The Secrets of Neville Goddard's 3D Imagination
He described floating up, buoyed by the rising tide of sleepiness. He described peacefully watching the dancing blue light like burning alcohol. He described going through the days events backwards, just as counting down or backwards is commonly used now to enter the theta state. Use whatever process gets you to the theta or deeper state, and enter the end you desire. It is in the deeper states, Neville (and Joseph Murphy) said, that we are connected with the subconscious and communicate with God, and he with us. See Neville Goddard Theta: the drowsy state akin to sleep.
Note February 18, 2018 post: Sensing the Presence of God as the Secret of Neville Goddard's 3D Imagining Technique (
Added January 30, 2018:
Neville felt things in his sleepy state. Late fall in New York, he felt himself on the balmy dirt paths of Barbados and felt himself in his bed in his father's house. Stuck in the Army, in his imagination he felt the items in his apartment in New York and gazed at the scene from its window. Stuck in Barbados, he felt in his hand the rail of the gangplank with its salty crust and felt the mixed emotions of joy for departing and sorrow for leaving loved ones. Felt, saw, smelled, heard, emotions. If you know exactly what it is that you want, can forgive your present, and love -- follow the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have done unto yourself) -- imagine it over and over until it "takes on all the tones of reality," including the things you touch there. FEEL them. Feel that the whole scene is true and real. Make intense effort to really hear what you want to hear there. Love, and expect good for everyone involved all along the process of getting there. Make yourself holy -- feel that everyone and everything is blessed and is being multiplied in that blessedness (well, okay - that is from Joseph Murphy). Praise God, the Divine Intelligence doing it, and be seriously thankful in your heart.
Added March 2, 2017:
Neville said in The Power of Awareness (Case History number six): "I started by telling him that there was only one solution to any problem, and that solution was a change of attitude. . . . I described the facts underlying the law of consciousness -- in fact that CONSCIOUSNESS WAS THE ONLY REALITY. I told him that the way to change any condition was to change his state of consciousness concerning it" (emphasis mine).
"Once you know that CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY REALITY and is the sole creator of your particular world AND HAVE BURNT THIS TRUTH INTO YOUR WHOLE BEING, then you know that success or failure is entirely in your own hands. . . . The time it takes your assumption to become reality is proportionate to the naturalness of being it" (ch. 24; emphasis mine).
(Earlier in the same chapter) "The time it takes your assumption to become fact -- your desire to become fulfilled -- is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be -- of already having what you desire. . . . IF YOU DO NOT FEEL NATURAL ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO BE, YOU WILL NOT BE IT" (emphasis mine).
Added September 25, 2016:
Added September 24, 2016: from
Neville Goddard's Secret-of-Success Answer to Sami: the Death of the Salesman
I think this is one of the big secrets that everyone is looking for in the Law of Assumption. I have tried to explain elsewhere, but nobody does it better than Neville (see paragraph below). You can listen to it on YouTube, if that is accessible to you, as *Rare* Neville Goddard Lecture 255 "Sami's Question" (1968) ( Says Neville there:"When I speak of feeling, I don't mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. And you can think you did that, but you can know for sure: if you haven't achieved your goal, you don't have acceptance. And the reason you don't have acceptance is that you are still thinking of the goal rather than thinking from the goal. That is all there is to it. And if you are thinking of a goal, rather than thinking from the goal, you can do that for ten years and nothing will happen. But the instant you think from the goal, your world will change. And that can happen tomorrow. It can happen in an instant, but it can never happen from continuing to think in that older way" (emphasis mine).
Acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled is the key. So also is vividness, gratitude and thanksgiving. It isn't just being there, say as an actor on the stage; it is 'there' being real to you. This brings to mind Gregg Braden's discussion of the three mystical physicians in Beijing metaphysically operating on a woman with a tumor in her bladder. I don't remember which video that was, but I will find the clip and post it here. Okay, I found a copy of it in a compilation called "Gregg Braden Feeling is Prayer" The relevant clip starts at 8:13 minutes and the operation is seen (!) at 14:35 to 16:35. Two minutes flat to heal an inoperable cancer. The thing is, the three TRAINED pray-ers agreed that the woman was normal, that the tumor was not there. Braden seems to think they were saying, "Wa-sa," but I hear "Hua," "Se," and "Mei." These are not magic, but express their acceptance of the desired reality. And the tumor disappeared in two minutes flat. The pray-ers were trained to do what? The relevant clip starts with Gregg explaining this.
