Neville Goddard's Technique of Life's Mirror Reflection Creation
The process is to convert us from being followers of the Most High God to leaders of the same nature and character as ineffable God; actually, to be It. The process entails ourselves creating the world we experience through our thoughts and emotions. The world then reflects those thoughts and emotions in manifestation. As Neville said, our thoughts and emotions do not recede into the past, but rather they advance into the future to confront us there as our world. Our thoughts -- or lack of them amongst everyone else -- cause our worlds. Discovering that this process is underway awakens us to the prospect of God, and when the process works, we have found God to be our own wonderful human imaginations. Our imaginations, because God is imagination and he has become us.
The world naturally mirrors our thoughts and emotions whether they be good, bad, or indifferent. Inasmuch as God's intelligence does this automatically, we can control the source of thoughts and emotions to be reflected. Neville used various mental devices to get the brain to imagine a scene so real and complete and full of emotion that it would become manifest in the future. If we can get it down, the world will reflect it.
In the mirror, God is showing us what we are like. Inasmuch as we are God in the process of manifesting, he is showing himself what he is like (in the process, we just happen to be him). See Neville's lecture The Secret of God (which is The Secret of Imagining:
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Gregg Braden has a number of books and videos on this subject. This one in particular is about seven mirrors the world acts as as determined by the Essenes:
"From the perspective of the ancient Essenes, every human on the earth is an initiate in the Mystery School that we call Life. Whether they are conscious of it or not, every human will experience in the presence of others mirrors of themselves in that moment. If we have the wisdom to recognize those mirrors, we may accelerate the evolution of emotion and understanding.
"What the Essenes said was that for us to know and master ourselves in this world, we will see one or some combination of mirrored patterns in others. The seven mirrors are progressively more and more subtle. Back in the '70s, we heard about the first mirror, of who you are in the moment. The notion was that if you find yourself around individuals who are angry or dishonest, they are showing you your dishonesty or anger. Sometimes the mirrors would apply, but sometimes they wouldn't. We had discovered the first mirror, but had yet to see the other mirrors, such as the second mirror, which reflects what we judge in the moment.
"This is tremendously powerful but very subtle. The ancient Essenes had a very sophisticated understanding of interpersonal human relationships and the role of emotion in those relationships. It's the role of emotion that we have carefully sifted out of our Western experience up until very recently. Now, as we go back into these texts, we see that it is emotion that proves the power and, when coupled with logic, true magic and miracles occur."
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Mr. Braden also has a very interesting video on this prayer technique being edited from the Christian Bible. Fortunately, the Jews were not the only ones who discovered the world's mirroring our thoughts and emotions, and the church was not completely successful in burying knowledge of the process. In ancient texts that remained out of their hands, the original scriptures can still be found. Here is one of his videos on that:
"How to Pray or Ask God In The Most Correct Way .... Directly From The Original Text Of The Bible Before The Christian Church Changed It."
In this video, Braden discusses The Gospel According to Thomas, which is supposedly Gnostic teaching from the early Christian era. In verse 106 it states, "When you make the two one, you shall become the sons of Man, and when you say: "Mountain, be moved," it will be moved." Verse 48 says, "If two make peace with each other in this one house, they shall say to the mountain, 'Be moved,' and it shall be moved."
The two are the thoughts and the emotions of our imagination. When they become one in our heart it is as if our prayer has already been answered.
Braden also talks about John 16: 34 from the ancient Aramaic which escaped the "Christian" editing. In the original it states, "All things that you ask straightly, directly from inside my name (nature, imagination), you will be given. So far you have not done this (we've been asking incorrectly). Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped in what you desire, that your gladness may be full."
Neville said we must make our future dream our present fact by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled -- to come FROM the place where it is already happened.
Find the thoughts and emotions that you would have SUBSEQUENT to your desire being fulfilled. Satisfaction, relief, security, joy and gratitude, and create a small scene you can EXPERIENCE in your imagination. Create the scene, and BE the actor playing the part. Approaching sleep, make your thoughts and emotional feelings one in your heart in this practice. See and feel it as if it were concrete. "Isn't it wonderful!" Be there in the first person. Do it over and over until it takes on all the tones of reality, and then fall asleep while you are there.
There is the flash, expect the reflection to occur in the Mirror that is the world!
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