The Becoming God

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Why Neville Goddard's Imagining Creates Reality is "Heretical"

I have become a big fan of Neville Goddard's
teachings on man's imagination creating reality.
I had reservations about this philosophy because
of its unorthodoxy. I learned Neville's views
and worked out their biblicality. Now I have
reservations about the Orthodox view.

Still, I can be wrong, and this premise, that
man's imagination causes reality, is considered
heretical. I read up on why it is considered to
be heretical. (I am not a slough at this: my
Apologetics professors at university were Dr.
Walter Martin, Robert Passantino and Dr. John
Warwick Montgomery -- all "heavy-hitters." My
Theology professor was Dr. J. Rodman Williams.
I read works by professional heresy hunters.)

In the end, the reason why imagining creates
reality is considered heretical is . . .
. . . demons claim it.

Yes, this is the entirety of the logic in
rejecting the use of imagination as means of
creating one's reality: it is simply that demons
claim it. The logic goes: demons claim to
deceive man by bringing what man imagines to
pass, so if man imagines to create reality, and
it works, then it is sorcery.

Excuse me, but since when do we take the word
of demons over the Word of God? A: Since we got
prophecy pundits and heresy hunters who major
in Paul's early letters to the Thessalonians,
that is when.

You see, Paul, like all of us, was thoroughly
ignoranced when he was born. Like every other
man, woman and child, he began life sensing
the world on the outside, and even teachings
about God and spiritual matters seemed separate
and remote.

Paul became a Pharisee, which means he learned
all Jewish Apocalypticism. That is where every
little nuance of the spirit of man is blown
way out of proportion and pictured symbolically
as historical extremes. For example, a bad
attitude might be portrayed as an evil city,
nation or people doomed to destruction by God.

Except ignoranced people didn't know that the
scriptures involved were symbolic. Everything
was read as literal and historical, "prophetic,"
as it is today. That is where Paul was when he
wrote to the Thessalonians -- he expected Jesus
to appear in the clouds at any moment.

Many clouds and a lot of thought later, Paul
figured out the device of Jewish Apocalypse and
realized that it all happens within the spirit
of man.

Joshua, YHWH saving us, was the "son" of Nun;
Nun means "resprouting in perpetuity." That is,
it never ends -- in the flow of God's love we
just keep mounting up and mounting up and
mounting up. Who knows how high is the high
calling given us by God? "It does not yet
appear what we shall be, but . . . we shall be
like him" (1 John 3: 2).


A quick exercise in logic: if you were a demon
and men cannot have anything to do with sorcery
(demons causing manifestation), and God has given
manifesting via imagination to man (God causing
the manifestation of what man imagines), how
would you stop man from using his imagination to
create the reality he desires in obedience to God?

A: Claim that you do it.

It has been that simple for demons to dissuade
men from using their imaginations to create the
realities they desire. God says, "I have put
my word in your mouth and in your heart, that
you might do it;" "Say to this mountain;"
"Believe in your heart that you receive . . ."

And man says, "Oh, no, no, no! The demons said
that if we imagine what we want, they will take
that as honoring them and will give us whatsoever
we ask for. Saying to the mountain and believing
in our hearts -- that's all Devil worship!
Sorcery! We'd have to stone ourselves."


Not that there isn't a lot of error mixed in
with proper doctrine: we are not becoming gods;
it is not the power of our minds that causes
manifestation; we can not "command" anything to
happen (except for demons to leave); and we do
not put faith our faith, but in God's faith.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What, I Think, Deuteronomy 6: 4 is About

By the two larger letters below, the Bible says, Let this be a witness
to you . . .


This is translated as, "Hear, O Israel, the LORD your God, the LORD
is One."

Let us apply to this translation what I think is insight, that
a) shema means listen;
b) in the word Israel, God is the doer, = God-ruling-as-man;
c) YHWH is God's nature, the pattern of his love flowing into the actuality
of his own existence in this dimension; and
d) e'had, the compound unity that is God, includes us:

"Listen, O God-Ruling-as-Man, the flow of God's love into manifestation,
verily your God, the flow of God's love into manifestation . . . is YOU!"

That does put a different twist on it, doesn't it?

Hey, wait a minute. That not only means that I am Jesus Christ, but that
jerk over there is Jesus, too. I mean, that fellow over there is Jesus, too. I
love Jesus -- do I have to love that fellow, too? Think of him as Jesus,
honor him as Jesus, listen to him as Jesus, give to him as Jesus, help
him as Jesus . . .

Yep. That is Deuteronomy 6: 5, the Great Commandment -- we are all
God, and we shall love the flow of God's love into manifestation -- our
neighbor -- with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our might.

I usually say other things to other, uh, less capable drivers when I am
driving my car. Maybe it will help me to just say, "I love you, Jesus,"
to them.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Moses was a Pentecostal Christian