What are they doing in the video? The implication is that this heart attitude is really how to pray. Their prayer is not the words; it is the attitude they are experiencing inside. Find that, and you have found the fulfillment of all your dreams.
We make great mental effort to convince ourselves that what we desire is, that we are there, that we are in it, that we are thinking from it, that we have the feeling of having accepted it, that we have received it. But as long as we are trying to sell this to ourselves, we haven't accepted it. When we break through to actually accepting it as reality, the salesman "dies." We have bought it -- lock, stock, and barrel.
Neville asks, "What would it be like if it were true? Can you believe it?" If you do believe it, the world will be compelled to manifest it in the out-picturing of your inner person. Prayer is compelling the world.
Those who show up in prayer lines for healing believe that Jesus Christ is Lord (YHWH). They might be quite inaccurate in what they do believe about him, but they thoroughly believe that he is. They accept it. Healing tells them, "Yeah, you've got this much right. Now you KNOW that I am real and that I am Lord." Once that is anchored, he can straighten out the details.
We don't have to have all the details right. All we have to do is to believe that what we see or hear or feel in our imagination is real. Real real. Burt Goldman has a good line on this. He came up with Quantum Jumping, which is imagining that you go to another planet where another you is doing something you want to do or knows something you want to know, and you carry that ability or knowledge (or whatever) back to this reality with you. But the thing is: their reality, the one you are visiting, is real to you. You accept your doppelganger's reality as a real reality -- brick and mortar stuff. I imagine that the logic of Quantum Jumping, which I have not tried, suspends your salesman (or at least confuses the hell out of him).
Happy believing . . . and accepting. RIP, salesman.
(PS: On January 18, 2017, I received a comment that "Sami's Question" was from a Yahoo discussion group which got attributed to Neville. I do not know at this time if that is true, but its composition certainly reflects Neville's teaching. See
Added May 18, 2016: from:
Neville Goddard's Technique of Life's Mirror Reflection Creation
People want to learn Neville Goddard's technique of manifesting what they want. Neville learned the technique from Abdullah as part of Adbullah's theology. The theology is the technique. The theology is that God desired form and we are being developed into that form. We have been developing for a long time, and the process is ubiquitous even though we are not aware or cognizant of it. It is on automatic.The process is to convert us from followers of the Most High God to leaders of the same nature and character as that ineffable God. The process entails ourselves creating the world we experience through our thoughts and emotions. The world then reflects those thought and emotions in manifestation. That is, as Neville said, our thoughts and emotions do not recede into the past, but rather they advance into the future to confront us as our world. Our thoughts -- or lack of them -- cause our worlds. Discovering this process underway awakens us to the prospect of God, and when the process works we have found God . . . to be our own wonderful human imaginations. Our imaginations because God is imagination and he has become us.
The world naturally mirrors our thoughts and emotions whether they be good, bad, or indifferent. Inasmuch as God's intelligence does this automatically, we can control the source of thoughts and emotions to be reflected. Neville used various mental devices to get the brain to imagine a scene so real and complete and full of emotion that it would become manifest in the future. If we can get it down, the world will reflect it.
Gregg Braden has a number of books and videos on the subject. This one in particular is about seven mirrors the world acts as as determined by the Essenes:
"From the perspective of the ancient Essenes, every human on the earth is an initiate in the Mystery School that we call Life. Whether they are conscious of it or not, every human will experience in the presence of others mirrors of themselves in that moment. If we have the wisdom to recognize those mirrors, we may accelerate the evolution of emotion and understanding.
"What the Essenes said was that for us to know and master ourselves in this world, we will see one or some combination of mirrored patterns in others. The seven mirrors are progressively more and more subtle. Back in the '70s, we heard about the first mirror, of who you are in the moment. The notion was that if you find yourself around individuals who are angry or dishonest, they are showing you your dishonesty or anger. Sometimes the mirrors would apply, but sometimes they wouldn't. We had discovered the first mirror, but had yet to see the other mirrors, such as the second mirror, which reflects what we judge in the moment.
