The Becoming God

Thursday, November 26, 2020


Being woke, if only semi-woke in reality, is a good starting place for gaining real awakenedness. For you see deception has been happening while you were asleep in your usual, unconscious-of-the-deception-going-on life. See that bs? Now, see that this whole world is a deception (see Revelation chapter 12), a delusion in our spiritual dimension. Step your wokenness up a level.


  • Can you do an analysis of revelation 12?

    By Blogger Maia, at 4:45 PM  

  • For you, Maia, I'll do it. While I don't do dream analysis, I have a vested interest in Revelation 12. As you might have read here previously, I was in a guided meditation in a school of the occult when in my imagination I was confronted by a spirit being pretending to be the ascended master Jesus Christ. It wanted to come into my mind, supposedly to teach me what he had taught his disciples, which teaching had been lost to the church. Suddenly, I could see that this spirit needed me to lay down my natural authority over it to allow it to enter me, and that Someone Who had natural authority over me had just made me able to see the spirit for what it was, a deceiving spirit - a demon.

    This was all so real that I went back to my camper and opened my childhood Bible's concordance to the word 'deceive.' That sent me to Revelation 12, which I read with the realization that this, Revelation 12, is what is really going on in the world. That I had not seen the demon did not mean that it had not been leading me along all that time. We do not see the hands, as it were, but we are being manipulated and maneuvered as if there were hands upon us. This is ALWAYS going on as Ignorance informs us. We are constantly being actively ignoranced as God works His ignorance out of us. HE knows what the ignorance is, but we have to discover and overcome ALL of it. We are not just looking for forgiveness, we are looking for justification, for the judgment that we are He; that He knows it, and that He knows that we know it.

    By Blogger Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:35 PM  

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