Christianity came from Judaism? Balderdash. It was the other way
around -- Judaism is but disintegrated Pentecostalism. Moses was
a Pentecostal Christian. Even an Indian Buddhist missionary to
the Jews could see that. That is why he resurrected, in Mark, the
same Joshua who was with Moses -- as a literary device to
facilitate dialog with the Jews (otherwise they probably would
have killed him.) 
The Buddhist understood Judaism better than the Jews did. He could see that Moses was after, in the Pentateuch, the awakening of man's consciousness to his oneness with God. Advaita is, after all, a Vedic concept also. The Pentateuch was a primer to initiation in the baptism in the Holy Spirit as Moses understood it, and post-initiation secrets were never written. As a Buddhist initiate, the missionary could see how the Jews had lost their way to genuine conversion.
"Mark" wrote the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a prescription for
the correction of Judaism, which is essentially Buddhism, anyway.
It was to take the Jews back to the Pentecostal experience Moses
wrote about. 
Moses' testimony in the Pentateuch could take man up to, but could not effect, the quickening of the Holy Spirit. No one can take a man "across the Jordan" and into Canaan, the perfect country that is the Pentecostal experience, but God. That is God's salvation -- Joshua, "Jesus" -- and God does it himself.
Jesus Christ portrays God who ends the results of lives lived in
ignorance and restores man's consciousness of being life-giving,
living branches -- the anointed ones of God (see Victor Alexander's
notes on Mark 1: 1 at God actually is Jesus, and
only he can baptize with the Holy Spirit. 
And hey, it worked! Many Jews were converted out of their insipid rule-keeping lives back to what Moses wrote about -- they became Pentecostal Christians again, imaginations ensconced in YHWH, the flow of God's love, verily God himself. And healings flowed like wine (healings are the results of corrections -- all the past shall be corrected).
Christianity a continuation of Judaism? Nah. The ideal of
Judaism? They wish. Christianity is not the goal or fruit of
Judaism or of any other religion. The traditions of disintegrated
religions came from it! 
Real Christianity came first, and with it the positive aspects of the law, which is recognition of the nature of God. We are to be like him. He doesn't make us be like him; we get to be like him . . . if one is baptized in the Holy Spirit.
You cannot know the baptism of the Holy Spirit if you can't get to
the fall. I suppose a lot of people confuse submission to the law
with submission to the fall. Keeping the law is not causative and
only gives the appearance of spirituality not actually had. That is
the story of modern Jewish and Christian life. One gets to the real
baptism by submitting to the reality and lordship of God. You have
to "eat" of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and then
the journey begins. 
"Good and Evil" = mature and immature. The candidate discovers how immature he (or she) is in his self-serving ignorance, and how "mature" the love of God is. Falling is just giving up the rot you have for the life he offers. "Thou shalt not eat" only means you haven't been willing to. Go ahead and "die" of the life you have and submit to imbuement with God's love. He will give you a conscience and will join you for the rest of your life -- eternity!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Sabbath Isn't Just Saturday: The Bible's Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Sabbath is love in action. Literally.

We have an evidence of God's love, Jethro, which means "his
jutting over or excellence; his excelling". Jethro is the surpassing
abundance of provision, the surprising increase of supply which
appears sometimes unaccountably and seems to exceed our
capacity to receive it. It is a flow of love coming from someplace -
- his place.

The prophets speak of this flow as a pattern, YHWH, the very
nature of God. This flow is God, the invisible Ineffable, speaking
to us. It says, "Let my people go." His "people" are our thoughts,
for he is imagination, the source of our imaginations. He wants
our thoughts to serve him in love. By YHWH, he is trying to shake
us awake.

The Sabbath is God's flow of love. YHWH is God the Ineffable, the
incomprehensible source of life, exercising his power to effect
his desire to provide for us. We are his "love target." He is the
sender, the sent, and the recipient of his love. We are all one.
I guess you could say the flow is all "in house."

We are not separate from the Ineffable. The biggest confusion in
Christianity is thinking that he is somewhere else. "God so loved
the world that he gave his only begotten son." This is the epitome
of YHWH, the flow of God's love -- he became us. The Ineffable,
Most High God laid down his life and died of all knowledge of
his life to become us, that we might become him. Everybody is
him -- the Ineffable, the Most High God -- made completely
ignorant of the fact!

We have emptied ourselves of glory and have manifested in the
form of servants. We find ourselves crucified on the "cross" of
these bodies. The Sabbath was made for us: it says, "Do the
work of your father."

Work? What work? Everything comes from his imagination. No
thing has been made without him. The Sabbath is imagination
becoming manifest in time. It is God's love happening. This
light shines in the darkness of our ignoranced minds:
"Love is of God, and everyone who loveth is born of God, and
knoweth God."

The "son" of God, the imagination of the Ineffable, is hid in our
hearts. It is so hid that we are thinking with it right now and do
not even recognize it. By imagining in love we save mankind,
who is the manifestation of the Ineffable.

What is perfect and kind? What is noble, true, just, pure, lovely,
of good report, virtuous, praiseworthy? Imagine these.

The Sabbath is love's becoming manifest. God saw his perfect
image, the earth of the six-day creation, and it was beautiful. He
put man -- himself -- in it, and that earth comes to pass by man.

Man is Jesus Christ, for the Ineffable has come in the flesh -
- our flesh. 'Jesus' means YHWH saving, which is the flow
of love which destroys the existing results of our ignorance and
supplants it with right.

'Christ' -- hold onto your hats, heresy mongers -- comes from
KRST, the Egyptian word for coffin, for the life-force of the
Ineffable, the "anointing" that animates our bodies, is the
consciousness of God which resides in  the skull of man, our
imagination. In the "coffin" is the Almighty, the power and the
wisdom of God.

Why say 'coffin' when you mean the Ineffable? Because in
scripture, the Ineffable is uneffed! References to him have to be
understood, like "Before the beginning, (the Ineffable -- uneffed!)
created God, the Heavens and the Earth." I.e., he planned man.
And Adam, the Rib, Eve and the Shining One -- all one dude:
the Ineffable.

Behold the "coffin" that is the skull. In this sepulcher is the
divine Most High . . . resurrecting, creating: "I, I am this;
I shall manifest as that."

"In the mount (which is the skull), YHWH sees, provides"
(Genesis 22: 14). Whatever is needed for us to "hit the mark,"
to fulfill God's intended good and beautiful end, he will provide -
- on the wings of the Sabbath.

He who? He is you. We are to keep the Sabbath, the flow of God, holy.
That doesn't mean to keep Saturday holy, but to take a day off
every week and dedicate the time to talking about the flow of
God's love, God's provision and what we are to do about it. We
are to learn more and more about the Sabbath and endeavor
more and more to practice it.

Practice the Sabbath, the flow of God's love? Practicing the
Sabbath isn't shined shoes, bonnets, grinning and a big Bible
under the arm.  Practicing the Sabbath is Israel, which means
God Ruling as Man, by man. This is our engaging in cooperation
with God, as God. This entails loving God, our fellow man, in acts
and imaginings.

It is through our imagining that the divine creates the worlds of
every tomorrow.

So, welcome to the world as you have thought it. Maybe you would
like to end this particular world. Jesus Christ is the ender of the
present, the loving provider of tomorrow. And he is your imagination.
"Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give
you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek
and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my
yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matthew 11: 28-29).

Today is the Sabbath. Everyday is. "At that time (right now!) Jesus
went on the Sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were
an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat"
(Matthew 12: 1). The world is a hunger, and you, divine son, are
lord of the Sabbath. Corn is available, and it is blameless for you
to eat.

