The Becoming God

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Genesis 6: Straighten out the Madness: "Make Yourself an Ark of Wood from the Root"

Our lives are pretty much madness we want to wipe out. "Make yourself an ark of wood from the root." Imagine the best as you would. Consider it real as wood - really existent. Divide it from the experience of this world, a real world unto its own. And sleep in it. Wake in it. But do nothing to make it so on your own, Nimrod, lest the Nature of God (Shem) have to come and destroy also your works. (Genesis 10:8-11, from Kham, Cush, and Nimrod came Paganism -ourselves being the director of spirit - vanquished by Shem/his descendents, the Ashurai, who took over Nimrod's lands.)


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