"This is tremendously powerful but very subtle. The ancient Essenes had a very sophisticated understanding of interpersonal human relationships and the role of emotion in those relationships. It's the role of emotion that we have carefully sifted out of our Western experience up until very recently. Now, as we go back into these texts, we see that it is emotion that proves the power and, when coupled with logic, true magic and miracles occur."
* * * * * * * *
Mr. Braden also has a very interesting video on this prayer technique being edited from the Christian Bible. Fortunately, the Jews were not the only ones who discovered the world's mirroring our thoughts and emotions, and the church was not completely successful in burying knowledge of the process. In ancient texts that remained out of their hands, the original scriptures can still be found. Here is one of his videos on that:
"How to Pray or Ask God In The Most Correct Way .... Directly From The Original Text Of The Bible Before The Christian Church Changed It."
In this video, Braden discusses The Gospel According to Thomas, which is supposedly Gnostic teaching from the early Christian era. In verse 106 it states, "When you make the two one, you shall become the sons of Man, and when you say: "Mountain, be moved," it will be moved." Verse 48 says, "If two make peace with each other in this one house, they shall say to the mountain, 'Be moved,' and it shall be moved."
The two are the thoughts and the emotions of our imagination. When they become one in our heart it is as if our prayer has already been answered.
Braden also talks about John 16: 34 from the ancient Aramaic which escaped the "Christian" editing. In the original it states, "All things that you ask straightly, directly from inside my name (nature, imagination), you will be given. So far you have not done this (we've been asking incorrectly). Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped in what you desire, that your gladness may be full."
Neville said we must make our future dream our present fact by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled -- to come FROM the place where it is already happened.
Find the thoughts and emotions that you would have SUBSEQUENT to your desire being fulfilled. Satisfaction, relief, security, joy and gratitude, and create a small scene you can EXPERIENCE in your imagination. Create the scene, and BE the actor playing the part. Approaching sleep, make your thoughts and emotional feelings one in your heart in this practice. See and feel it as if it were concrete. "Isn't it wonderful!" Be there in the first person. Do it over and over until it takes on all the tones of reality, and then fall asleep while you are there.
There is the flash, expect the reflection to occur in the Mirror that is the world!
May 13, 2016: Interesting points from Lesson 5 of 1948:
Never accept the thought of lack. Mary pointed out that there was no wine. "What have I to do with you?" Jesus proceeded from faith that there was enough. "Fill the containers." Reminds me of Freedom Barry in San Francisco (How to Really Pray/Repentance, a Gift of God). A drunk came up to him and asked for a handout. Freedom saw the man in need of nothing.
Also from Lesson 5: Don't hold onto this present world. Don't wonder how what you desire is going to work into this world. Let go of this "kid" and assume the world you desire. Don't seethe this kid in its mother's milk.
If I didn't say it below, part of the technique is going back to square zero. As God we were unconditioned awareness of being. then we conditioned ourselves. By going almost to sleep, we float away from the conditioning of this world and allow ourselves to just be WITHOUT conditioning. Then we envision and mentally experience the conditions of the world we desire. We become conditioned to that world and persist in the assumption that that IS our existence.
December 7, 2015 edit:
The thing you are looking for is awareness. While you are "imagining" the state you purpose to manifest, become aware of being in that state. Become aware of it in the sense of knowing that you are there and it is real and concrete. Neville speaks of sensing the location and experience you want in vivid, three-dimensional reality. He means to become aware of it. "Feeling is the secret"? He means awareness is the secret. Know exactly what you want, go into that sleepy, drowsy state just before sleep, and become fully aware of the state you desire. What you would do and hear and see and feel, were the state you desire real, become aware of doing. Become aware of the reality of the unreal, and it will become real.
First, you do it in your imagination, but you are aware that you are imagining. You are seeing it from a distance. Do it again more aware of being there, more really experiencing the senses. Do it again sensing your reality there with concrete tactile sensations. Do it again aware that you are thinking from there, where you are going.
