The Becoming God

Monday, October 20, 2014

By the Gospel of the Kingdom is Meant That We are the King!

By "the Gospel of the Kingdom" is meant the proclamation of THE POWERS THAT WE HAVE AS KING. We are the King, and we have the powers, but we have forgotten how we use them, because we put them aside to become man.

We do not know them, BUT THEY ARE STILL THERE, for we are the King who elected to become us. These powers are both His and our "territory" as King. The good news is that these powers are still ours to use if we learn how to use them.

The challenges and afflictions we face each day are our opportunities to learn our powers and to practice their use. This is one tough boot camp!

Can we call it "faith" if WE use the powers as consciously as we can? We can determine what we want and "speak" it into existence by imagining it so clearly that it takes on "all the tones of reality." How else does God speak if not by imagining? He has no literal mouth but ours with which operate, and that is still via our minds. SO SPEAK! Orally or mentally, give the divine spirit within faith that IT, as you, are King. Give it agency, for we are the operant power, Neville Goddard repeatedly said.

Make what you desire your "prayer" and imagine it intensely unto the One within, your true self. I like what the pastor said at my wedding: "By the Power invested in me, . . ." Amen. By the power of the great King, not some God who is separate and distant and operating by some kind of remote-control voodoo, but the actual Almighty who loved us and gave Himself for us--to become us--that we might ascend to become Him-Whom-We-Already-Are, Anyway. And not just as his obedient Son, but in the mature nature of the Father who became us.

Is it complicated? It seems to be, but remember: " There is nothing but the Ineffable." THAT is the bottom line.


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