The Becoming God

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Imagination Technique for Causation: How to Gain by Effort of Imagination

Were to God we had learned it long before, that our imagination is the cause of life. Be that as it may, it behooves us now to learn imagination technique as investment. I have on my mp3 player as many lectures by Neville Goddard regarding imagination technique as will fit. I listen to them over and over and over as an interested lay theologian, for Biblical insight is my interest. Biblical theology is my "bag," so I have downloaded everything I can of Neville's audio lectures, transcripts and books.

I believe you would do well to listen to these lectures, also. I realize that not everyone cares as much as I do about theology and the logic of the real world, but in these lectures Neville delineates the Biblical method of causation by imagining, things we ought to know, and he does it better than anyone else I know of.

Perhaps you did not know that there is such a thing as imaginal causation, but that is what much of the Bible is about. The ancients had a peculiar way of encoding their ideas through illustrations using symbols, and so we have misread much of their technique as historical events. Well, that's life. Here are some of the best of Neville’s lectures for listening to and learning causation techniques. You can find them easily by searching or Google. I will try to provide some supplemental pointers below:

a) Neville... How Abdullah Taught the Law
b) Creating with Imagination - Rare TV Talk 1955
c) God's Law and His Promise
d) The Secret of Imagining
e) Is Causation Imaginal?
f) Imagination Plus Faith
g) How to Use Your Imagination
h) The Pruning Shears of Revision
i) Strong Imagination

Regarding illustrations of technique in the Biblical text, proper names usually mean the nature that is the definition of the name. For example 'Jethro,' the father-in-law of Moses, means "his jutting-over-the-brim abundance," or "his excellence." Or simply, "his gain." Moses watched over the “flock” of Jethro. Sheep in a flock follow one after the other, like Moses' thoughts in a meditation on the phenomena of gain.

Likewise, Adam can be taken as the divine life-force, and his rib as the font through which the life-creating force flows when focused on some certain desire, say, for instance, a woman. Women are usually representative of some desire or interest they will give birth to. You see, the illustrations are of representative values which have correlation in the real spiritual world.

As Neville mentions, it is the inner imaginal world that is hard-core reality. This outer, physical world is its shadow tagging along after it. For this reason be careful of what you imagine, because its shadow has consequence.

You want to create the desired END. Not the first slice of bread, and not the completed sandwich, but your sitting back satisfied and feeling bloated and thinking, “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.” If a job, create the paycheck.

Neville frequently mentions sleep, slumbering and drowsiness. He likens sleep to a flood unto high tide where we are lifted, and wakedness to ebb or low tide where we are grounded. I do not know what this has to do with anything except, perhaps, the state of "unconditioned awareness of being." That was the mental/spiritual state we were in before becoming men and women. We were aware of being, but not of being anything at all. Just kind of floating awarenesses imagining whatever God would have us imagine. Then we determined to experience man and conditioned ourselves to be us.

Perhaps that is key. At the flood tide of sleep, we are unaware of our conditioning. We put it off of ourselves and float, as it were, as unconditioned awareness of being. At that point, at the brink of sleep, Neville would condition himself to be what he wanted to be. Conditioning would be vivid imagining unto a three-dimensional "living" experience of the desired reality. He believed that what he experienced "literally" in the inner man, the outer man would also have to experience as its shadow.

The trick, of course, is getting to that inner, "literal" experience. In one example often used, Neville spoke of going to sleep nightly IN Barbados, where he wanted to go TO, for the period of a month. During a later trip, to get off Barbados, he intensely imagined boarding the departing ship over and over and over until that boarding was real, and then he fell asleep, all in one evening. Still later, he said that no one should have to spend more than ten seconds to bring the imaginal hearing of good news for a friend to "consummation." I guess it has to do with urgency and experience in the technique.

Please note the role emotions play in imagining the experience. Neville stressed emotional sense in his discussions, for here it is especially true that feeling is the secret to success. It is famously said in Job 3: 25, "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me." Sorry, Job, but you expressed the wrong emotions in your imagining. Your ignorance was your Satan, and you created the shadow of what you feared. Imagining is creating, so you have to be careful to include the emotions that will be formed. This is not like watching TV; it is entering into the real experience of what is desired--the whole enchilada of the shadow that is to come.

Neville, when he was in the Army and entitled to, but denied, an honorable discharge, imagined being at his home in New York with the specific emotions of relief for having been discharged and NOT having to go back because he was NOT on furlough. We can feel the difference of no dread. To leave Barbados, he mixed the emotions of joy to be sailing with the emotions of sorrow for leaving his beloved family and childhood home. To regain his friend Freedom's piano, he enjoyed a beautiful piano concerto as though it were played by his friend on his own piano. My own old friend was caught up in an emotional ecstasy as though into heaven itself and heard the words, "You are healed." And she was. Create the emotions, and the shadow world will arrange itself to facilitate their manifestation. That is what it is here for and is intelligent to do. We are a package deal.

Lastly, having done all imaginally, remain loyal to the end you have imagined but do nothing to force the issue. “This kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting” (Mark 8: 29). Fasting means you give it to God and wait. Believe me, when it comes to forcing issues, you want him to do it. He will make everything beautiful in its own time.

Well, you will learn much more of causation by imagining than I can hope to teach you if you listen to the lectures listed above. I hope you prosper by them. IMAGINING IS INVESTMENT. The prosperity you might gain by imagining though, pales in significance to what it indicates: "If it WORKS, then you have found HIM." THAT is the goal, to find that God, the Infinite Wonder, "is your own, wonderful human imagination."


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