you are the self-same HIM sans awareness. He knows it, and you have got to learn. Every situation on earth is subject to you, because you ARE him.

THIS is the revelation of Jesus Christ: the Lamb who is worthy is here, inside, "me." He taps on our shoulders, knocks on our door from the inside. He only comes "into" our control when we end our rebellion against him and submit unto that oneness (that is how I read Genesis 3 and Exodus 3--the self-same event!). With awareness of you and God being one (and oh, what a joy it is), YOU can do so much more; for you are in control of all the situations in the world to bless them. THAT is the attitude that is going to shape your own situations and all other situations you would like to affect.

THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD. THAT is the point to keep hammering away at in your mind, the bundle you can "take to the bank," and the Power you have to change the world. If you would be Israel, "God ruling as man," "YOUR GOD YHWH IS ONE YHWH" (Deuteronomy 6: 4) is meant more extremely and literally than you can imagine as yet. But try.

When you fully realize that there is only one God in all the universe, and the Ineffable has become everything ever in the universe--"eternity"--and that all of eternity is hid in you (Ecclesiastes 3: 11, and thus you ARE eternity), then you will realize that not only can you change all situations in the world, you have created them all. Everything is grist for your mill to be created anew unto their end: "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me . . ." because he IS me.

How to create anew:

Hmmmm. How does the Infinite and Almighty, the Ineffable Lord God create? He imagines!

Imagine RIGHT for every situation with the same intensity of desire with which he created the universe. For the universe was his plan, but it did not appear. Then he imagined that the universe was his experience, and the universe BECAME to facilitate his experience: "So shall My Word be that goeth forth from my mouth (our minds and mouths!): it shall NOT return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper whereto I sent it" (Isaiah 55: 11).

We are that Imagining and that Word--and this is our mission: to prosper whereto he has sent us. And we can push out to become because we are not separated: THERE IS NO DIVISION between Him and us, and there is no interference except for our ignorance.

We, even though we are God, have dumbed-down for a season. But it is fully reversible, for faith is learnable. "Who hath ascended but he who has descended," and after a perfect time for ascension--three days in this "grave"--and then we're out.

We are the divine project Neville Goddard explained in his audio lecture, "Unless I Go Away." God has hid the stripling, the "child" of Proverbs 8, who is eternity (himself) in our hearts. He has subjected us to this futility in hope that we will grow up to be him. And we will. Every last one of us will catch on when David addresses us as Father: "Oh, right," we will say, waking up. Then we will each see that all of this has been our dream: we are, actually, the ImaginER.

Well, perhaps this is getting a little heavy. We think that we are here, but this is our--my--dream. Imagining is just my project to exist as form, the experience of my desire. "You" are simply me dreaming "your" experience, but as I have Life in myself, I have given you to have Life in yourself, so that you can imagine for yourself whatsoever you /I want to experience.

This is our destiny--we are our own project!! Let's get on with the show!

Whatsoever do we want? Solutions to our problems? What would that be like, to NOT have a problem? We must dream THAT into existence by imagining it exists and we experience it.

We can revise our situations as we wish they were--as right as God would have them. Take whatever is not right and imagine the "right" experience over and over and over, until it takes on all the tones of reality and that perspective becomes your reality.

Neville Goddard called this "the art of revision." Perhaps, he suggested, you expect a letter bearing good news to arrive, and it didn't come. Write the letter you wish had come in your mind and imagine it having arrived so clearly that you can hold it in your hands and read its saying exactly what you hoped it would say. But here it is! You have it. Read it over and over and rejoice in the experience.

You received from someone a report of bad health? Hear their report of good health. You don't have funds for a trip you desire to take? Imagine you are where you desire to go and see the world from there. At odds with somebody? Imagine that you and they are in complete agreement. Can't decide which way to go? Imagine that you made the correct decision and that it has turned out well.

Vividly imagine that what you want is what you have. Do not imagine wanting a thing, nor believe that you need a thing you do not have, because the wanting and needing and not having will come to harvest.

Believe that you HAVE the thing and that your every need has been satisfied.

Look for the good end of things. Be in the "end times," where every desired has come to blessed fruition. As constantly as possible, think good for everyone and for everything.

