The Becoming God

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Reply to Phaul: the Purpose I Robbed God of—THE PROJECT—God's Purpose for Us: My Born From Above ExperienceS, Part Three

In my conversation with God I realized that I had for all my life robbed God of whatever purpose he had for me when he created me. Certainly he had had a purpose for creating me, for making me to live. I realized that belonged to him—his life was animating "me"—and that whatever purpose God had in mind when created me, he had not gotten any of it up till then.

I had absolutely nothing to show for my life. I could offer him nothing except my future efforts—full submission. A robber, a thief, a rebel, I found complete and absolute submission to him in the casting out of my self-control and abdication from all self-lordship. THAT was what I had given him when I said, "I don't know what it is, but whatever it is, I give it to you." I said, "You are Glorious God. I am a mudman. Whatever you want me to do, that I will do," and I meant it. Physically, mentally, and spiritually bowed before God, he forgave me and accepted me: "Remember this, and it is all right." Overjoyed, euphoric, and full of love for him, I received the imbuement of his Holy Spirit (the life-force of his consciousness in mine).

After Jesus spoke to me in a vision at the House of Praise (another story oft told in my posts), I wanted to learn what else he had spoken to other people. There must have been a bunch, because I was just an unemployed ex-sailor living in a pickup truck on an island in the middle of the ocean. Certainly God had spoken to much more significant people than me who had recorded what he said for the benefit of others. I quickly found admission to the Melodyland School of Theology in Anaheim, California, and became a seminary student (having barely graduated high school, beginning college in my junior year was a miracle in itself). There were lots of things to learn: the Bible, Church History, Theology, polity, hermeneutics.

Not finding Theologian in the help wanted ads, I thought about missions. I went overseas, joined Studio Classroom in Taipei, and taught English to support myself and, by then, my family. I returned to California to study how to teach English better and to continue seminary.

Long story short (ha!), I wound up inspecting aircraft for McDonnell Douglas for almost thirty years and lost sight of God’s purpose. Almost. The name of this blog is, after all, The Becoming God. And that is the thing replying to Phaul has brought back to mind: the PURPOSE for which God created me, everyone, and everything is his PROJECT.

God's project is that he become manifest. The manifestation of the Ineffable Most High was and is our one and only true purpose in life. His manifestation is the purpose for my life and your life, for the existence of the world, and for all the universes. There is one purpose only for everything: that he, the Infinite and Eternal, become.

This is heady and humbling stuff. We are part and parcel of the Eternal's manifestation. We are the project. We become him . . . to become him. This is the one and only thing that the Bible is about. Yes, it is a prayer manual, for this: our prayers becoming his, as we become him. We follow the Ineffable's footsteps, growing as It grew (heresy alert: if you don't like it, take it up with him).

Here is the Truth: the Becoming One is eternally becoming. It was the infinite, eternal, and almighty No-thing, and did not like the 'no' part. It made It sound like a loser, insufficient, lacking, incomplete. There was something It could be and wasn’t. Why not be all that It was in FORM? Sustenance? Thing-ness? (Yes, I do mean sustenance and not substance, for he meant the experience of provision; some call it love.)

So here we are: It in form, sustenance, and thing-ness. We are the Manifestation manifesting. Ignorant spirit becoming conscious spirit.

The most important thing in the world is the project of the Ineffable Most High God: that he, the No-thing, become himself as Everything in and through us. It is the No-thing no more.

The revelation of this fact was the beginning of the Bible. Moses was interested in understanding Jethro, the excellence intended for the world. Moses asked God, "What is your nature?" And God replied (according to the ancient Aramaic), "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh": "My manifestation by imagination is that excellence" (my take on Victor N. Alexander's notes on Exodus 3:14).

I write this blog for one purpose only: to correct the world for the Ineffable. I do what I can for The Project. I want to help the world become what the Ineffable Most High intends it to be by getting you and everyone else to manifest It. Abdullah, Neville, Joseph Murphy and myriads more lived for this one thing. Listen to T. L. Osborn, to the Apostles and the Prophets. They were all saying, "Get with the Program!"

God keeps trying. The Season of Grace (between the destruction of the Temples at Jerusalem) was but one attempt to show us what It is doing: becoming. It descended into us and we become Jesus Christ and ascend. Duh. As Fenton translated Matthew 6:10, “Your Kingdom must be being restored.” Had it, forgot it, got to restore it.

