The Becoming God

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Regardless of Religion, Do Not Eschew Prayer

Having been raised in this "Christian" society, I cannot blame you for not being into religion. I sometimes feel religion is God's greatest enemy. I believe God uses religion, though, to flag the fact that he is really here. Religion provides testimony that some invisible force is real and influences things with intention. WE might not understand it, but people prayed, miraculous things happened, so they started a religion about it. Because "when it works, you have found Him" (Neville) Religions attest THAT PRAYER WORKS!!

That is why I hope you will not eschew prayer. You cannot go far back in any language without finding that much of what the ancients talked about was the efficacy of prayer. Any religion, I dare say every religion, focuses on this one thing: PRAYER HAS POWER. Or at least it communicates to some invisible consciousness which does have power AND WHICH DOES RESPOND.

You cannot find many things more attested to than prayer. There have been about 107 billion homo-sapiens on earth, and I believe most of them would insist that rocks are hard, fire is hot, you need air to breath, there is spirit, and getting old sucks. Millions of regular people have sworn to having experienced spirit in various forms: gods, ghosts, sprites, astral projections, angels, souls, and EFFECTUAL PRAYER. Second Chronicles 7:14 was written about three thousand years ago: "If . . . My people on whom My name is called be humbled, and pray, and seek My face, and turn back from their evil ways, then I--I hear from the heavens, and forgive their sin, and heal their land" (Young's Literal Translation). Look at the prominence prayer had back then. It hasn't gone away. The only future involved in the passage is the 'if.' "My people," I believe, are the thoughts in our imaginations. The big consciousness is saying, "If you little bits of me imagine AS I, I will fix things." So be humbled and pray AS THE CONSCIOUSNESS.

I am not asking you to kneel down before some guy of light in a big chair on some planet somewhere. I am asking you to respectfully consider the universal consciousness we are all of and to honor it as our father, our Source. Prayer does not depend on religion, but it does depend on respect and recognition. There is no greater strategy for success than to be the child of the consciousness which is the Orchestrator of the Universe.

I could go on about the law of reversibility, inverse transformation, metaphysics, etc., but I direct you to the books and lectures of Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy, all available free on the Internet. And I have over nine hundred posts in my blogs. You can read Neville, Joseph, and me, and listen to the hundreds of audios of them on I have a page on the most PRACTICAL lectures by Neville, which see. But let's cut to the chase:

The big thing is prayer. Prayer is assumption. Assumption because God assumes, and we are God. For we cannot be of him without also being him. We ourselves are the spirits, the life and the consciousness of these bodies, breathed into them. We have forgotten in this sleep. We need to remember--relearn--how to assume. I wrote this the other day: "The consciousness which Gods (directs) us assumes that it IS what it assumes itself to be. It assumes it has the power to be anything it wants to be. In the beginning evening it realizes there is no light. It decides to be light, and becomes light. And so at the end of each day, it realizes there is something it is not yet, and it assumes to be that thing, and becomes it." The. Ineffable's. consciousness. imagination. is. the. No-thing. every. thing. is. made. of.

That consciousness/imagination is also our consciousness and imagination, and their link is our sub-conscious. The Orchestrator especially hears when we pray in the sub-conscious. That is when we a) are less than seven years old; b) are in a relaxed state of mind; or c) are just about to fall asleep. I have heard that this is the theta state of mind. There is suspension of some sort of thought in this state which allows the entrance of faith. We assume that what we desire IS. That it exists "fer real" in our immediate presence. That we presently are where and when it does exist in all the ways we want it to. We thoroughly experience it. We are thinking from that place--seeing, hearing, feeling, acting in that place. We assume it really is real, and praise and thank God for it, for praise and thanks in achieved assumption IS prayer. N'Goodnight. We go to sleep enjoying THERE.

I am going to go ahead and post this. Do not be surprised if I come back and add or change things.

Like this:

The thing to assume is the end that you want. Neville has many lectures and stories about living in the end. Assume that you already have the end you desire. ""When you pray, believe you received, and you shall have" (Mark 11:24). E.g.:

Neville wanted to go to his family home in Barbados. His mentor told him, "You are in Barbados." This was Neville's first experience with assumption. To imagine the end of being in Barbados, he believed he slept in his regular bed in his family's home on the island. Falling asleep, he EXPERIENCED that. He got the trip.

On a different journey, he needed tickets for passage back to New York. The end of getting-the-tickets he assumed was his boarding the ship with his family, with the emotions of sorrow for leaving his island family and the anticipated joy of returning to his American home. He got the tickets.

A lady had for two years been cut off from her daughter-in-law and grandson. She imagined receiving and reading two conciliatory letters from them as she fell asleep. And she received the letters and the reconciliation.

A man's piano was stolen. Neville imagined listening to his friend beautifully play the piano. The piano was found and returned.

That friend was confronted by a drunk beggar. He imagined the drunk sober and fit and fully employed, "in need of nothing." A few weeks later he was confronted by the same man again, sober, fit, and need of nothing, who gave him his thanks.

There are dozens of these instances given as examples of ends taken to change the situation of the takers. Were they all written down, the world could not contain all the books that would be written.


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