The power and the wisdom of God with which we create life is our imagining. That is the font of creation, Adam's rib which causes our desires to come into living manifestation. What situation you want birthed into being, imagine as fulfilled: "I have not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it." Remember, your imagining is GOD'S imagining. That is the power which brings forth the "life" of whatever you imagine experiencing, so watch what you plant!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Stop Misreading the Bible: The Gospel of Moses is Adam Met Jesus in the Garden, Revised

The Bible was written to express a good news. Moses found something really good and wanted, or felt compelled, to let everyone else know about it. Moses' good news is the "rock" and "chief cornerstone," the central fact of reality we can base our lives on better than any other way. It is not insignificant. Major religions affecting billions of people have been based upon it for up to three and a half thousand years.

Interestingly, this good news was rejected by the builders of the first religion based upon Moses' good news. That makes one wonder: How did the builders of the religion of Moses' good news build it WITHOUT the good news? The builders preached: This is the good news, and then gave the people something else. And few were the wiser.

What did the prophet report? What was the rock and the chief cornerstone? We are warned:

"Whosoever shall fall upon (find and accept) this Stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever It shall fall (in judgment, because he rejects it), It will grind him to powder" (Matthew 21: 44 KJV; parentheses mine).

Moses discovered the good news as he contemplated jethro. Jethro wasn't some nomadic priest Moses met while wandering around in the desert. The word jethro means "his jutting-over-the-brim, abundant increase."

That sounds like pretty good news in itself, but that wasn't it. It doesn't have the impact and consequence to correlate to either the religion or to the warning.

No, there was something about jethro that Moses contemplated at length, something phenomenal about it, something about who it affected and why. In meditation and with long consideration, Moses put the pieces of the puzzle together. He realized that there was something behind it--behind the increase that is jethro: it is a process, an immutable law--if there is increase, there has to be an increasER.

Moses realized that this increaser must be conscious of our need and powerful to affect our dimension. Present, powerful, conscious, and invisible . . . and behind jethro. A conscious power that is behind everything, in fact. Behind even, thought Moses, me.

Moses lit upon the rock and was broken: Oh, dear me. God--powerful, present, conscious and invisible God Almighty--is behind "me." I am him thinking that I am me. What I do is him doing. What I think is him thinking. And when I need, it is him who increases. I am the God "behind" me, so there is no salvation other than Me.

Moses saw that the power of God's life IN HIMSELF brings into his life whatever he intently, focusedly desires: Whenever I, that is, the God behind me (who really is me), desires some experience as a young man desires his bride, his desire gives birth to that experience among the manifestly living.

Moses' good news was that each of us, within ourselves, is the God we believe is behind us. There is no separation or distance between him and us, nowhere to go to find him nor need for an intermediary to reach him. The only "separation" is in our level of awareness of being him, and the only "distance" is in our knowledge of him.

God doesn't have degrees of being what He is, but there are levels of awareness, especially as He has bought into the idea of becoming as dumb as a rock for a season and then developing himself back to the full consciousness and awareness he had before.

We are him doing this. Yes, this life--however good or bad it seems to be--was our own bright idea. And it was us who inspired the prophets to write our instructions for developing ourselves back to where we came from. The big thing, of course, is for ourselves to become aligned with God, who we really are, in our character and nature and behavior. We need the holy spirit for this, and this holy spirit needs to be sought and accepted. The Remembrancer is our gift to ourselves to get us going on the way back.

The church is for training, for educating and equipping the saints to do this work, but most do not know God in this way: How can they call upon him in whom they have not believed, and shall they believe in him in whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher . . . when all of their preachers have been taught that the Truth is a heresy? (Romans 10: 14-17).

God has become everything as one, how can he also be "other?"

This is the Gospel of Moses: you are God. "Jesus Christ--the power of God and the wisdom of God--in you" (1 Cor. 1: 24) means exactly that. Worthy is the Lamb of God who humbled himself and died of all his heavenly prerogatives to become you, and that was and is you: you are the ineffable Most High God becoming again fully conscious of your Godhood. Hey, maybe it is time to take the Bible seriously, maybe start investigating what it says and what it means by what it says.

