The Becoming God

Monday, October 27, 2014

Seedtime and Harvest are "Law" Because They are the Very Nature of the Ineffable!

Run your calendar back a ways to when there was nothing in the universe. I originally thought to say to when there was nothing in the universe but the invisible power which is intelligent, the consciousness which has strength, i.e., "the Imagining"; but let's go back a few days before that, back to when there was not even spirit, perhaps not even the endlessness of outer space as we know it (can this dimension not exist? No stars or gases or light particles--nothing at all, not even the dimension itself?). Imagine nothing but non-existence for as far as the eye can see . . . except for the ineffable, Most High God, whatever THAT may be.

We are here to visit Seedtime and Harvest, which are more than evidences of the Ineffable. My point here is that Seedtime and Harvest are the Ineffable. They are "Its" very nature, part and parcel to Its being. This is also the basis of missions.

"Part and parcel" is fun to say about the Ineffable, which is famously No-thing (therefore, no part, no parcel). The Ineffable is neither spirit nor mind; nor is It thought, consciousness, force, power, or strength. It isn't a field, a dimension or a state. It isn't even a "being" . . . as far as we can tell. The problem is, there isn't a single thing we can tell about the Ineffable--It is entirely beyond the scope of our experience. The Ineffable is the one "thing" about which we could possibly say, "It is wholly other," except for the fact that It has become us. Our being It kind of ruins that.

And that is why I have called you all together here today, back to when we were the Ineffable before anything existed, back to when we discovered these particular facets of our own nature: Seedtime and Harvest. Back then, the hallmark of our eternal existence was non-thing-ness. It was pretty quiet--no one around to kid us about being like the hair on a billiard ball. It was spooky, too. Not one to dwell on the negative, though, we invented wisdom: thinking the positive. Emotionally, we desired form.

No, we are not descending through the transcendent chain of cause and effect to ourselves again. We "get" that the Ineffable imagined and Its Imagining (i.e., God) became us. I am interested in the other direction-- the principle underlying seedtime and harvest that existed before the Ineffable thought, the cause of Its imagining. So let's look upward and inward. I want to get back to what we were originally, and that, I find, is Jacob, the Inner Man--the ineffable Most High God Himself, within Himself. This is the source of seed, the Rib of Adam (Adam being the Ineffable Itself), from which He becomes everything. The Most High loves Jacob, Its own inner man. Esau, his outer fluff stuff, not so much.

The inner man is the Ineffable's inner emotive experience, the source of Its thought and imagining. The Imagining of the Ineffable arranges itself to host the emotive experience of the Ineffable's "Jacob" as its creative imagining. And as that imagined experience is of the Ineffable, somewhere in the expanse of our existence it rises as the imaginal experience of Jacob, OUR inner man. Becoming seed from OUR rib within OUR inner man and created here by OUR imagining, OUR "outer man" Esau, the physical universe, arranges its physical form to host the established emotive experience. Hence, the imaginal and emotive "Seedtime" and "Harvest" manifest in time and space as our imagining and subsequent physical experience.

Do not want a billion dollars. If you want it today, you will want it tomorrow. What would you experience emotionally if you had it? Imagine THAT. If it takes a billion dollars or two or three of that amount to manifest your inner emotive experience, the universe will arrange itself to facilitate it. If not, what does that matter to you? All that matters to us is that our inner man's emotive experience MANIFESTS. I think that should be sufficient cause for rejoicing. And humbling, for if it works, then we have found Him. Let's be on our best behavior.

Our inner emotions define the state we desire. There is no other state in all eternity that will have exactly the same emotional sense as the state we would like to have. In our inner man, we need to clearly, vividly experience the emotive senses we would have the universe arrange itself to host. When we experience inwardly the state the outward man would have to experience if what we desired was true, our outer man, Esau, will experience the whole of the state that is thus created: joy for joy, woe for woe--heat, taste and itch for heat, taste and itch (Neville Goddard, Creating With Imagination, Rare TV Talk 1955, twelfth minute).

Our Jacob's imaginally-experienced "flocks" (gain) become Esau's manifestly-experienced flocks, for our inner emotive investment becomes outward emotive profit, and if it is wealth, health and success that yield that emotive feeling, well, the two of us are married and we should be equally yoked. What we sense inside is what he gets outside. Cain's nature is acquisition. Just don't forget that gain is temporary, transitory, and that Esau will continue to live in Seir (physically, and here).
This is not voodoo or sorcery. This is simply understanding that we are part of the Becoming One, and we need to get on board with Its program. This is why prayer works, and why the Gospel of Moses has been preached "from the rooftops" for thousands of years. This pattern is fundamentally established within the books of the Old Testament: the emotive seed of life from the inner man of the Ineffable (=Y), its "hosting" in Its Imagining (=H), the power of divine life experienced imaginally in our inner man (=W), and its hosting in the experience of our outer man (=H). Put them all together, they spell, literally, "His Becoming," which is "MY GOD": Jehovah.

For this God said in Exodus 3: 14, "The becoming of My Creative Imagining is His becoming." Which way that is going, up or down, I honestly do not know, because we are all one united package. And that is good enough for me. Let us pray IMAGINALLY, EMOTIVELY, and especially VIVIDLY, UNTIL WE EXPERIENCE SALVATION IN THE INNER MAN. And then faith that what we have created inwardly we HAVE, and that God will bring it forth in its time for the outer man to experience.


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