"Come unto Me, all you mourners and carriers of burdens, and I give you peace. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, as I am easy (peaceful) and gentle of heart, and you find peace in your souls. For my yoke is pleasant and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30 Alexander).

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Reply to Phaul: Conversation with God and Submission/Infilling: My Born From Above ExperienceS, Part Two

A Reply to Phaul About Being Born From Above, continued (from):

I went with the minister into the area where they were trying to help Ralph receive the gift of tongues.

I knelt before a folding chair as we had before the service, and I followed their instructions to give my voice to God to speak with. Nothing. How about my mouth? Lips? Nothing. I gave God my jaw, my tongue, my throat, my larynx, my body, my muscles, my lungs, my mind, my volition to speak, my life, my future, any children I might have in the future. Nothing. I felt God wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole. He rejected me. I was unacceptable to him.

This surprised and dismayed me. I was an earnest believer. I had encountered what I felt to be a real demon; I had been saved from deception and demonic possession by Jesus Christ. I had praised God among the zealous, Pentecostal tongue-speakers at the House of Praise. I seriously believed in God, Jesus his son, and the whole Biblical world view. I knew this stuff was real. I had given God my life, and now he wouldn't have anything to do with me. Why? I didn't know. The only one who could tell me was God, and he wasn't telling. To whom could I go? Instead of turning away from God in disappointment, I turned to God in tears.

I think that is what did it. I was dead serious and listening, reaching out for him with everything in me. Then, in my mind's eye, I entered another world. Well, no, it was this world, but I lost all association with the place I was physically. I saw a sandy dirt path before me in a riverbed like the wash I played in as a youth. The path wound around through the brush and to the left, upstream. As I followed the path, concrete walls rose on either side. I was in a flood control channel. The path came to a huge, off-white and very heavy cube. The path seemed to go through a gap in the right hand wall, but the cube blocked me from following it. I couldn’t budge the cube. I tried to jump up to climb over it, but couldn't reach the edge of the cube. I thought of doubling back to where the wall was lower and coming back on the other side, but realized that under the cube the path went down to a lower level. The cube was blocking my access to the path going down. Going back to get to the other side would not help. I simply could not make any progress on my own.

To get to that lower level, I had to find out what made me unacceptable to God. The thing that blocked me from finding out was the very thing that made me unacceptable to God in the first place. What a quandary: I couldn't name it to give it to him! I searched the gray block for a name. I couldn’t find one. I knew it was something about myself that I had not given to God. What could it be? How could I give God what I didn't know what it was? Could I trust God to give him carte blanche what I do not know? What might be the obligations, the unforeseen consequences of such a deal? In utter despair I finally decided to go ahead. I bawled, "I don't know what it is, Lord, but whatever it is, I give it to you." I cut the rope and grabbed the gunwales: "Here we go, folks."

The cube disappeared and I found myself descending to a lower level. I still did not know what I had just given God. The lower level was dark, like the Combat Information Center (CIC) on the destroyer I was stationed on in Pearl Harbor. The CIC was right behind the bridge I worked on as a quartermaster (quartermasters in the Navy do the navigation). The lights were always spookily low in the CIC. Anyway, standing on that lower level, I looked out on an expanse of muddy soil. The earth curved away in the distance. I was surprised, for I had walked down to an underground level, but seemed to be looking out toward the horizon, blue sky and all. Weird. A few feet in front of me I saw an impression form in the plain of mud. An invisible man-shaped cookie-cutter spoon of spirit scooped out a man-shaped mass of mud and stood it before me. I watched as the mud became bones, muscles, organs, vessels, and flesh. Finally, the man was given life. He looked out at the world for the first time. From lifeless mud the man had become a consciousness, living being.

I wondered what he might be thinking. He had never seen anything before, never had thoughts before. How can a freshly created being make sense of anything it sees? Does he see in amazement? Fear? Question what things are? Think without words?

The mud-man looked at the expanse it had just been created from. I watched from a bit behind it. "This is earth," it thought. "This is day, for it is light. Darkness will come, and it will get cold. I had better find shelter in those hills."

The man started off toward some wooded hills in the distance. Following along behind him, I saw what he saw and heard his thoughts. We entered a forest. Look for a cave or build an enclosure? Wild animals (what animals are possible?) might be in the caves. How do I keep from being eaten? Could I build a secure enough structure among the trees to keep me safe? I will need a fire. I had better collect firewood while I look for a cave. I will be hungry. I had better look for food, too. What does food look like in the bush, anyhow? How can I tell what is edible if I have never eaten before? Should I plant seeds so that I will have food later?

