The Becoming God

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Law of Assumption and the Law of Moses

We are told to keep the law. This raises a number of questions. Who is being told, and which law? To what end, and why? And how does one keep the law?

The Bible is to me a giant prayer manual. Learning how to pray is the essential. You learn how to pray, and everything else sorts itself out. E.g., Is there a God? Duh. What else do you think answered your prayer?

Prayer is the prime success tactic. It puts your head in the right place emotionally and attitudinally. Prayer does not depend on religion, but it does depend on respect. Because respect, honor, and gratitude are right and fitting in the nature of God. The nature of God is the Law everything in the universe is constrained by. He creates everything, so his intention is the limit of everything. In his will he assumes what is, and it becomes. As he assumes is as far as it can go. And as we are him, in his nature we enjoy incredible leeway and tolerance: we can assume anything he would (because we are him).

But that showing respect, honor, and gratitude; they are right and fit, how do they fit in? They are something of a payment demonstrating a loving relationship within the organic whole of God. Napoleon Hill has one of the most unusual requirements in his Law of Success: determine what you will pay for it. Then he is silent on what to pay and how. My assumption is the Law of Moses--we will behave faithfully in this honoring way: we will do certain things, and we will eschew certain things, to demonstrate that we love, honor, and respect you.

The ancient Jews signed up for this, and even wear little beanie hats to remind themselves that the universal consciousness over them is watching to make sure they do it. He cares not about the hats and observances, but the truth of their love, honor, and respect. What will you do to demonstrate your love and gratitude?


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