Neville said to do everything in love. Aim for the benefit of everyone aware that we -- God: the Heavens and the Earth -- are all one. It is an imagic world.
-- Dan
July 7, 2015:
Please see my posts of July 6th and 7th, 2015:
June 24, 2015:
I have recently been impressed with mutual benefit. We contribute and receive. Seems to be something ingrained in the nature of the Ineffable. Abdullah, Neville, Joseph Murphy learned Kabbalah and all this mysticism . . . and taught. And were rewarded. The titans of industry contributed capital, jobs, and their products and services . . . and were rewarded. "YHWH makes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust" . . . and is rewarded.
When you want, think of what you can do for others because you have what you want. Imagine that having of what you want mixed with the emotions incurred in relation to your providing for others in vivid, intensely present 3-D experience. You will probably feel joy and relief anticipatory to your contribution, and some sadness or regret for what you have to miss or give up because you have what you need and are now set in your course for service.
March 4th, 2015:
I know that I write far too much, so here is the short of it:
Apparently, the Ineffable (the incomprehensible Most High God of whom we know nothing) is imagining in 3D to such an extent that Its imagining exists as creation. As I understand Neville Goddard in his book, Your Faith is Your Fortune, the Ineffable was an unconditioned awareness of being that conditioned itself by imagining itself to be something . . . and is becoming that. We are the process.
What it imagined it self to be was the desire of having form; i.e., it imagined want, hunger, the need of appeasement. The unconditioned awareness of being thus was the Beginning from which everything has become. Everything, including us, and this without division. Call it the Ineffable, the unconditioned awareness of being, the Beginning, God, Christ, the universe or Sam next door, we all are actually the same thing. We are from it in state but not in essence: there is no separation. The state of being unconditioned awareness of being exists within us, and in the deepest recesses of our being it is imagining our hunger and is appeasing our "need." It is doing this by our imagining in 3D, by which it is conditioned.
Everything comes from the unconditioned state of awareness conditioning itself by imagining its own need. There not a thing in this world--no force or power in the entire universe--which can hold back the appeasement of that hunger. Not a thing.
In short, we can script the hunger the Ineffable moves to satisfy by assuming the state of the unconditioned within us and, from that Divine state, conditioning it by imagining the desire and its solution in 3D.
Back to my writing too much: In his lecture, God's Law and His Promise (, Neville Goddard shares what he calls "the secrets of imagining." One of these "secrets" is imagining in 3D. This is the process by which Neville received a seemingly impossible trip to his family home on Barbados during the Great Depression; a seemingly impossible early, honorable discharge from the Army; a seemingly impossible trip from Barbados to New York after the war; and many other seemingly impossible turns of events.
As an example of imagining in 3D for his audience, Neville used his experience of being "present" in that auditorium. He explained that the room was three-dimensional to him for the moment because he was there. It was his being there gave it three-dimensionality. Yet his own home, with which he was much more familiar, was at that moment just a "flat" surface in his mind's eye. His home was to him two-dimensional because he was not there.
Because all reality is imaginal, where we are is where our imaginal experience is three-dimensional. All other experiences appear to be flat and distant. So if we want to create the spiritual seed of our being someplace (or of our having something, or of our being in another situation or relationship), we must make that "seed" experience our present three-dimensional, "live" experience in our imagination. Being there in 3D imagining, we will then see where we are physically as a remote, two-dimensional surface. This is what is meant by "believe that you receive" (Mark 11: 24): what you imagine is REAL to you.
Another thing Neville shared in this lecture was a somewhat sexual connotation to the creation of such seed. No sex act is involved, of course, but just as one focuses on and fantasizes his (or her) desire in vibrant, three-dimensional mental experience unto a climax, there is an intensity of vision that mounts with each breath unto an "explosion" as the "seed" parts, as it were, to be given birth into the living experience of our lives. The divine force which brings seed to manifestation is Eve, "wife" to the divine force of life desiring it, Adam. Each of these are the spirit of life within us, Christ Jesus -- our imaginations.