My mind was going a mile a minute (that used to be fast, kids). My mind. MY mind. Somewhere along the line the man's thoughts had become my thoughts. Or was it vice versa? I was thinking as him, seeing through his eyes, talking to myself as if I were him. And as the man I had oh, so much to do. I could barely fit it all in.

OH!! I think I paled. A sickening feeling. I was doing everything in this life I thought I needed to do, but I had just been created. I knew that. Who told me that I could do anything at all, that I was 'free'? The only one who could tell me what to do was God who had created me. I belonged to him. He had made me. He had given me life by his grace. HIS life. I had taken it upon myself to do whatever I thought was fit and necessary. I had STOLEN "my" life from God! He had made me to live for HIS purpose, and I had absconded with HIS life to use for MY purposes. I was a rebel, a thief, guilty of insurrection: "Rebellion as witchcraft." I hadn't even turned to say, "Thank you," to him for the life he had given me. I had never given God a thought, had never asked, "What did you created me for?" He must have had some purpose in mind when he created me. He wouldn't have made me without a purpose. I saw clearly that I had robbed God of his purpose for me all the twenty-five years of my life, and now had absolutely nothing to show for it.

And I had had the audacity to "give" myself to God as though I was his peer. I had NOTHING to give. Everything about myself was already his. No wonder he wouldn't touch me: I was still in the delusion of being in control of "my" life. I had given myself with reservation: if I did not like what he did with me, I intended to cut ties with him and take myself back. What a deluded dork! I saw that this had to stop.

I had lived all my life for my own purposes and under my own control. I figured that the only thing I could do avail myself to his purpose was to stop all of my self-control and wait for his instruction. Maybe it was the relaxation techniques or the abandonment exercise for levitation I learned in occult meditation, but somehow I was able cast self-control out of myself. I completely abdicated of any and all self-lordship. I thought I might fall to floor like a blog of jelly because of my utter abandonment, but I felt "caught." With no effort on my part, I stayed up.

Inside, I was as dead. I tried to not think, to not talk to myself. I listened for my commission of God's purpose. Whatever he directed me to do, I was going to do it. I saw myself high on a mountain side. In a clearing there was a large felled pine tree. I was kneeling next to it with my head bowed. I sensed above me the sky filling from left to right with the rosy glow God's glory. It looked like alpenglow, but it was his presence. God was there, and I was afraid to look up. With some trepidation, I said, "You are glorious God. I am a mudman. Whatever you want me to do, that is what I will do." I shut up and waited again, listening for my commission of God's purpose.

Thank God for the patience of those ministers at Grace Bible Church. I don't know if their arms got tired or if they went out for sandwiches. I also do not know if anything or everything I said was out loud or only in my mind. I only know that I waited, and after awhile I heard a faint, soft voice say, "Remember this, and it is all right." I rehearsed that a few times in my mind. "And it is all right." Does that mean that I am forgiven everything, that I am accepted? Yes.

The flood of relief, joy, and euphoria that went through me, or rather swept into me, was amazing. Astounding. I was filled with gratitude, love, and adoration. The sensation of living waters filled me, rising from my deepest bowels and approaching my throat. As it rose my jaw quivered and began to work on its own. The minister next to me said, "Don't try to control it." I didn't, and for the next minutes I sat with my hands raised, observing my mouth speaking in another language completely on its own as praise, gratitude, and adoration flowed out.

I finally came to. I realized I was making a spectacle and looked over to see Raphael staring at me in disbelief. He had not broken through to the mindset I had achieved. I had gone to God in my mind, and there he had met me. In my imagination we had conversed in images, illustrations. I desired his revelation, listened for the picture, and he had showed it. He showed me that I was his, that I had been “ignoranced” in the flip into humanhood, and that I was in the rebellion of independence. He also showed me that he is lord over all. Everything is happening according to him--his purposes shall be. What he showed me put me in a place of humility and complete submission to him. I was packaged, and everything there was all right. I discovered his acceptance and the ecstasy of pure love. I entered the experience of being born from above: the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the Living Consciousness of God.