I am a big advocate of listening to Neville Goddard's lectures, of Bullinger's Companion Bible, and Victor Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic texts. None of these is perfect, but they are pretty good tools in the hands of the Holy Spirit. I say the church is for training, but I need to learn myself. Hey, at least I know I need it. Let's learn and then equip everyone else. We are not becoming gods; we are not becoming God; we are God becoming. Let's find the course and take it.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Ours is a Religion of Transitoriness

Ours is a religion of transitoriness. Whether we are playing the game of religion or not, everything is in a state of TRANSITORINESS--nothing is what it is for more that the moment that it is, and then it is GONE. Something else, something new, takes its place on the potter's wheel. We all depend upon this quality of changingness that is the flowing crest of "now." It is grace.

Perhaps you have heard of Jesus. Jesus bar Nun, that is, Moses' sidekick, Joshua. This is, in fact, the same Jesus who was written about in the New Testament. Jesus has been known about for a long, long time--long before James, Paul and Mark ever got into him. Moses himself wrote of meeting Jesus while pondering jethro and then spending the rest of his life with him, but that is another story.

I like Victor Alexander's definition of the nature of Jesus: "the Life-Giving, Living Branch"  (Mark 1: 1 note; Victor Alexander translation). A life-giving, living branch re-sprouts in perpetuity," which is the meaning of Nun. These are expressions of the same characteristic of God's nature: Life that out-flows in constant creation. This is the action of God. The power and the wisdom of God who is this action is Christ, the Messiah.

There is a corollary to constant creation, however, and it is that there has to be constant elimination of the old present to make room for the new present. What flows in must also flow out--if there is a spout, there has to be a drain, else we'd be up to our chins in manifestation in no time!

Most Christians know that 'Jesus' means God's Salvation, though they don't know why (I believe it actually means God Saving [God is doer of the verb; see Bullinger note on Genesis 32: 28, Israel, The Companion Bible] but that also is another story: we are looking at transitoriness here.) In the mystical conceptualization, the second part of Jesus, Shua, has to do with consuming, devouring something until it is gone, destroyed. That is the mode of our salvation: the present is gone, eliminated, destroyed moment by moment. It is TOTALLY forgotten. Unless you bring it up again.

This is why repentance is so essential to salvation: we have to CHANGE our out-flow. If we ask for forgiveness, it is given, for that is the nature of transitoriness: the past doesn't exist. But if we keep producing an immature, unlike-God present from our own consciousness, our salvation profits us nothing. Our past is still in our consciousness, and that is our present: we haven't gone anywhere.

Genuine repentance comes from seeing the Glory of God IN US like Adam did in the Garden or Moses did on Horeb. Yes, I am kind of alone in thinking that Adam was saved in what people think was the "fall," but it was, in my mind at least, the same event as Moses' burning bush encounter with God--just Moses wanted to distance himself from it a bit. Adam, the Life of God who was Moses, found Christ, the Imagining of God, within himself. "Your mission, Mr. Moses, if you should choose to accept it, will be to confront your ignorance to let my people Israel--my ruling in and through your consciousness--go. And you shall come and serve me here, on the mount: YOUR IMAGINATION."

The antediluvian fathers are stages to serving God as Noah, as Abraham, as Isaac, as Israel and as Joseph, who brought forth Jesus. Historical people? Maybe. But what do they speak to you and I? "Let my people go."

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

FYI and the Wishing Well

I have been asked if I spend time in the silence. I used to be a meditator. I learned Transcendental Meditation in Claremont, California, late 1973, and practiced it for the better part of a year. I moved to Hawaii in 1974 and got involved with the occult "guided imagery" meditation classes at the metaphysical bookstore in Honolulu.

In my last meditation there, I encountered a demon. Probably a demon of my own ignorance, or one just taking advantage of my ignorance. And yes, I encountered it in my imagination. The odd thing was the intervention. The demon obviously did not want me to recognize it and its work of leading me toward possession, which was the exercise I was in, yet it was powerless to stop someone greater than it from opening my eyes to see it. And, of course, there was that someone greater than me who did not need my permission to open my eyes.

It is a bit humorous now, me looking at the demon and the demon looking at me, both of us realizing that our gigs were up because someone greater, on a higher level, had been in control of both of us without our realizing it. We were both as puppets on a string.

