The Nephilim are the Dead Imaginings Which Make a Giant Mess of Our Lives Before Conversion
Hi. I have read your post about the flood and its symbolism for rising in consciousness above the flood of "facts" - and I hold the same interpretation of that story. I am wondering how you might interpret the story of the Nephilim ("sons of God") mating with the daughters of men (antediluvian humans) in Genesis, because some cite this as reason to postulate and perpetuate a theory of humans being alien hybrids (I'm sure you must have encountered that conspiracy before). I'm curious your thoughts.
Anonymous at 12:30
Dear Anonymous at 12:30,
You might be one who can follow my thoughts on this. Excellent question, by the way. I would not have a freakin’ clue as to how to understand this passage without my Companion Bible by Bullinger. I do not agree with him, but without him I would not know what was actually said. Even Victor Alexander does not touch this. The passage, Genesis 6:1-8, is parenthetical. Before it, Noah is 500 years old and has begotten Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Immediately after it, Noah is perfect in his ways and has begotten Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The 500 is 100 times 5, perfect grace. Noah was perfect in his ways. These two are one thing. Shem, by the way, was the youngest. In the Bible, the youngest gets the blessing, which is what is underway here. But, of course, they were not people.
All is psychological and is about YOUR mind. You are the only person being spoken of in this passage. This was not after Adam, but is about Adam. ‘Men’ in 6:1 is singular with article: the Adam—male and female ('them' at the end of the verse). These two are one thing: your consciousness (the literal meaning of Adam is "God's blood"--Roy Blizzard). The sons of God are the thoughts of your imagination. Your daughters becoming wives are the generation of your image in this world under your own self-lordship. Unsubmitted to God, you are a stinking thief. No offense.
All this is in contrast to Noah, your enlightened knowing better. It calls us back to the Adam and Eve story where they (you) have given birth to Cain, a corrupted imagination, who forgot and killed Abel. Cain‘s line is our yucky, selfish, proud life in rebellion due to ignorance. This parenthesis is a recap of that wickedness and corruption from the amnesia/crucifixion of Christ—us—here. From which YHWH is now cleaning up his act. “It repenteth him” looks back at chapter 5. We are by these attitudes (the antediluvian patriarchs DEFINED) on our way to ascension in mind (the flood), which will manifest in our resurrection: Abraham, Isaac, Israel, and Joseph, the father of Jesus, which is the Jethro Moses was burdened to understand, God’s excellence becoming manifest in and through and as us.
PS: A bit more on such interpretation:
Wow, thank you for the post.
Anonymous, at 10:55 AM
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