It was a visual and emotional mind trip—no drugs necessary. Just as in an illustrative way God spoke to Neville for Neville, God illustrated the truth for me. Same truth, but different illustrations. Because in my case my mind had to be adjusted to get to where he wanted me to go. I am sure that God will show you the truth that applies to you. You do not need anything else to be born from above. You do not need to wait until any particular time. Time has nothing to do with it. It is a matter of getting our heads, i.e., our attitudes, into the right frame of mind. Until then we are in some way resisting the utter submission and humility required: respect toward God, the full acceptance of his lordship. We have to get past simply saying that we are fully surrendered as a philosophy and into the real attitude in heart.

My sister received the baptism in the Holy Spirit while she was sitting in her bathtub. J. Rodman Williams, one of my mentors in theology, was sitting alone in his study. Their need became apparent and they had their conversations with God in their imaginations, and they yielded to the Lord. Others, like Raphael and myself, found help in the laying on of hands by those who have gone before. Seek them out if you need to, but be wary: if I had received the Spirit among snake handlers, I'd probably be a snake handler now, too.

The thing is, if you are humble, honoring God as your Father and fully submitted to him, you need only receive the Holy Spirit as an open bucket receives water.

My experience, by the way, has become my theology. God has not revealed anything to me that he does not reveal in scripture PROPERLY READ. Moses' experience in Exodus became his theology. The trick to getting there is GOING. You have to DO it. God in your imagination is ready whenever you are.

"Remember this." He is here in the conversation, and he is Lord--Eil the Almighty, YHWH--God in covenant with us. His anointing on us is Jesus--they are all one guy. And he has a message for you today:

"Converse with me. Let’s have the Eternal Experience. I will help you get there."

Friday, June 22, 2018

Reply to Phaul: Preliminary Experience of Being Drawn to God: My Born From Above ExperienceS, Part One

Phaul asks how to have "the experience of being born from above and holding the baby in swaddling clothes":

"Recently I have been thinking of the birth from above. Even today, I imagine all the experiences Neville had as though I had them. And lo and behold, I come across your statements in one of the blogs that you, too, had the experience of being Born from above and holding the baby in swaddling clothes.

"I WANT THIS EXPERIENCE. As Neville says, only the Father knows the time, and so I have to wait patiently.

"Please narrate your experience of being born from above."


Dear Phaul,

Thank you for reading my blog and for asking an excellent question. Your request made me reflect on the difference between my experience leading up to the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the experience of the baptism itself. Neville often said that everyone will have the exact same experiences that he had. That is true, but we will not have the experiences in exactly the same way as he had them.

I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in response to my seeking the gift of tongues. I did not hold a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. Nor did I see Neville's three brothers or any other three witnesses. I have never heard of anyone having the same prelude visual experience Neville or I had, but I know of hundreds, indeed THOUSANDS of people who have had the same experience of being born again/from above in the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

A few weeks ago I posted four short essays on "My Conversation With God, or, The Gospel According To God (1, 2, 3, 4). My point in them was that the experience up to the experience of the baptism in the Holy Spirit was a CONVERSATION with God. God our imagination TALKS to us, usually VISUALLY. He shows us things in our imaginations. The pictures are his speech. That is him TALKING. Even though we may be willing and seeking, our minds and attitudes are not right toward him. At least in my experience, the conversation we had was to get my mind right toward him so that I could receive the baptism. What he revealed got me past my stupidity and into a humble position of being mentally prostrate before God. If I hadn't gotten there, I wouldn't have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Not then, anyway. And if not, then after some other conversation.

So the visual experience leading up to the experience in the Holy Spirit was a fine tuning of my thoughts, attitudes and emotions to make me conducive to the work of imbuement he wanted to do. This whole thing was HIS engineering.

The conversation I had with God was not one-sided. I had not previously been a particularly zealous Christian, but after learning Eastern philosophies and religions, practicing Transcendental Meditation, reading all sorts of books about mysticism and psychic phenomena, and finally taking up occult meditation, I met a demon. A deceiving spirit. I was in a guided meditation at the metaphysical bookstore in Honolulu, and we were to open our mental workshop to someone, an "ascended master," who would come in from without. "Jesus" was approaching me. The things he had taught his disciples which had been lost by the church he was going to teach me, personally, because I was a for real zealous student.

Yeah, but. An ascended master? Was this the real Jesus? Looked like. Long hair, beard, robe, sash, glow emanating from him. Emanating? Gazing at the approaching figure, suddenly I was able to see past the glow and into the body of the spirit. It was all darkness inside. The "glow" was a facade. I hadn't been a particularly zealous Christian before, but I wasn't brain dead, either. "All darkness within" rang a bell.