I closed that meditation and reflected on the situation. The course of my life had been influenced and guided by the demon who did not know that it was being used as agent for somebody over it. It had led me to cultivate my spiritual skills for what it thought were its purposes, when actually it was for that other person's purposes. I had unwittingly been in training the whole time, learning spiritual skills while going the wrong way, because that was the only way in which I could learn those skills. The church just didn't teach them any more. Now that I had learned them, I was being turned around.

I rode my bicycle back to my camper and dug out the old, zippered Bible my mother had given me when I was just seven years old. 'Deceive' in the concordance led me to Revelations 12: 9. I read to verse 12. Yeah, that pretty much looked like the program I had just found out was the real reality that we are dwelling in "24/7." Whether we like it or not, recognize it or not, or believe it or not, the Christian worldview IS what is going on in the world. Denying that is like closing your eyes on a sunny day and denying that the sun is shining.

After getting saved at the House of Praise in Kaimuki, baptized in the Holy Spirit at Grace Bible Church, and hearing Jesus speak to me from the cross (which interestingly was audible as a separate voice in the brain but not through the ears), I decided to find out what he had said to others. Going on forty years of finding out now, I can honestly say that the Biblical worldview is significantly different from the "contemporary" Christian worldview.

The difference is the world that language creates. We see the world according to our language, and the Bible speaks a different language than we are going to understand by learning Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Chaldee or Sanskrit. These are all fantastic and essential tools to learn: were I born again with my knowledge I'd start in on Biblical letters before I had weaned from my mother's breasts, but the most essential language to learn is THE VOCABULARY OF GOD.

God speaks to us usually in illustrations. The situations we find ourselves in all day long are shouting at us, if we but have ears to listen to what we see. In my pursuit of God, this is the silence I seek. It is a language that is sensed, felt; a language that strikes the emotions and empathy. A silent moment with God will leave me crying or shaking: Him with whom we have to do is awesome beyond the slang of contemporary Christian pop songs.

And so I write about jethro, the awesome increase that God bequeaths. Moses saw it and heard the voice of God: "I AM HERE. I AM BECOMING. I HAVE BECOME YOU, AND I AM BECOMING THROUGH YOU, BECAUSE I AM YOU, AND YOU SHALL BECOME ME."


Jethro seems to be God's program for evangelization. It doesn't always work, but it is Biblical. The closest thing I have found to real Biblical Theology is Neville Goddard. He at least told it like it is without trying to hide the truth. That is my pet peeve against the mystics of the Biblical religions: you have to dig perceptively through their tomes to eke out any revelation from them.

Hey, dudes, the Gospel is supposed to be preached. The Pentateuch is openly published all over the place; tell people what it really says. Whatcha hiding? Neville preached for three decades outside the church; he published at his own expense when nobody else would publish him; he went on radio and on television in its infancy to share the Gospel. He'd bore you to death trying to get you to listen to what you see, but he was driven to reveal what he had seen, and he spoke in clear, direct language that people could understand. The other mystics? "Hey, let's keep this under wraps. It can be a goldmine for just us." Or at least that is my perception.

Uh, have I gotten off track? Do I spend much time in the silence--meditating, that is (I assume), or praying for this or that? No, I do not spend as much time as I would like in prayer and meditation, and the reasons for are my 28-hour days and the Lord. My 28-hour days should take care of themselves after I retire next year. And the Lord knows what I have need of, and that is precious little. In any given moment of silence, I tend to worship or listen to Him rather than ask for or cause things. I think in tongues. Yes, I know God is not separate and all that, but he is worthy, and, as I found in Honolulu, he is fully conscious of me and my needs and status and is fully capable to provide whatever I need. So why should both of me be concerned?

Do I take a hand in providing for myself? Certainly. I could not possibly have maintained my marriage without the two graduate programs I went through. I haven't made a nickel off them, but they equipped me for my particular marriage and I still have my wife, who is far more valuable to me than any monetary return for study, work or time. The programs were wise investments I was led to by the Lord, who understands real riches. Which leads me to . . .