This same act is "Jacob," the spiritual part of ourselves being touched in the "hollow" of his thigh (read: "rib") and going limp from then on. The life-creating act is done and the seed has been properly invested. The present physical world (Esau) surely will be supplanted by the seed's manifestation in due time.Israel, by the way, which Jacob becomes in this act, means God ruling as man (see Bullinger, the Companion Bible, Genesis 32: 28 note on Israel: God is the doer of what the verb portion means).
Okay, I admit that I am bringing a number of other lectures and teachings into this understanding. The person writing about Moses in the Pentateuch had no interest whatsoever in writing an ancient history of the Jews or of mankind in general, but rather wanted to share the science of his own mystical experiences:
We all are the life and spirit (consciousness) of God. We have each been "individualized" from a common source, "God." YHWH, or God, is innumerable myriads of consciousnesses which emanate as a branch of the incomprehensible Author of Life, the Ineffable (Deuteronomy 6: 4). The Divine Author is becoming the experience of everything. Each of us is Its operant power--we are manifestations of the Author of Life, the Ineffable Itself, becoming the experience of Itself. There is nothing else in the universe, and what is . . . is the No-thing.
It blows my mind, too.
Hey! If then we are the Author, then we can author our own lives, too! Yes, we already are authoring our lives, but unwittingly and in the ignorance we were born into. But we can learn to write the script of our experiences BETTER!
I personally believe that the "antediluvian patriarchs" in the Gospel of Moses are actually attitudes and mind-sets we are to have in order to overcome the "facts" of the world which we in ignorance have created. Translate their names to reveal their natures, and you will see what I mean. THE GOSPEL OF MOSES IS A SUCCESS MANUAL, a primmer for the correcting of the lives we are imagining as "fact." These facts resist our becoming the experiences that the Ineffable desires. Not that the facts do really resist us; it is just that we are ignorant from our descent and do not know what to do about them.
The "facts" of our ignorant life are no match for the power and the wisdom of the Infinite within us. They are subject to our imagining in 3D. Each antediluvian "patriarch" is a mental, emotional step in attitude toward achieving the rest from this world that allows us to believe the world that is desired and to enter it imaginally. We are supposed to "float" in subjective continence until God opens the door unto the desired world made manifest. This is the Sabbath that we are commanded to keep holy: imagine in 3D AS the Ineffable, and then wait in faith for it to be brought forth by God.
The Manifestation of the Ineffable is the Word of God, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the power and the wisdom of God who provides our Salvation through our imagining. Salvation is the world in which we experience freedom and serenity. Such a deal--rejoice and be grateful that this world comes to pass.
How does this salvation world come to pass? We are destined to become just as the Ineffable is. That future man becomes from our creative imagining as the Ineffable. God said to Moses, "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh." This is the Hebrew of Exodus 3: 14, which is usually translated as "I AM THAT I AM." I not only do not like this translation, I do not believe that the Hebrew is authentic. I think it short-changes us of the true meaning of Moses' Gospel. My personal opinion is that the priests changed the words enough to make God seem separate and distant.
This was not necessarily sinister. Born in to the same ignorance as every man, the truth of the Gospel is too wonderful even for priests to believe. I think the ancient Aramaic version, "Ahiyeh Ashur Hiyeh," retains the original intention: "I become by Creative Imagining his becoming." (Please see Victor Alexander's notes on his translation of Exodus 3: 14 from the ancient Aramaic, available elsewhere in this blog site or at
That is, I admit, my personal translation, but I'm sticking with it. The point of it is that the Ineffable is me, and "my" creative imagining is HIS device to make me into him.
Neville notes that the world only mirrors our thoughts, because we create it by our thoughts. We have made a mess of it in most cases, but we can repent and DO IT OVER. Yes! We can revise what we have done, even to undoing the past! We can revise the past by forgiving what has become from our thoughts (forgiving the thoughts themselves). Then we can imagine as the Ineffable in 3D and create the new world we desire FOR THAT MOMENT. The past altered, the present necessarily changes also.
