You Can Do Something About the Situation
If you are reading this, there is probably some situation negatively affecting your life, and your question is: "Is there anything I can do to improve this situation?"
Well, no, that is NOT the question you are asking. The question you are asking is why there is still yet another problem cropping up? "Doesn't it ever stop? Isn't there something I can do to stop having one negative situation after another entering my life? Can't I ever get a break?"
And the answer is yes, there is something you can do about it. You can, in fact, change almost any situation--here, there, anywhere in time or space--for the better. At least you have the unlimited potential for this, and what I aim to do here is to tweak your consciousness so that you can change for the better any situation you think needs to be improved. This can be your break to be the affectER of life.
By "tweak your consciousness," I mean to change your perspective, because THE POWER TO CHANGE SITUATIONS HAS TO DO WITH ATTITUDES. Your attitude toward any situation is the key to the whole deal. If you really want to change any arrangement in time and space for the better, you have to have the right perspective of it on the inside.
And this is the way you have to change yourself inside if you want to change anything on the outside: you have to know in your heart that you and God--the real one--are one. God does not migrate from where he is to you, and you are not going to go to him somewhere "out there." God is already one-hundred percent inside you. It is only your awareness of this fact that needs to increase, to get clarified and powered up. "My Glory I will not give to another," but he gives it to YOU abundantly because you are not another; you are the self-same HIM sans awareness. He knows it, and you have got to learn. Every situation on earth is subject to you, because you ARE him.
THIS is the revelation of Jesus Christ: the Lamb who is worthy is here, inside, "me." He taps on our shoulders, knocks on our door from the inside. He only comes "into" our control when we end our rebellion against him and submit unto that oneness (that is how I read Genesis 3 and Exodus 3--the self-same event!). With awareness of you and God being one (and oh, what a joy it is), YOU can do so much more; for you are in control of all the situations in the world to bless them. THAT is the attitude that is going to shape your own situations and all other situations you would like to affect.
THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD. THAT is the point to keep hammering away at in your mind, the bundle you can "take to the bank," and the Power you have to change the world. If you would be Israel, "God ruling as man," "YOUR GOD YHWH IS ONE YHWH" (Deuteronomy 6: 4) is meant more extremely and literally than you can imagine as yet. But try.
When you fully realize that there is only one God in all the universe, and the Ineffable has become everything ever in the universe--"eternity"--and that all of eternity is hid in you (Ecclesiastes 3: 11, and thus you ARE eternity), then you will realize that not only can you change all situations in the world, you have created them all. Everything is grist for your mill to be created anew unto their end: "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me . . ." because he IS me.
How to create anew:
Hmmmm. How does the Infinite and Almighty, the Ineffable Lord God create? He imagines!
Imagine RIGHT for every situation with the same intensity of desire with which he created the universe. For the universe was his plan, but it did not appear. Then he imagined that the universe was his experience, and the universe BECAME to facilitate his experience: "So shall My Word be that goeth forth from my mouth (our minds and mouths!): it shall NOT return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper whereto I sent it" (Isaiah 55: 11).
We are that Imagining and that Word--and this is our mission: to prosper whereto he has sent us. And we can push out to become because we are not separated: THERE IS NO DIVISION between Him and us, and there is no interference except for our ignorance.
We, even though we are God, have dumbed-down for a season. But it is fully reversible, for faith is learnable. "Who hath ascended but he who has descended," and after a perfect time for ascension--three days in this "grave"--and then we're out.
We are the divine project Neville Goddard explained in his audio lecture, "Unless I Go Away." God has hid the stripling, the "child" of Proverbs 8, who is eternity (himself) in our hearts. He has subjected us to this futility in hope that we will grow up to be him. And we will. Every last one of us will catch on when David addresses us as Father: "Oh, right," we will say, waking up. Then we will each see that all of this has been our dream: we are, actually, the ImaginER.
Well, perhaps this is getting a little heavy. We think that we are here, but this is our--my--dream. Imagining is just my project to exist as form, the experience of my desire. "You" are simply me dreaming "your" experience, but as I have Life in myself, I have given you to have Life in yourself, so that you can imagine for yourself whatsoever you /I want to experience.
This is our destiny--we are our own project!! Let's get on with the show!
Whatsoever do we want? Solutions to our problems? What would that be like, to NOT have a problem? We must dream THAT into existence by imagining it exists and we experience it.
We can revise our situations as we wish they were--as right as God would have them. Take whatever is not right and imagine the "right" experience over and over and over, until it takes on all the tones of reality and that perspective becomes your reality.
Neville Goddard called this "the art of revision." Perhaps, he suggested, you expect a letter bearing good news to arrive, and it didn't come. Write the letter you wish had come in your mind and imagine it having arrived so clearly that you can hold it in your hands and read its saying exactly what you hoped it would say. But here it is! You have it. Read it over and over and rejoice in the experience.
You received from someone a report of bad health? Hear their report of good health. You don't have funds for a trip you desire to take? Imagine you are where you desire to go and see the world from there. At odds with somebody? Imagine that you and they are in complete agreement. Can't decide which way to go? Imagine that you made the correct decision and that it has turned out well.
Vividly imagine that what you want is what you have. Do not imagine wanting a thing, nor believe that you need a thing you do not have, because the wanting and needing and not having will come to harvest.
Believe that you HAVE the thing and that your every need has been satisfied.
Look for the good end of things. Be in the "end times," where every desired has come to blessed fruition. As constantly as possible, think good for everyone and for everything.
The power and the wisdom of God with which we create life is our imagining. That is the font of creation, Adam's rib which causes our desires to come into living manifestation. What situation you want birthed into being, imagine as fulfilled: "I have not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it." Remember, your imagining is GOD'S imagining. That is the power which brings forth the "life" of whatever you imagine experiencing, so watch what you plant!
i absolutely love this thank you
Anonymous, at 1:14 PM
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