How shall you eat? We are the son, the child of Proverbs chapter
eight, manifest now in ignorance. Yet still, we are the power and
wisdom of God Almighty, the Ineffable. Our imagining is his
imagining. We see him creating the universe by imagining it in 3D.
We do this same work, just as we see the Father work: we lovingly
imagine desired experiences -- i.e., pick and eat the corn in 3D -
- and trust these experiences to manifest on the morrow. Feed your
thoughts on love and believe you receive. Intensely believe that your
three-dimensional vision is, and God will bring it to pass.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Praying in 3D

I have a theory about praying in 3D. I believe it is intended to
encourage and inculcate our mystical awareness of consciousness.

When I have entered imagining in 3D, I have encountered mystical 
events, such as watching Jesus' scourging and crucifixion and
hearing His manifest voice. I have heard other Christians'
testimonies of encountering Jesus and of Jews encountering
Elijah, Buddhists encountering Gautama, etc.

There is usually some sort of correction involved in these
encounters. One's worldview is changed, a purpose in life is
given, a mission commissioned -- whole lives are changed and
healed -- and 3D imagining becomes the place for encounter. 

I believe the Most High, the Author of Consciousness, wants to
get us on track.

The universe is light, and light is consciousness. That is,
the universe takes information -- 3D information.

Three-dimensional thought is input into the universe's store
of instructions (the Most High created 3D instructions for
the universe in the six-days of Genesis 1).

The Most High intends to become all by all becoming It, and
that intention is Its "Son." We are that in the undertaking.

When we pray, think, imagine or meditate in 3D, we exercise
administrative writing privileges on the universe's store of
information. What we input, the universe is then programmed
to produce. The universe is not God, but it has consciousness.
It follows instructions.

We need to input what we want in the proper code. Negativity,
criticism, despair and frustration will work, but we do not
want their production. For what we want, we have to input
specific instructions. A good present comes from good past
3D thoughts.

Instructions which have been input, we can revise. What has
been produced is transitory and is ready to be replaced by
new production -- as soon as there is new code. That is the
promise of Jesus Christ: the flow destroys the existing to
make way for the new. All we have to do is go to the Most
High, the Author of Consciousness, in 3D imagination (which
is, after all, him), and encounter Him.

Hey, he isn't going to bite your head off. He said,
"Come unto me."

Neville Goddard's Mental Diets/Self-Talk Creates Reality text

I have posted an improved, easier to copy version of this text at

Transcriber's Note: We are told in the Bible that God created the
universe by speaking it into existence. Neville notes here that "We
call not out loud, but by an inner effort of intense attention. To
listen attentively, as though you heard, is to create."

