The Becoming God

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Reply to Phaul: the Purpose I Robbed God of—THE PROJECT—God's Purpose for Us: My Born From Above ExperienceS, Part Three

In my conversation with God I realized that I had for all my life robbed God of whatever purpose he had for me when he created me. Certainly he had had a purpose for creating me, for making me to live. I realized that belonged to him—his life was animating "me"—and that whatever purpose God had in mind when created me, he had not gotten any of it up till then.

I had absolutely nothing to show for my life. I could offer him nothing except my future efforts—full submission. A robber, a thief, a rebel, I found complete and absolute submission to him in the casting out of my self-control and abdication from all self-lordship. THAT was what I had given him when I said, "I don't know what it is, but whatever it is, I give it to you." I said, "You are Glorious God. I am a mudman. Whatever you want me to do, that I will do," and I meant it. Physically, mentally, and spiritually bowed before God, he forgave me and accepted me: "Remember this, and it is all right." Overjoyed, euphoric, and full of love for him, I received the imbuement of his Holy Spirit (the life-force of his consciousness in mine).

After Jesus spoke to me in a vision at the House of Praise (another story oft told in my posts), I wanted to learn what else he had spoken to other people. There must have been a bunch, because I was just an unemployed ex-sailor living in a pickup truck on an island in the middle of the ocean. Certainly God had spoken to much more significant people than me who had recorded what he said for the benefit of others. I quickly found admission to the Melodyland School of Theology in Anaheim, California, and became a seminary student (having barely graduated high school, beginning college in my junior year was a miracle in itself). There were lots of things to learn: the Bible, Church History, Theology, polity, hermeneutics.

Not finding Theologian in the help wanted ads, I thought about missions. I went overseas, joined Studio Classroom in Taipei, and taught English to support myself and, by then, my family. I returned to California to study how to teach English better and to continue seminary.

Long story short (ha!), I wound up inspecting aircraft for McDonnell Douglas for almost thirty years and lost sight of God’s purpose. Almost. The name of this blog is, after all, The Becoming God. And that is the thing replying to Phaul has brought back to mind: the PURPOSE for which God created me, everyone, and everything is his PROJECT.

God's project is that he become manifest. The manifestation of the Ineffable Most High was and is our one and only true purpose in life. His manifestation is the purpose for my life and your life, for the existence of the world, and for all the universes. There is one purpose only for everything: that he, the Infinite and Eternal, become.

This is heady and humbling stuff. We are part and parcel of the Eternal's manifestation. We are the project. We become him . . . to become him. This is the one and only thing that the Bible is about. Yes, it is a prayer manual, for this: our prayers becoming his, as we become him. We follow the Ineffable's footsteps, growing as It grew (heresy alert: if you don't like it, take it up with him).

Here is the Truth: the Becoming One is eternally becoming. It was the infinite, eternal, and almighty No-thing, and did not like the 'no' part. It made It sound like a loser, insufficient, lacking, incomplete. There was something It could be and wasn’t. Why not be all that It was in FORM? Sustenance? Thing-ness? (Yes, I do mean sustenance and not substance, for he meant the experience of provision; some call it love.)

So here we are: It in form, sustenance, and thing-ness. We are the Manifestation manifesting. Ignorant spirit becoming conscious spirit.

The most important thing in the world is the project of the Ineffable Most High God: that he, the No-thing, become himself as Everything in and through us. It is the No-thing no more.

The revelation of this fact was the beginning of the Bible. Moses was interested in understanding Jethro, the excellence intended for the world. Moses asked God, "What is your nature?" And God replied (according to the ancient Aramaic), "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh": "My manifestation by imagination is that excellence" (my take on Victor N. Alexander's notes on Exodus 3:14).

I write this blog for one purpose only: to correct the world for the Ineffable. I do what I can for The Project. I want to help the world become what the Ineffable Most High intends it to be by getting you and everyone else to manifest It. Abdullah, Neville, Joseph Murphy and myriads more lived for this one thing. Listen to T. L. Osborn, to the Apostles and the Prophets. They were all saying, "Get with the Program!"

God keeps trying. The Season of Grace (between the destruction of the Temples at Jerusalem) was but one attempt to show us what It is doing: becoming. It descended into us and we become Jesus Christ and ascend. Duh. As Fenton translated Matthew 6:10, “Your Kingdom must be being restored.” Had it, forgot it, got to restore it.

"Come unto Me, all you mourners and carriers of burdens, and I give you peace. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, as I am easy (peaceful) and gentle of heart, and you find peace in your souls. For my yoke is pleasant and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30 Alexander).


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