If you desire to help a friend, have the three-dimensional experience of hearing good news from him or her in your imagination in 3D. That is, be there in vivid experience and hear them speak, and let their present want, lack or need be the past to you--flat and two-dimensional. Over the few moments of this three-dimensional experience, let the intensity of the vision rise until the thrill of it "explodes" and you feel that the act is completed. Once it is done, there is nothing more to do: the seed is planted for its concrete fruition in the future.
See God's Law and His Promise, Unless I Go Away, and The Mystery of Jesus Christ.
Dan!! You did It again. Had no idea who had written this till the end when I read your name. I don't even remember what I had searched for but I knew choosing this from the search engine was what I was looking for. And now look... It's me finding you again. Amazing is the Way of the Oneness of God. I love it!!
Reading this was like hearing my own inner imagining being made manifest. I read my own heart.
Again, Now, I get to say... I am satisfied in the Way of the Door operating in my life bringing into my experience the desire fulfilled. For a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.
Rita Lynn, at 4:29 PM
Thank You, Father~
Rita Lynn, at 4:30 PM
I found this site most useful, thank you for posting God Bless You
Lukas, at 6:35 PM
Glad to be of service.
-- Dan
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:59 PM
hello there, i just wanted to say how much i love your site...have loved it for years...such insight to a favourite mystic. your site really motivates me and keeps me on track.thank you so, so much. lots of love and good thoughts to you ♥
hala, at 12:28 PM
Thank you for your very kind words and the thoughts behind them. I am not a big performer of manifestation (God is good enough). I only write all this stuff because it is true and real. Blessings to you.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:09 PM
really love your blog Dan
chrissy, at 3:59 AM
Thank You.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:28 AM
Thanks for the lovely post. Just dropping a quick note regarding the words the Chinese pray-ers 'chanted'.
They are, "hua-le" (it's dissolved), "san-le" (it's scattered), "mei-le" (it's gone).
As you and Gregg Braden both rightly pointed out, there's nothing magical about the words themselves - save the acceptance of a stat where the tumor does not exist.
Anonymous, at 6:46 AM
On behalf of everyone I thank you very much. What a great lesson!!
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:35 PM
Anonymous 6:46 refers to a video of Gregg Braden, FEELING IS PRAYER, linked to in the post above. The Chinese chanting physicians are in the third segment of that video (it has some long pauses), and again, the point is that the FEELING of the pray-er IS the prayer. Convince the Ineffable in the subconscious that it is true, and it is. Thank you for reading.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:13 PM
I can't ever seem to get the scene realistic no matter how much I try to add sensory vividness. The images are always vague. I am also seeing it through my eyes. Any advice please?
Unknown, at 2:58 PM
Interestingly, How Well Can You Imagine? is already in my next post's title block. I will give you my two cents worth, and then invite others to correct or add to it.
It is great that you are practicing. Practice makes perfect . . . over time. The scene should be an end state -- your already having what you want with feelings of joy and satisfaction. You only need a snippet of that, but with deep feeling of its reality being real. Write it down and rehearse being there when you read it. If you practice meditation, do your mantra or whatever and when you enter your dream state, remember the scene you wish. Do not write off asking God -- the Consciousness -- to help you achieve the state in imagination. Practice more bi-location. While you are in one place, imagine what you see and feel in another place. Your mind needs to move to the other location, so that you are thinking from it. FEEL something there -- a hand, a desk, the window, a check or letter. Can you imagine feeling the wall near you? Is it smooth or textured? Warm or cold? Does it have a paint scent, dust scent, or a smoke scent?
You are watching your scene through your eyes? Cool. Watch it from the audience, get up and walk around to the side of the stage, and walk on to play your part. Imagination is speech -- say it loud. Ask God, your imagination, what Heaven would be like for you. Let your imagination run wild and ponder it. For one thing, what you want would be past. Whatever would come after what you want would be past, too. Let your mind absorb that wonderfulness -- everyone you love and everything you need -- and do not worry about your scene. Worship of whatever God is is all right. With what is there, what you want might not seem so important after all. Leaving it up to the Big Guy is often found to be the key to receiving what is even better.
Thanks for helping me write my next post. You were heaven sent. Any other suggestions, friends?
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 5:23 PM
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