Neville Goddard 1955

Talking to oneself is a habit everyone indulges in. We could no more stop 
talking to ourselves than we could stop eating and drinking. All that we can do 
is control the nature and the direction of our inner conversations. Most of us 
are totally unaware of the fact that our inner conversations are the causes of 
the circumstance of our life.
We are told that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." But do we know that 
man's thinking follows the tracks laid down in his own inner conversations? To 
turn the tracks to which he is tied in the direction in which he wants to go, he 
must put off his former conversation, which is called in the Bible the Old Man, 
and be renewed in the spirit of his mind. Speech is the image of mind; 
therefore, to change his mind, he must first change his speech. By 'speech' is 
meant those mental conversations we carry on with ourselves.
The world is a magic circle of infinite possible mental transformations. For 
there are an infinite number of possible mental conversations. When man 
discovers the creative power of inner talking, he will realize his function and 
his mission in life. Then he can act to a purpose. Without such knowledge, he 
acts unconsciously. Everything is a manifestation of the mental conversations 
which go on in us without our being aware of them. But as civilized beings, we 
must become aware of them and act with a purpose.
A man's mental conversations attracts his life. As long as there is no change in 
his inner talking, the personal history of the man remains the same. To attempt 
to change the world before we change our inner talking is to struggle against 
the very nature of things. Man can go 'round and around in the same circle of 
disappointments and misfortunes, not seeing them as caused by his own negative 
inner talking, but as caused by others. This may seem far-fetched, but it is a 
matter which lends itself to research and experiment. The formula the chemist 
illustrates is not more certainly provable than the formula of this science by 
which words are clothed in objective reality.
One day a girl told me of her difficulties in working with her employer. She was 
convinced that he unjustly criticized and rejected her very best efforts. Upon 
hearing her story, I explained that if she thought him unfair, it was a sure 
sign that she herself was in need of a new conversation piece. There was no 
doubt but that she was mentally arguing with her employer, for others only echo 
that which we whisper to them in secret. She confessed that she argued mentally 
with him all day long. When she realized what she had been doing, she agreed to 
change her inner conversations with her employer. She imagined that he had 
congratulated her on her fine work, and that she in turn had thanked him for his 
praise and kindness. To her great delight, she soon discovered that her own 
attitude was the cause of all that befell her. The behavior of her employer 
reversed itself. It echoed, as it had always done, her mental conversations with 
I rarely see a person alone without wondering, "to what conversation piece is he 
tied? On what mysterious track is he walking?" We must begin to take life 
consciously. For the solution of all problems lies just in this: the Second Man, 
the Lord from heaven in all of us, is trying to become self-conscious in the 
body, that he may be about his father's business. What are his labors? To 
imitate his father, to become master of the Word, master of his inner talking, 
that he may mold this world of ours into a likeness with the Kingdom of Love.
The prophet said, "Be ye imitators of God as dear children." How would I imitate 
God? Well, we are told that God calls things that are not seen as though they 
were seen, and the unseen becomes seen. This is the way the girl called forth 
praise and kindness from her employer. She carried on an imaginary conversation 
with her employer from the premise that he had praised her work, and he did.
Our inner conversations represent in various ways the world we live in. Our 
individual worlds are self-revelations of our own inner speech. We are told that 
every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof. For by 
their words shall they be justified, and by their words they shall be condemned. 
We abandon ourselves to negative inner talking, yet expect to retain command of 
life. Our present mental conversations do not recede into the past as man 
believes. They advance into the future to confront us as wasted or invested 
words. "My Word," said the prophet, "shall not return unto me void, but it shall 
accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in all the things whereto I 
sent it."
How would I send my Word to help a friend? I would imagine that I am hearing his 
voice, that he is physically present, that my hand is on him. I would then 
congratulate him on his good fortune, tell him that I have never seen him look 
better. I would listen as though I heard him; I would imagine that he is telling 
me he has never felt better, he has never been happier. And I would know that in 
this loving, knowing communion with another, a communion populous with loving 
thoughts and feelings, that my word was sent, and it shall not return unto me 
void, but it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
"Now it the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." It is only what is done 
now that counts, even though its effects may not be visible until tomorrow. We 
call not out loud, but by an inner effort of intense attention. To listen 
attentively, as though you heard, is to create. The events and relationships of 
life are your Word made visible. Most of us rob others of their willingness and 
their ability to be kind and generous by our fixed attitudes towards them. Our 
attitudes unfold within us in the form of mental conversations. Inner talking 
from premises of fulfilled desire is the way to consciously create 
Our inner conversations are perpetually out-pictured all around us in 
happenings. Therefore, what we desire to see and hear without we must see and 
hear within, for the whole manifested world goes to show us what use we have 
made of the Word. If you practice this art of controlled inner speaking, you too 
will know what a thrill it is to be able to say, "And now I have told you before 
it come to pass, that when it is come to pass, ye might believe." You will be 
able to consciously use your imagination to transform and channel the immense 
creative energies of your inner speech from the mental, emotional level to the 
physical level. And I do not know what limits, if any, there are to such a 
What is your aim? Does your inner talking match it? It must, you know, if you 
would realize your aim. For as the prophet asked, "Can two walk together except 
they be agreed?" And of course the answer is, "No, they cannot." The two who 
must agree are your inner conversation and the state desired. That is, what you 
desire to see and hear without, you must see and hear within. Every stage of 
man's progress is made by the conscious exercise of his imagination matching his 
inner speech to his fulfilled desire. As we control our inner talking, matching 
it to our fulfilled desires, we can lay aside all other processes. Then we 
simply act by clear imagination and intention: we imagine the wish fulfilled and 
carry on mental conversations from that premise. The right inner speech is the 
speech that would be yours were you to realize your ideal. In other words, it is 
the speech of fulfilled desire.
Now you will understand how wise the ancient was when he told us in the 
Hermetica, "There are two gifts which God has bestowed upon man alone and on no 
other mortal creature. These two are Mind and Speech, and the gift of Mind and 
Speech is equivalent to that of immortality. If a man uses these two gifts 
rightly, he will differ in nothing from the Immortals. And when he quits his 
body, Mind and Speech will be his guides, and by them he will be brought into 
the troop of the gods and the souls that have attained to bliss."
With the gift of Mind and Speech you create the conditions and circumstances of 
life. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word 
was God." The Word, said Hermes, is Son, and Mind is Father of the Word. They 
are not separate one from the other, for life is the union of Word and Mind. You 
and your inner talking, or Word, are one. If your mind is one with your inner 
conversations, then to be transformed in mind is to be transformed in 
conversation. It was a flash of the deepest insight that taught Paul to write, 
"Put off the former conversation, the Old Man which is corrupt, and be renewed 
in the spirit of your mind. Put on the New Man." "Put on the New Man," and "be 
renewed in the spirit of your mind," is to change your inner conversation, for 
speech and mind are one - a change of speech is a change of mind.
The prophet Samuel said, "The Lord spake by me, and his Word was in my tongue." 
If the Lord's Word was in the prophet's tongue, then the Lord's mouth that 
uttered the Word must be the prophet's mind, for inner conversations originate 
in the mind and produce little tiny speech movements in the tongue. The prophet 
is telling us that the mouth of God is the mind of man, that our inner 
conversations are the Word of God creating life about us as we create it within 
In the Bible you are told that the Word is very near to you, in your mouth and 
in your heart, that you may do it. "See, I have set before you this day life and 
good, death and evil, blessings and cursings. Choose life." The conditions and 
circumstances of life are not created by some power external to yourself; they 
are the conditions which result from the exercise of your freedom of choice, 
your freedom to choose the ideas to which you will respond.
Now is the accepted time. This is the day of salvation. Whatsoever things are of 
good report, think on these things. For your future will be formed by the Word 
of God which is your present inner talking. You create your future by your inner 
conversations. The worlds were framed by the Word of God, that is, your inner 
See yonder fields? The sesamum was sesamum, the corn was corn.
The silence and the darkness knew! So is a man's fate born.
(The Light of Asia)
For ends run true to origins. If you would reap success, you must plant success. 
The idea in your mind which starts the whole process going is the idea which you 
accept as truth. This is a very important point to grasp, for truth depends upon 
the intensity of imagination, not upon "facts."  When the girl imagined that her 
employer was unfair, his behavior confirmed her imagination. When she changed 
her assumption of him, his behavior reflected the change, proving that an 
assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.
The mind always behaves according to the assumption with which it starts. 
Therefore, to experience success, we must assume that we are successful. We must 
live wholly on the level of the imagination itself, and it must be consciously 
and deliberately undertaken. It does not matter if at the present moment 
external facts deny the truth of your assumption, if you persist in your 
assumption it will become a fact. Signs follow, they do not precede.
To assume a new concept of yourself is to that extent to change your inner 
talking or Word of God and is, therefore, putting on the New Man. Our inner 
talking, though unheard by others, is more productive of future conditions than 
all the audible promises and threats of men. Your ideal is waiting to be 
incarnated, but unless you yourself offer it human parentage it is incapable of 
birth. You must define the person you wish to be and then assume the feeling of 
your wish fulfilled in faith that that assumption will find expression through 
The true test of religion is in its use, but men have made it a thing to defend. 
It is to you that the words are spoken, "Blessed is she that believed, for there 
shall be an accomplishment of those things which were spoken unto her from the 
Lord." Test it. Try it. Conceive yourself to be one that you want to be and 
remain faithful to that conception, for life here is only a training ground for 
image making. Try it and see if life will not shape itself on the model of your 
Everything in the world bears witness of the use or misuse of man's inner 
talking. Negative inner talking, particularly evil and envious inner talking, 
are the breeding ground of the future battlefields and penitentiaries of the 
world. Through habit man has developed the secret affection for these negative 
inner conversations. Through them he justifies failure, criticizes his 
neighbors, gloats over the distress of others, and in general pours out his 
venom on all. Such misuse of the Word perpetuates the violence of the world.
The transformation of self requires that we meditate on a given phrase, a phrase 
which implies that our ideal is realized, and inwardly affirm it over and over 
and over again until we are inwardly affected by its implication, until we are 
possessed by it. Hold fast to your noble inner convictions or "conversations." 
Nothing can take them from you but yourself. Nothing can stop them from becoming 
objective facts. All things are generated out of your imagination by the Word of 
God, which is your own inner conversation. And every imagination reaps its own 
Words which it has inwardly spoken.
The great secret of success is a controlled inner conversation from premises of 
fulfilled desire. The only price you pay for success is the giving up of your 
former conversation which belongs to the Old Man, the unsuccessful man. The time 
is ripe for many of us to take conscious charge in creating heaven on earth. To 
consciously and voluntarily use our imagination, to inwardly hear and only say 
that which is in harmony with our ideal, is actively bringing heaven to earth. 
Every time we exercise our imagination lovingly on behalf of another, we are 
literally mediating God to that one. Always use your imagination masterfully, as 
a participant, not an onlooker. In using your imagination to transform energy 
from the mental, emotional level to physical level, extend your senses - look 
and imagine that you are seeing what you want to see, that you are hearing what 
you want to hear, and touching what you want to touch. Become intensely aware of 
doing so. Give your imaginary state all the tones and feeling of reality. Keep 
on doing so until you arouse within yourself the mood of accomplishment and the 
feeling of relief.
This is the active, voluntary use of the imagination as distinguished from the 
passive, involuntary acceptance of appearances. It is by this active, voluntary 
use of the imagination that the Second Man, the Lord from heaven, is awakened in 
man. Men call imagination a plaything, the "dream faculty." But actually it is 
the very gateway of reality. Imagination is the way to the state desired, it is 
the truth of the state desired, and the life of that state desired. Could you 
realize this fully, there would you know that what you do in your imagination is 
the only important thing. Within the circle of our imagination the whole drama 
of life is being enacted over and over again. Through the bold and active use of 
the imagination we can stretch out our hand and touch a friend ten thousand 
miles away and bring health and wealth to the parched lips of his being. It is 
the way to everything in the world. How else could we function beyond our 
fleshly limitations? But imagination demands of us a fuller living of our dreams 
in the present.
Through the portals of the present the whole of time must pass. Imagine 
elsewhere as here, and then as now. Try it and see. You can always tell if you 
have succeeded in making the future dream a present fact by observing your inner 
talking. If you are inwardly saying what you would audibly say were you 
physically present and physically moving about in that place, then you have 
succeeded. And you could prophesy it from these inner conversations, and from 
the moods which they awaken within you, what your future will be. For one power 
alone makes a prophet - imagination, the divine vision. All that we meet is our 
Word made visible. And what we do not now comprehend is related by affinity to 
the unrecognized forces of our own inner conversations and the moods which they 
arouse within us. If we do not like what is happening to us, it is a sure sign 
that we are in need of a change of mental diet. For man, we are told, lives not 
by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And having 
discovered the mouth of God to be the mind of man, a mind which lives on Words 
or inner talking, we should feed into our minds only loving, noble thoughts. For 
with Words or inner talking we build our world.
Let love's lordly hand raise your hunger and thirst to all that is noble and of 
good report, and let your mind starve e'er you raise your hand to a cup love did 
not fill or a bowl love did not bless. That you may never again have to say, 
"What have I said? What have I done, O all powerful human Word?"