It is absolutely amazing how fast the mind can work at times. It took all of about a heartbeat to figure out that the spirit I was seeing did not want to be unveiled. But it had been absolutely powerless to stop the one who had opened my eyes, blowing its cover. The spirit had needed me to lower my natural authority over it to get into me. It had been influencing me through philosophies expressed in music, books, and religious instruction like TM and occult meditation, to get me to a place where I would willingly lower my authority to allow it entry into me. And here I was, but someone had intervened. If my natural authority is of the earth, the spirit's natural authority would be of below the earth, and the one who did not need my authority to open my mind's eyes to see through the spirit didn't need my permission because he is ABOVE the earth. And he must have been watching, monitoring what was going on in my mind and powerful to do what he did at exactly the right moment because . . . .

Only the Jesus I had heard about fit the bill. He must actually be risen, seated in glory and power as God.

I knew I had been allowed to learn things in the occult kindergarten I was in because they suited Jesus who allowed the demon to influence me. Having learned what I needed up to the point of possession, it was time for harvest and to get the hell out of Dodge. And I did. I got up and walked out. I rode my bike over to the pickup truck I was living in at the Ala Wai yacht harbor and dug out my old King James Bible. The concordance for 'deceive' led me to Revelation 12:7-12: "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."

Oh. So Revelation 12 IS what is really going on. I couldn't see it before, but now I am in it. I used to not care, but things have changed (Bob Dylan, sort of). (NB: That is what I thought then, and still do, except now I understand Satan to be our ignorance due to our flip into humanhood.)

I had to tell Lynn, my mother's best friend, who lived in the Hilton Hawaiian Village just across the lagoon (the Hilton's version of a swimming pool) by the Ala Wai. When I found her she started off: "Dan! I got the most horrible migraine from reading all those Jesus books your mother keeps sending me in the dome light of my taxi while waiting for fares all night. My head was throbbing! And I told Raphael while walking back from the car that Jesus had given me the headache, and that he (Jesus) could have it! And it disappeared. In a flash. I couldn't make my head hurt! Raphael (aka Ralph) took me to a Bible study in Kaimuki, and I accepted Jesus. I want you to go with me this Friday." Yeah. Okay.

I went with Lynn to the House of Praise. Kind of a Youth With a Mission Pentecostal hippie commune. This was the early days of the Jesus People and Charismatic Renewal Movement. Just about everyone at the House of Praise spoke in tongues. Remembering my old, spiritually dead church, I wasn't sold on Christianity yet. Jesus or no, I didn't go forward that first week despite Lynn's urging. I kept reading the Book of John and other books and concluded that the Bible is the only book which accurately describes what is really going on in the world, and it says that Jesus is God's Son. The Jews didn't see him the right way, and having nowhere else to go, I decided to go with Christianity. The second week I got up and walked forward. I went through the prayers with them. I felt good, but nothing happened to me. Rod Wilson, the overseeing pastor, looked down at some unkempt, careless dude sprawled across an overstuffed chair. "What about you, brother?" The guy stood up, raised his hands and started sobbing in tongues. Well, at least I felt good. But nothing happened to me except I called my mother on the mainland to let her know I had become a Christian. That was March 21st, 1975.

I rode my bicycle to the Sunday morning services in Kaimuki. Rod baptized me at the beach in Kahala. Then at a Sunday service Raphael asked me to go with him to a performance at the evening service of Grace Bible Church in Honolulu. It was a Bill Gaither thing, songs interspersed with people testifying about how Jesus had changed their lives. Cool, it's over, let's go. No, Raphael wanted to talk to the ministers. After awhile they took Raphael into the fellowship center where everyone had prayed before the service (!), because Ralph had never received the gift of tongues. They were going to pray with him, so I waited in the vestibule reading the bulletin board. At length one of the ministers came out and asked if I had received the gift of tongues. No? Would you like to?


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Who Created in Genesis 1:1-2 and Why

The Ineffable's imagination is Its "Son," our Father. As individuals, the Father is sent, but does not go anywhere. As the individuals of the Father are sent, they are the Sons of the Father. One guy, a multitude, but not two.

The Beginning was the Ineffable imagining Itself fully manifest, Itself as that end-state. The End, the Ineffable's Son the Manifestation, was and is all the Ineffable, all Imagination.

