The Becoming God

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Are the Antediluvian Patriarchs Our Misdirected Efforts?

In my mind, Adam and Eve are the "blood" of God; i.e., His consciousness and its power to become. This power bears Cain and Abel, acquisition in its transitoriness. Our ignorance kills off our perception of transitoriness, the instant of spirit's existence. We miss (do not see) it. We replace it with religion (Seth) to an Other (Enos). Swelling praise, asceticism, humility, crusades, missionary efforts, etc., the antediluvian patriarchs, miss the mark left in the absence of Abel. However sincere, they are misdirected. Good, but not what God wants.

Abel was and is the oneness of God and our existence. This moment is Him, the infinite, eternal, and ineffable. You, right there, are the Father of Eil Shaddai, were you to recognize, perceive, and/or hear it. Noah is our getting it. Take all of the "Isn't it wonderful!" into the ark you imagine and live in it. Let the ignorance of the world wash away, and disembark into the reality you, God, have created.


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