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

The Secrets of Neville Goddard's 3D Imagination

Note added November 21, 2018: I just realized that what Neville was describing in his "sleepy, drowsy state" was entering theta consciousness. I do not recall his ever mentioning theta or any other such level of consciousness by name, but he taught his own discovered processes of doing the same. There are a boatload of such processes available on line now, but in Neville's day not so much.

He described floating up, buoyed by the rising tide of sleepiness. He described peacefully watching the dancing blue light like burning alcohol. He described going through the days events backwards, just as counting down or backwards is commonly used now to enter the theta state. Use whatever process gets you to the theta or deeper state, and enter the end you desire. It is in the deeper states, Neville (and Joseph Murphy) said, that we are connected with the subconscious and communicate with God, and he with us. See Neville Goddard Theta: the drowsy state akin to sleep.

Note February 18, 2018 post: Sensing the Presence of God as the Secret of Neville Goddard's 3D Imagining Technique (

Added January 30, 2018:

Neville felt things in his sleepy state. Late fall in New York, he felt himself on the balmy dirt paths of Barbados and felt himself in his bed in his father's house. Stuck in the Army, in his imagination he felt the items in his apartment in New York and gazed at the scene from its window. Stuck in Barbados, he felt in his hand the rail of the gangplank with its salty crust and felt the mixed emotions of joy for departing and sorrow for leaving loved ones. Felt, saw, smelled, heard, emotions. If you know exactly what it is that you want, can forgive your present, and love -- follow the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have done unto yourself) -- imagine it over and over until it "takes on all the tones of reality," including the things you touch there. FEEL them. Feel that the whole scene is true and real. Make intense effort to really hear what you want to hear there. Love, and expect good for everyone involved all along the process of getting there. Make yourself holy -- feel that everyone and everything is blessed and is being multiplied in that blessedness (well, okay - that is from Joseph Murphy). Praise God, the Divine Intelligence doing it, and be seriously thankful in your heart.

Added March 2, 2017:

Neville said in The Power of Awareness (Case History number six): "I started by telling him that there was only one solution to any problem, and that solution was a change of attitude. . . . I described the facts underlying the law of consciousness -- in fact that CONSCIOUSNESS WAS THE ONLY REALITY. I told him that the way to change any condition was to change his state of consciousness concerning it" (emphasis mine).

"Once you know that CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY REALITY and is the sole creator of your particular world AND HAVE BURNT THIS TRUTH INTO YOUR WHOLE BEING, then you know that success or failure is entirely in your own hands. . . . The time it takes your assumption to become reality is proportionate to the naturalness of being it" (ch. 24; emphasis mine).