I'll make this brief: we are to wish each other well. We are to uplift each other. When it comes to the silence, prayer, believing, causation, imagining, WISH WELL FOR EACH OTHER. Were they to wish at a wishing well, BE THAT WISHING WELL AND GRANT THEM THEIR DESIRES.

"I really need another job." "You have another job, a better job, a more satisfying job, a better paying job." Take the ten seconds or so it takes to hear them tell you in vision, "I have the job of my dreams. It is better, more satisfying, better paying than any other job I could have found."

Dr. Frank C. Laubach practiced this, at least some of the time, for whomever he saw. He said that quite routinely, whomever he was praying for--strangers on the train, for instance--would turn around and look at him. The spirit hears. "Go higher. Your needs are met. Protection is all around you. Grace is upon you. You are strong for it. Peace is upon your house."

Wishing well for you and yours . . .

Thursday, October 02, 2014

The Hidden Endlessness

My interest in Neville Goddard is his kabbalistic, esoteric theology. He often said in his lectures, "When it works, you have found him." Found whom? Found what?

That there are manifest physical results subsequent to our mental actions reflects an underlying reality of power and consciousness. This power and consciousness are the metaphysical makeup of the universe, but they are the metaphysics of whom, of what? They are from what? Power that is conscious bespeaks of someone--a conscious and determining, articulate person. My interest is this invisible but ontic source, the One we are all of, who can put infinity into his shirt pocket.

I am, however, more than a little uncomfortable with causation by imagining techniques. The techniques and methods are God given and are based on God's Laws; to the perceptive they bespeak his very merciful and grace-filled nature. But I am quite certain that it is all to easy to miss the point when engaging these techniques, especially when they are taught only AS techniques, techniques which simply use an underlying, value-free subconscious power that is just naturally at our disposal.  "Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters . . . come buy wine and milk without money and without price" (Isaiah 55: 1), isn't about getting the things we need in life; it is about what we need FOR Life.

Do we really want or need all that crap, the stuff we ask for and claim, even if it is "in faith?" Every lollipop I desire strikes me as abandonment of him who loved me and gave himself for me, a cheapening of the relationship. Yes, I know that that person is me, and that is what bugs me: my person is OF a person, "that" person we mistakenly think of as separate and dismiss as present. We are, all of us, the whole coin, but we here only see the downward-facing side that we are in this human. I want to reach up to that behind my back: I hear "Come unto Me," but don't find the grips or toeholds. "I don't want that," I say of the lollipops and sweets, "there is better than sugar here, the blood, just behind me, over me . . . if I . . . could just . . . manage . . . to turn around . . . to it." To Him.

I know it is there, that He is there. I've been there. Janet Gunther told me, too, where she was when she heard Him say, "You are healed." It is our abandonment of us to him, the floating that comes from falling and being CAUGHT by someone strong enough in that dimension to catch us here in this dimension.

"This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting" (Mark 9: 29) has not a thing in the world to do with not eating, but with the abandonment and casting off of self in complete surrender to him who IS. The epileptic child is us; the foul spirit who throws us into the fire--our ignorance. In the Presence, the inner presence that displaces ignorance, that is enough for us. All the other stuff people seek for--"What of it?" What we need, He works out.

It is just about the ultimate bummer to find our feet are still here, and we have to go about living this life again. But we ever have a connection inside to that place where it is not just a power, but the consciousness.

The works resultant from causation by imagining techniques tell us that "there," the Life, is there. It is up to us to decide whether it is worth more all the punch and cookies and free things we can get in the world. With the infinite, eternal Life we are "not one, but not two." But do we listen? Alexander's ancient Aramaic version of Malachi shocked me. It reads exactly opposite of the traditional reading, where God offers to prove himself if we test him by bringing all the tithes into the storehouse. Boy, do pastors love that one: "Hey, it's not me; it's God saying it." The original text says that the nation DOES test him by bringing all the tithes into the storehouse so that He will bless them, which he does, AND THEN THEY DIDN'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS FURTHER ABOUT HIM. "If I am a father, where is my honor?"

He is our father, but do we honor him when we use his nature via some technique? We can, you know. It has to do with attitude, with recognition of what we are doing, whom we are doing it by, and doing it in submission to and in accordance with the Law, which is His nature.

Please make him, and not just what you can get, your objective.