Genesis 1:1-2 per Victor Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic:


The Beginning was not a point in time but a person: the End. The End is the Ineffable as Its own Son, Its imagination, the Father sent into Sonship. As the Beginning, that End Son creates. To create is to imagine what shall be as it is; i.e., its being. Therefore, that imagined as being, the End, WAS and IS. The End Son is the Beginning and creates the heavens and the earth for Himself.

Yes, the End “Son” is the Father and the Ineffable. There is only one Being in all of everything. There is no nothing. The End Son, the Manifestation of the Ineffable, has gone through all the ignorance, affliction, adversity, and futility of this self-improvement project—the darkness which has become (hayah, Strong's Hebrew 1961) over the face of infinite space—from our flip from Godhood. The heavens and the earth are FOR Him. And BY Him. Right now His self-improvement project is you. You are all of It. We all are of It, so we are individuals of a joint imagination, the Father and the Son Spirit/Consciousness in power over the layers of darkened consciousness. Notice that the Son of God CREATES. It is ongoing. Pray--imagine--for one another in Love, for we all are the One.

The Mystery of Success Through Writing Down Desires, Goals, Ambitions, and Dreams

This world is imagic. Everything about it. It reflects the nature of God's source, for all universes are the Ineffable becoming manifest. Any success manual at all will advise to write down, review, and revise your desires and ambitions (see links to examples below), and to imagine them as presently existing. So why write down our goals and desires for success and believe them to exist? What is the nature of God imaged in it?

The mystery is why write it. Why does what is written come true? I am not under the illusion that there is some hidden power in what is written or in the action of writing itself. I am wondering if writing down our goals and ambitions contributes a sense of permanence to our imagination. Having written, we now have a benchmark, a reference to reflect upon when what we wished for becomes true in our experience and we observe that it worked. The fulfilled text is a banner, a flag. "When it works, you have found Him, God, to be your own, wonderful, human imagination" (Neville). I wonder if giving Him opportunity to appear (Hello!) is the power behind writing it down's success.

Writing down also indicates faith and respect to God, if you have it. It recognizes our humble position. While it is true that having written goals focuses our decisions and restricts our vacillations, I am looking at writing down's potential to illuminate the reality of God’s faithfulness. It isn't our organization and determination the written goal inspires which makes us successful (though it certainly does not hurt); it is God's power to invisibly orchestrate manifestation which is demonstrated in success. God never changes in that we are destined to fulfill scripture—the writing—His goal and ambition. Maybe our writing down highlights the unity of the two. This may also apply to the repeated, focused envisionment of the success desired when the record is reviewed.

If I am not mistaken, in the second link below it was his future wife Willa ("Bill") Neville advised to calculate and write down EXACTLY how much money she anticipated making at the job she desired. The woman got the job, and in her pay envelope she received that amount to the penny! Yes, we used to get paid in cold, hard, fragrant cash. Someone was knocking on her door.

Neville Goddard Book Club (

Neville Goddard Taught Her How To Manifest Money Within 24 Hours (

The Power of Writing Down Your Goals (


5 Reasons Why Writing Down Goals Increases The Odds Of Achieving Them (

The Power of Writing Down Your Goals and Dreams (

Writing Down Your Goals – The Harvard Written Goal Study. Fact or Fiction? (


Here is a relevant excerpt from Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich:

FIRST: Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say “I want plenty of money.” Be Definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for Definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter).

SECOND: Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as “something for nothing.)

THIRD: Establish a Definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

FOURTH: Create a Definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.

FIFTH: Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.

SIXTH: Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. As you read – see and feel and Believe yourself already in possession of the money.

Here is another relevant excerpt from R. H. Jarrett's IT WORKS, which I now realize I edited some time ago to focus on Eil (the name of God in Aramaic). Oops. Oh well, you can ignore my edits and still see how Jarrett encourages writing down exactly what you want and imagining that you already have it, that you might HAVE it:

The Plan

Write down on paper in order of their importance the things and conditions you really want. Do not be afraid of wanting too much. Go the limit in writing down your wants, what would be “better than the best.” Change the list daily, adding to or taking from it, until you have it about right. Do not be discouraged on account of changes, as this is natural. There will always be changes and additions with accomplishments and increasing desires.

Three Positive Rules Of Accomplishment

1. Read the list of what you want three times each day: morning, noon and night. SCHEDULE SESSIONS FOR THE ACTUAL DOING.
2. Think of what you want as often as possible.
3. Do not talk to any one about your plan except to the Great Power within you, who will unfold to your Objective Mind the method of accomplishment.