(Earlier in the same chapter) "The time it takes your assumption to become fact -- your desire to become fulfilled -- is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be -- of already having what you desire. . . . IF YOU DO NOT FEEL NATURAL ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO BE, YOU WILL NOT BE IT" (emphasis mine).

Added September 25, 2016:

Added September 24, 2016: from

Neville Goddard's Secret-of-Success Answer to Sami: the Death of the Salesman

I think this is one of the big secrets that everyone is looking for in the Law of Assumption. I have tried to explain elsewhere, but nobody does it better than Neville (see paragraph below). You can listen to it on YouTube, if that is accessible to you, as *Rare* Neville Goddard Lecture 255 "Sami's Question" (1968) ( Says Neville there:

"When I speak of feeling, I don't mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. And you can think you did that, but you can know for sure: if you haven't achieved your goal, you don't have acceptance. And the reason you don't have acceptance is that you are still thinking of the goal rather than thinking from the goal. That is all there is to it. And if you are thinking of a goal, rather than thinking from the goal, you can do that for ten years and nothing will happen. But the instant you think from the goal, your world will change. And that can happen tomorrow. It can happen in an instant, but it can never happen from continuing to think in that older way" (emphasis mine).

Acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled is the key. So also is vividness, gratitude and thanksgiving. It isn't just being there, say as an actor on the stage; it is 'there' being real to you. This brings to mind Gregg Braden's discussion of the three mystical physicians in Beijing metaphysically operating on a woman with a tumor in her bladder. I don't remember which video that was, but I will find the clip and post it here. Okay, I found a copy of it in a compilation called "Gregg Braden Feeling is Prayer" The relevant clip starts at 8:13 minutes and the operation is seen (!) at 14:35 to 16:35. Two minutes flat to heal an inoperable cancer. The thing is, the three TRAINED pray-ers agreed that the woman was normal, that the tumor was not there. Braden seems to think they were saying, "Wa-sa," but I hear "Hua," "Se," and "Mei." These are not magic, but express their acceptance of the desired reality. And the tumor disappeared in two minutes flat. The pray-ers were trained to do what? The relevant clip starts with Gregg explaining this.

What are they doing in the video? The implication is that this heart attitude is really how to pray. Their prayer is not the words; it is the attitude they are experiencing inside. Find that, and you have found the fulfillment of all your dreams.

We make great mental effort to convince ourselves that what we desire is, that we are there, that we are in it, that we are thinking from it, that we have the feeling of having accepted it, that we have received it. But as long as we are trying to sell this to ourselves, we haven't accepted it. When we break through to actually accepting it as reality, the salesman "dies." We have bought it -- lock, stock, and barrel.

Neville asks, "What would it be like if it were true? Can you believe it?" If you do believe it, the world will be compelled to manifest it in the out-picturing of your inner person. Prayer is compelling the world.

Those who show up in prayer lines for healing believe that Jesus Christ is Lord (YHWH). They might be quite inaccurate in what they do believe about him, but they thoroughly believe that he is. They accept it. Healing tells them, "Yeah, you've got this much right. Now you KNOW that I am real and that I am Lord." Once that is anchored, he can straighten out the details.

We don't have to have all the details right. All we have to do is to believe that what we see or hear or feel in our imagination is real. Real real. Burt Goldman has a good line on this. He came up with Quantum Jumping, which is imagining that you go to another planet where another you is doing something you want to do or knows something you want to know, and you carry that ability or knowledge (or whatever) back to this reality with you. But the thing is: their reality, the one you are visiting, is real to you. You accept your doppelganger's reality as a real reality -- brick and mortar stuff. I imagine that the logic of Quantum Jumping, which I have not tried, suspends your salesman (or at least confuses the hell out of him).

Happy believing . . . and accepting. RIP, salesman.

(PS: On January 18, 2017, I received a comment that "Sami's Question" was from a Yahoo discussion group which got attributed to Neville. I do not know at this time if that is true, but its composition certainly reflects Neville's teaching. See

Added May 18, 2016: from:

Neville Goddard's Technique of Life's Mirror Reflection Creation

People want to learn Neville Goddard's technique of manifesting what they want. Neville learned the technique from Abdullah as part of Adbullah's theology. The theology is the technique. The theology is that God desired form and we are being developed into that form. We have been developing for a long time, and the process is ubiquitous even though we are not aware or cognizant of it. It is on automatic.

The process is to convert us from followers of the Most High God to leaders of the same nature and character as that ineffable God. The process entails ourselves creating the world we experience through our thoughts and emotions. The world then reflects those thought and emotions in manifestation. That is, as Neville said, our thoughts and emotions do not recede into the past, but rather they advance into the future to confront us as our world. Our thoughts -- or lack of them -- cause our worlds. Discovering this process underway awakens us to the prospect of God, and when the process works we have found God . . . to be our own wonderful human imaginations. Our imaginations because God is imagination and he has become us.

The world naturally mirrors our thoughts and emotions whether they be good, bad, or indifferent. Inasmuch as God's intelligence does this automatically, we can control the source of thoughts and emotions to be reflected. Neville used various mental devices to get the brain to imagine a scene so real and complete and full of emotion that it would become manifest in the future. If we can get it down, the world will reflect it.

Gregg Braden has a number of books and videos on the subject. This one in particular is about seven mirrors the world acts as as determined by the Essenes:

"From the perspective of the ancient Essenes, every human on the earth is an initiate in the Mystery School that we call Life. Whether they are conscious of it or not, every human will experience in the presence of others mirrors of themselves in that moment. If we have the wisdom to recognize those mirrors, we may accelerate the evolution of emotion and understanding.

"What the Essenes said was that for us to know and master ourselves in this world, we will see one or some combination of mirrored patterns in others. The seven mirrors are progressively more and more subtle. Back in the '70s, we heard about the first mirror, of who you are in the moment. The notion was that if you find yourself around individuals who are angry or dishonest, they are showing you your dishonesty or anger. Sometimes the mirrors would apply, but sometimes they wouldn't. We had discovered the first mirror, but had yet to see the other mirrors, such as the second mirror, which reflects what we judge in the moment.

