The Becoming God

Friday, August 23, 2013

Moses was a Pentecostal Christian

Christianity came from Judaism? Balderdash. It was the other way
around -- Judaism is but disintegrated Pentecostalism. Moses was
a Pentecostal Christian. Even an Indian Buddhist missionary to
the Jews could see that. That is why he resurrected, in Mark, the
same Joshua who was with Moses -- as a literary device to
facilitate dialog with the Jews (otherwise they probably would
have killed him.) 
The Buddhist understood Judaism better than the Jews did. He could see that Moses was after, in the Pentateuch, the awakening of man's consciousness to his oneness with God. Advaita is, after all, a Vedic concept also. The Pentateuch was a primer to initiation in the baptism in the Holy Spirit as Moses understood it, and post-initiation secrets were never written. As a Buddhist initiate, the missionary could see how the Jews had lost their way to genuine conversion.
"Mark" wrote the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a prescription for
the correction of Judaism, which is essentially Buddhism, anyway.
It was to take the Jews back to the Pentecostal experience Moses
wrote about. 
Moses' testimony in the Pentateuch could take man up to, but could not effect, the quickening of the Holy Spirit. No one can take a man "across the Jordan" and into Canaan, the perfect country that is the Pentecostal experience, but God. That is God's salvation -- Joshua, "Jesus" -- and God does it himself.
Jesus Christ portrays God who ends the results of lives lived in
ignorance and restores man's consciousness of being life-giving,
living branches -- the anointed ones of God (see Victor Alexander's
notes on Mark 1: 1 at God actually is Jesus, and
only he can baptize with the Holy Spirit. 
And hey, it worked! Many Jews were converted out of their insipid rule-keeping lives back to what Moses wrote about -- they became Pentecostal Christians again, imaginations ensconced in YHWH, the flow of God's love, verily God himself. And healings flowed like wine (healings are the results of corrections -- all the past shall be corrected).
Christianity a continuation of Judaism? Nah. The ideal of
Judaism? They wish. Christianity is not the goal or fruit of
Judaism or of any other religion. The traditions of disintegrated
religions came from it! 
Real Christianity came first, and with it the positive aspects of the law, which is recognition of the nature of God. We are to be like him. He doesn't make us be like him; we get to be like him . . . if one is baptized in the Holy Spirit.
You cannot know the baptism of the Holy Spirit if you can't get to
the fall. I suppose a lot of people confuse submission to the law
with submission to the fall. Keeping the law is not causative and
only gives the appearance of spirituality not actually had. That is
the story of modern Jewish and Christian life. One gets to the real
baptism by submitting to the reality and lordship of God. You have
to "eat" of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and then
the journey begins. 
"Good and Evil" = mature and immature. The candidate discovers how immature he (or she) is in his self-serving ignorance, and how "mature" the love of God is. Falling is just giving up the rot you have for the life he offers. "Thou shalt not eat" only means you haven't been willing to. Go ahead and "die" of the life you have and submit to imbuement with God's love. He will give you a conscience and will join you for the rest of your life -- eternity!


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