It is obvious that you cannot acquire faith at the start. Some of your desires, from all practical reasoning, may seem positively unattainable, but, nevertheless, write them down on your list in their proper place of importance to you.

There is no need to analyze how this Power, Eil within you, is going to accomplish your desires. What is essential is to believe that you HAVE already what you desire—that it is not coming but was already RECEIVED in your past. Trying to figure out HOW Eil is going to do it is as unnecessary as trying to figure out why a grain of corn placed in fertile soil shoots up a green stalk, blossoms and produces an ear of corn containing hundreds of grains, each capable of doing what the one grain did. If you will follow this definite plan and carry out the three simple rules, the method of accomplishment will unfold quite as mysteriously as the ear of corn appears on the stalk, and in most cases much sooner than you expect.

When new desires, deserving position at or about the top of your list, come to you, then you may rest assured you are progressing correctly.

Removing from your list items which at first you thought you wanted, is another sure indication of progress.

It is natural to be skeptical and have doubts, distrust and questionings, but when these thoughts arise, get out your list. Read it over; or if you have it memorized, talk to your inner self about your desires until the doubts that interfere with your progress are gone. Remember, nothing can prevent your having that which you earnestly desire. Others have these things. Why not you?

The Omnipotent Power within YOU, Eil, does not enter into any controversial argument. It is waiting and willing to serve when you are ready, but your objective mind is so susceptible to suggestion that it is almost impossible to make any satisfactory progress when surrounded by skeptics. Therefore, choose your friends carefully and associate with people who now have some of the things you really want—vibrant, lively, successful people—not negative persons or slugs, but do not discuss your method of accomplishment with them.

Put down on your list of wants such material things as money, home, automobile, or whatever it may be, but do not stop there. Be more definite. If you want an automobile, decide what kind, style, price, color, and all the other details, including when you want it. If you want a home, plan the structure, grounds and furnishings.

Decide on location and cost. If you want money, write down the amount. If you want to break a record in your business, put it down. It may be sales record. If so, write out the total, the date required, then the number of items you must sell to make it, also list your prospects and put after each name the sum expected. This may seem very foolish at first, but you can never realize your desires if you do not know positively and in detail what you want and when you want it. If you cannot decide this, you are not in earnest, You must be definite, and when you are, results will be surprising and almost unbelievable.

It occurs to me that dreamboards are as illustrative writing, virtually writing without words.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Eve: A Horse of a Different Color

Premise: The Bible started for our Moses in Exodus. What he learned in Exodus he explained in Genesis. Genesis is the most important stuff, so he put it up front. The most important thing being that the Ineffable, as the Beginning of Its manifestation, by Its “son,” Its imagination, created (became in experiential imagination) God, the Heavens, and the Earth. This posits the truth of Deuteronomy 6:4's "God is One" as meaning that God is everything: the height, width, depth, and breadth of everything is the Ineffable Itself manifesting.

What has this got to do with Eve and the color of horses?

When God said to me, "Remember this, and it is all right," I assumed he was referring to the positional arrangement I had just acknowledged: “You are Glorious God, I am a mudman.” But it might be that what I was to remember that makes everything all right was the whole process of the prayer I had just gone through. It had been effective. It had worked. I was talking to God mano y mano. "And when it works," said Neville Goddard, "you have found God to be your own, wonderful, human imagination." THAT is what it has to do with Eve and the color of horses.

'Jethro' is God's excellence, the essence of the Ineffable's nature which remains after the process of manifestation. Moses wanted to understand the key to that. In Exodus 3:14, God explained that his excellence was his own manifestation via the creative force of imagination: "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" in the ancient Aramaic according to Victor Nimrud Alexander (see his notes, but do not blame him for my interpretation of them). THE PATTERN AND PROCESS OF THE INEFFABLE'S MANIFESTATION VIA IMAGINATION IS EVE TO US.

The story of Adam and Eve is what Moses found to be the story of God becoming manifest through us. They haven’t a thing in the world to do with any people other than ourselves. As the Ineffable, so we. We and the Ineffable correlate. Its pattern is in us. Adam is the life-blood of the Ineffable, imagination. Seeking improvement of Itself, for driven imagination is not free (and thus not fully like the Ineffable), the Ineffable with great motivation desires Its excellence to become fully manifest. This is the Ineffable's "rib," Its driving force. To effect this manifestation, the Ineffable descends, as it were, to the imagined state of its existence, and It becomes it. The Father is imagining (which is Its “Son”) Its Manifestation.