"This is tremendously powerful but very subtle. The ancient Essenes had a very sophisticated understanding of interpersonal human relationships and the role of emotion in those relationships. It's the role of emotion that we have carefully sifted out of our Western experience up until very recently. Now, as we go back into these texts, we see that it is emotion that proves the power and, when coupled with logic, true magic and miracles occur."

* * * * * * * *

Mr. Braden also has a very interesting video on this prayer technique being edited from the Christian Bible. Fortunately, the Jews were not the only ones who discovered the world's mirroring our thoughts and emotions, and the church was not completely successful in burying knowledge of the process. In ancient texts that remained out of their hands, the original scriptures can still be found. Here is one of his videos on that:

"How to Pray or Ask God In The Most Correct Way .... Directly From The Original Text Of The Bible Before The Christian Church Changed It."

In this video, Braden discusses The Gospel According to Thomas, which is supposedly Gnostic teaching from the early Christian era. In verse 106 it states, "When you make the two one, you shall become the sons of Man, and when you say: "Mountain, be moved," it will be moved." Verse 48 says, "If two make peace with each other in this one house, they shall say to the mountain, 'Be moved,' and it shall be moved."

The two are the thoughts and the emotions of our imagination. When they become one in our heart it is as if our prayer has already been answered.

Braden also talks about John 16: 34 from the ancient Aramaic which escaped the "Christian" editing. In the original it states, "All things that you ask straightly, directly from inside my name (nature, imagination), you will be given. So far you have not done this (we've been asking incorrectly). Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped in what you desire, that your gladness may be full."

Neville said we must make our future dream our present fact by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled -- to come FROM the place where it is already happened.

Find the thoughts and emotions that you would have SUBSEQUENT to your desire being fulfilled. Satisfaction, relief, security, joy and gratitude, and create a small scene you can EXPERIENCE in your imagination. Create the scene, and BE the actor playing the part. Approaching sleep, make your thoughts and emotional feelings one in your heart in this practice. See and feel it as if it were concrete. "Isn't it wonderful!" Be there in the first person. Do it over and over until it takes on all the tones of reality, and then fall asleep while you are there.

There is the flash, expect the reflection to occur in the Mirror that is the world!

May 13, 2016: Interesting points from Lesson 5 of 1948:

Never accept the thought of lack. Mary pointed out that there was no wine. "What have I to do with you?" Jesus proceeded from faith that there was enough. "Fill the containers." Reminds me of Freedom Barry in San Francisco (How to Really Pray/Repentance, a Gift of God). A drunk came up to him and asked for a handout. Freedom saw the man in need of nothing.

Also from Lesson 5: Don't hold onto this present world. Don't wonder how what you desire is going to work into this world. Let go of this "kid" and assume the world you desire. Don't seethe this kid in its mother's milk.

If I didn't say it below, part of the technique is going back to square zero. As God we were unconditioned awareness of being. then we conditioned ourselves. By going almost to sleep, we float away from the conditioning of this world and allow ourselves to just be WITHOUT conditioning. Then we envision and mentally experience the conditions of the world we desire. We become conditioned to that world and persist in the assumption that that IS our existence.

December 7, 2015 edit:
The thing you are looking for is awareness. While you are "imagining" the state you purpose to manifest, become aware of being in that state. Become aware of it in the sense of knowing that you are there and it is real and concrete. Neville speaks of sensing the location and experience you want in vivid, three-dimensional reality. He means to become aware of it. "Feeling is the secret"? He means awareness is the secret. Know exactly what you want, go into that sleepy, drowsy state just before sleep, and become fully aware of the state you desire. What you would do and hear and see and feel, were the state you desire real, become aware of doing. Become aware of the reality of the unreal, and it will become real.

First, you do it in your imagination, but you are aware that you are imagining. You are seeing it from a distance. Do it again more aware of being there, more really experiencing the senses. Do it again sensing your reality there with concrete tactile sensations. Do it again aware that you are thinking from there, where you are going.

Neville said to do everything in love. Aim for the benefit of everyone aware that we -- God: the Heavens and the Earth -- are all one. It is an imagic world.

-- Dan

July 7, 2015:

Please see my posts of July 6th and 7th, 2015:

June 24, 2015:

I have recently been impressed with mutual benefit. We contribute and receive. Seems to be something ingrained in the nature of the Ineffable. Abdullah, Neville, Joseph Murphy learned Kabbalah and all this mysticism . . . and taught. And were rewarded. The titans of industry contributed capital, jobs, and their products and services . . . and were rewarded. "YHWH makes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust" . . . and is rewarded.

When you want, think of what you can do for others because you have what you want. Imagine that having of what you want mixed with the emotions incurred in relation to your providing for others in vivid, intensely present 3-D experience. You will probably feel joy and relief anticipatory to your contribution, and some sadness or regret for what you have to miss or give up because you have what you need and are now set in your course for service.

March 4th, 2015:

I know that I write far too much, so here is the short of it:

Apparently, the Ineffable (the incomprehensible Most High God of whom we know nothing) is imagining in 3D to such an extent that Its imagining exists as creation. As I understand Neville Goddard in his book, Your Faith is Your Fortune, the Ineffable was an unconditioned awareness of being that conditioned itself by imagining itself to be something . . . and is becoming that. We are the process.

What it imagined it self to be was the desire of having form; i.e., it imagined want, hunger, the need of appeasement. The unconditioned awareness of being thus was the Beginning from which everything has become. Everything, including us, and this without division. Call it the Ineffable, the unconditioned awareness of being, the Beginning, God, Christ, the universe or Sam next door, we all are actually the same thing. We are from it in state but not in essence: there is no separation. The state of being unconditioned awareness of being exists within us, and in the deepest recesses of our being it is imagining our hunger and is appeasing our "need." It is doing this by our imagining in 3D, by which it is conditioned.

Everything comes from the unconditioned state of awareness conditioning itself by imagining its own need. There not a thing in this world--no force or power in the entire universe--which can hold back the appeasement of that hunger. Not a thing.

In short, we can script the hunger the Ineffable moves to satisfy by assuming the state of the unconditioned within us and, from that Divine state, conditioning it by imagining the desire and its solution in 3D.