Adam's "animals" were thoughts, imagination. God was looking for an idea which correlated to the pattern and process of the Ineffable's quest to become manifest. I stumbled onto my knees at Grace Bible Church in Honolulu after an evening service in 1975 and bumbled through a prayer for the gift of tongues, and succeeded. The prayer I went through was, to God, “Bone from my bone; flesh from my flesh.” I had discovered Eve, the mother of all living, a different way of thinking. The prayer which is Eve is different from all the other types of thought we might have, and God told me, “Remember this, and it is all right." For Eve is womb-man, the corollary of Eil, the Shaddai, the providing creative force of the Ineffable's imagination--God's womb--from which all right comes.

So perhaps that is what God meant. Why doesn't he just say so? Because it has to be discovered, generated, and formed in us BY us. Our free choice, else we are not like him. That is why the process takes so long. Here he told me when I found it, and I went off on some religious tangent. We really do flip into ignorance when we descend into this death. No wonder it takes so many lives to complete our three days here to finally ascend back to where we came from . . . new and improved.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

My Conversation with God, or, The Gospel According to God: the Other Language and the Divine Process

The verbal portion of my conversation with God was brief:

"You are Glorious God," I said. "I am a mudman. Whatever you want me to do, that I will do." In utter and sincere humility, I shut up and waited.

He replied, "Remember this, and it is all right."

"All right," I rehearsed. "It's okay?" Forgiveness. Twenty-five years of offense forgotten, wiped away. Cleared! I’d been accepted by God! I cannot describe the sensation of joy and relief brought by knowing forgiveness and acceptance by God. Yes, the sensation was like living waters rising up from the depths of my bowels. There were emotions of life in my heart - joy, love, adoration, gratitude, thanksgiving and praise all commingled and rose up in a flood to spill out of my mouth in a language I did not know. My mouth worked on its own as the flood reached it. I did not do anything to move my jaw or direct my lips--no exertion of control or effort. I simply observed my mouth speaking. The Big Guy could and did control it. Motor direction came directly from him to the muscles of my mouth, and I was convinced: he is in control.

Note, though, that between my initial dismay at finding myself rejected by God and this final acceptance, God had given me a rather lengthy and revealing VISUAL explanation of what was going on. I had seen myself on a path in a channel; a block I could not identify or get past; a body formed from mud and given life; my becoming the man and entering amnesia; the man's stupidity and self-lordship; my rebellious life and the path to forgiveness. This illustrative explanation was visual and experiential. The only words spoken were my own thoughts. God spoke in pictures, for he SHOWS what he means. There is something to the old axiom: "A picture is worth a thousand words." The language of the Bible is not Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek; it is PICTURES. God is economical: "To the point, it is comparable to this." Picture stories. For words we forget. Pictures, not so much. The question is not just what do the words say, but what is the picture we SEE through the words?

And words we misunderstand. My present dilemma: God said quite distinctly, "Remember this, and it is all right." What did he mean by "this"? If there is anything I have learned in the last forty-three years, it is that we misread, misinterpret, and misunderstand what God means by what he says. But only about 100% of the time; the rest we are clear on. If we are thinking, we are wrong. We only broach truth when HE is thinking revelation and illumination to our minds. Which gives me pause as to what he meant by "this."

When God said, "Remember this," I assumed he meant the juxtaposition I had just alluded to in "You are Glorious God. I am a mudman." I am thinking now that he might have meant the bigger picture, "this" being the whole event of that prayer besides its obvious conclusion. That is, the prayer for the gift of tongues (incidental objective) had been EFFECTIVE. I had nailed the process. Got the pattern and the practice of it right. "Remember THIS: you came to God; you focused your intent; you floated, as it were, into mind; you humbled yourself; you forgave your previously existing world; you submitted your desire back to God; you believed with gratitude your new state; you waited. Everything you need and desire to save you from whatever condition you find yourself in--all right-ness--is here. Remember this Divine Process, and it is, always, all right." I.e., the big, overall "this" I had just gone through, including his being Glorious God and my being a mudman, is to be remembered to make everything "all right" to manifest.

A later update:
I am still pretty certain that God was telling me to remember my humble position. I try in a later post to explain that while we are indeed God, we are sent into this humble position to become improved, to become better at being what we are.