Back to my writing too much: In his lecture, God's Law and His Promise (, Neville Goddard shares what he calls "the secrets of imagining." One of these "secrets" is imagining in 3D. This is the process by which Neville received a seemingly impossible trip to his family home on Barbados during the Great Depression; a seemingly impossible early, honorable discharge from the Army; a seemingly impossible trip from Barbados to New York after the war; and many other seemingly impossible turns of events.

As an example of imagining in 3D for his audience, Neville used his experience of being "present" in that auditorium. He explained that the room was three-dimensional to him for the moment because he was there. It was his being there gave it three-dimensionality. Yet his own home, with which he was much more familiar, was at that moment just
a "flat" surface in his mind's eye. His home was to him two-dimensional because he was not there.

Because all reality is imaginal, where we are is where our imaginal experience is three-dimensional. All other experiences appear to be flat and distant. So if we want to create the spiritual seed of our being someplace (or of our having something, or of our being in another situation or relationship), we must make that "seed" experience our present three-dimensional, "live" experience in our imagination. Being there in 3D imagining, we will then see where we are physically as a remote, two-dimensional surface. This is what is meant by "believe that you receive" (Mark 11: 24): what you imagine is REAL to you.

Another thing Neville shared in this lecture was a somewhat sexual connotation to the creation of such seed. No sex act is involved, of course, but just as one focuses on and fantasizes his (or her) desire in vibrant, three-dimensional mental experience unto a climax, there is an intensity of vision that mounts with each breath unto an "explosion" as the "seed" parts, as it were, to be given birth into the living experience of our lives. The divine force which brings seed to manifestation is Eve, "wife" to the divine force of life desiring it, Adam. Each of these are the spirit of life within us, Christ Jesus -- our imaginations.

This same act is "Jacob," the spiritual part of ourselves being touched in the "hollow" of his thigh (read: "rib") and going limp from then on. The life-creating act is done and the seed has been properly invested. The present physical world (Esau) surely will be supplanted by the seed's manifestation in due time.Israel, by the way, which Jacob becomes in this act, means God ruling as man (see Bullinger, the Companion Bible, Genesis 32: 28 note on Israel: God is the doer of what the verb portion means).

Okay, I admit that I am bringing a number of other lectures and teachings into this understanding. The person writing about Moses in the Pentateuch had no interest whatsoever in writing an ancient history of the Jews or of mankind in general, but rather wanted to share the science of his own mystical experiences:

We all are the life and spirit (consciousness) of God. We have each been "individualized" from a common source, "God." YHWH, or God, is innumerable myriads of consciousnesses which emanate as a branch of the incomprehensible Author of Life, the Ineffable (Deuteronomy 6: 4). The Divine Author is becoming the experience of everything. Each of us is Its operant power--we are manifestations of the Author of Life, the Ineffable Itself, becoming the experience of Itself. There is nothing else in the universe, and what is . . . is the No-thing.

It blows my mind, too.

Hey! If then we are the Author, then we can author our own lives, too! Yes, we already are authoring our lives, but unwittingly and in the ignorance we were born into. But we can learn to write the script of our experiences BETTER!

I personally believe that the "antediluvian patriarchs" in the Gospel of Moses are actually attitudes and mind-sets we are to have in order to overcome the "facts" of the world which we in ignorance have created. Translate their names to reveal their natures, and you will see what I mean. THE GOSPEL OF MOSES IS A SUCCESS MANUAL, a primmer for the correcting of the lives we are imagining as "fact." These facts resist our becoming the experiences that the Ineffable desires. Not that the facts do really resist us; it is just that we are ignorant from our descent and do not know what to do about them.

The "facts" of our ignorant life are no match for the power and the wisdom of the Infinite within us. They are subject to our imagining in 3D. Each antediluvian "patriarch" is a mental, emotional step in attitude toward achieving the rest from this world that allows us to believe the world that is desired and to enter it imaginally. We are supposed to "float" in subjective continence until God opens the door unto the desired world made manifest. This is the Sabbath that we are commanded to keep holy: imagine in 3D AS the Ineffable, and then wait in faith for it to be brought forth by God.

The Manifestation of the Ineffable is the Word of God, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the power and the wisdom of God who provides our Salvation through our imagining. Salvation is the world in which we experience freedom and serenity. Such a deal--rejoice and be grateful that this world comes to pass.

How does this salvation world come to pass? We are destined to become just as the Ineffable is. That future man becomes from our creative imagining as the Ineffable. God said to Moses, "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh." This is the Hebrew of Exodus 3: 14, which is usually translated as "I AM THAT I AM." I not only do not like this translation, I do not believe that the Hebrew is authentic. I think it short-changes us of the true meaning of Moses' Gospel. My personal opinion is that the priests changed the words enough to make God seem separate and distant.

This was not necessarily sinister. Born in to the same ignorance as every man, the truth of the Gospel is too wonderful even for priests to believe. I think the ancient Aramaic version, "Ahiyeh Ashur Hiyeh," retains the original intention: "I become by Creative Imagining his becoming." (Please see Victor Alexander's notes on his translation of Exodus 3: 14 from the ancient Aramaic, available elsewhere in this blog site or at

That is, I admit, my personal translation, but I'm sticking with it. The point of it is that the Ineffable is me, and "my" creative imagining is HIS device to make me into him.

Neville notes that the world only mirrors our thoughts, because we create it by our thoughts. We have made a mess of it in most cases, but we can repent and DO IT OVER. Yes! We can revise what we have done, even to undoing the past! We can revise the past by forgiving what has become from our thoughts (forgiving the thoughts themselves). Then we can imagine as the Ineffable in 3D and create the new world we desire FOR THAT MOMENT. The past altered, the present necessarily changes also.

If you desire to help a friend, have the three-dimensional experience of hearing good news from him or her in your imagination in 3D. That is, be there in vivid experience and hear them speak, and let their present want, lack or need be the past to you--flat and two-dimensional. Over the few moments of this three-dimensional experience, let the intensity of the vision rise until the thrill of it "explodes" and you feel that the act is completed. Once it is done, there is nothing more to do: the seed is planted for its concrete fruition in the future.

See God's Law and His Promise, Unless I Go Away, and The Mystery of Jesus Christ.