The Becoming God

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Most Important Word in the Bible--Milta (Miltha), Which is Also the Most Important Concept in the Bible, that Which the Whole Bible is ABOUT--is Not in the Bible

As far as I can ascertain, the most important word in the Bible, Milta (Miltha), is not to be found in any Bible you or I are likely to be familiar with. The word 'Milta' is only found in the Aramaic Scriptures of the Church of the East, which is written in the language that the first century characters of the Bible actually SPOKE, and in the English translations of those Aramaic Scriptures. I use Victor Alexander's translation of the Aramaic New Testament. Alexander's note on John 1:1 says that milta is "the essential connotation for a person or thing. There is no true English equivalent for this concept." The idea to get is that the essential connotation of a person or thing is its MANIFESTATION.

The Miltha is not a word or idea about God, an explanation or rationalization of God; it is the Manifestation of the Essential Connotation of the Ineffable No-thing.

The Milta is the substantive appearance of the Invisible One, the existence of the Non-existent Source of All*. The Milta is the I AM of the One Who otherwise is not, the voice of the non-concrete Speaker. The Milta is the No-thing in an objective, thing form. The Milta is not "other" or separate from the Ineffable; the Milta is the Ineffable Being--for real, here, and now--manifest. I.E., THE TWO ARE THE SAME GUY: ONE TOTALLY INEFFABLE AND UNKNOWABLE, THE OTHER ITS ESSENTIAL CONNOTATION MANIFEST. NOT OTHER, BUT KNOWABLE.

* Edit: by "non-existent" I mean supra-existent, beyond anything we know of as being "existent." The Manifestation of the Ineffable Being is a step down, OF the whole in all ways, but less than it.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Just a Joke by My Granddaughter

My wife wasn't familiar with the names of various recent generations. "Baby Boomer" she has got, but the others are a foreign language to her. My kids were talking in the kitchen and attributed something to Generation X.

"What's that?" my wife asked.

"Generation X is people born between your generation and ours."

"What is your generation?"

"We're Millennials. We were born after 1980. The people born between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials are called Generation X."

"When was Generation Y?"

"There is no Generation Y. After the Millennials it skips right to Generation Z."

"What comes after Z?"

Pipes in my 8-year-old granddaughter, "Next time won't you sing with me?"

Friday, July 12, 2024

July 12th is Minnie Riperton Day

I graduated high school in 1967, and went to San Francisco to look for a job. I wasn't a hippie; I had discerned that the real, original hippies, the Beats, were long gone, but I identified with the kids who were looking for them in the Haight-Ashbury. I enjoyed Golden Gate Park, and I listened to the music, I guess you'd say, religiously. Planning to become a merchant seaman like my father, but invited by the President to join the Army (i.e., I was drafted), I jumped into the Navy for the experience. It was during my up-in-the-air, open-to-anything experience in the Navy that I heard Rotary Connection and their singer, Minnie Riperton (November 8, 1947 – July 12, 1979). Minnie was one-of-a-kind, different from all the other rock and soul singers, even from her compatriots in Rotary Connection. She was the sole person populating her unique category: sweet as heaven.

It seemed surreal to hear she was ill, and then that she had passed. It didn't make sense; angels aren't supposed to die. But in this world, angels do die. This is a serious religious matter: why in this world do angels--myriads of Minnie Ripertons throughout history (my own Charismatic mother, for instance)--die? I both love and hate the answer: even the saints have the wrong God. Our God is too small, too far, too much our construct. As high as we think, we still have a lesser, inferior God. In short, OUR God isn't the REAL God. We've taken wooden nickels, and have accepted an impotent Deity, a substitute God.

I don't know what Minnie might mean to you, but I see a young, beautiful, saintly angel who speaks even now from heaven, saying, "Look to the Father, our Father, and search seeking the REAL God. He sent, and came, as the Milta (Miltha), to save us, and DID. FIND Him, the real thing that the Milta is (the Milta is the Ineffable No-thing in thing mode). Disregard religious men's words--their warped teachings, and concentrate on His Way of Love. Remember your knees, be on them in high mental places, and accept His Life."

Thank you for your beautiful singing and your beautiful spirit, Minnie.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Sympathy For The Ineffable

I started writing this on July 1. Over thought it. The Ineffable Spirit has no body. It is consciousness with no mouth, no arms, no hands, no ability to caress, to walk, to talk, to laugh, to work or rest. It cannot embrace; no body! No fellowship, no love, no giving or receiving, just invisible consciousness IN SILENCE. The only sound is Its thinking.

The Ineffable manifests as people. All effort to get company, affection. He so loved that He sent Jesus to catch our attention: "His eyes were like blazes of blue fire, but not anger--burning love!" (T. L. Osborn's "I Saw Jesus"). The Source of all existence cannot reach out to existence! Its consciousness is Its manifestation, Its Christ--Eil. What is THAT? A medium? a field? spirit? What ever the Ineffable is, It is non-corporal. No body, no form, no anything. No light, no darkness, no eyes, no sight, no mouth, no ears, touch, or taste. What is It that HAS mind, that thinks, imagines, is the Source of all thought? Has He ever touched you? He, the unmanifest, can't. Nor can He be touched.

So He becomes people. He is Adam, and Eve. He is Love, and He is Power. They are Man, because He is Man, and so are we. He becomes by imagination, and so do we. God, the Milta (Miltha), manifests as multitudes of men. They/we are the image/manifestation of the Ineffable -- imaginations!

The Sovereign of sovereigns. We are to believe and obey Him because that is right, fitting. He is offended if we do not, because it is right and fitting. Believe me, it is not wise to piss off the Consciousness of the Ineffable. He loves, and God help you if you cause "one of these little ones" (think of a cute little kid with frontlets, so loved by God) to fall.

THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS TO DO WITH ATTITUDES. "We are preaching a living Christ." The sacrificial lambs Abel brought were obedience, good thoughts: "Yes, He meant what He said, and I will think as He" Cain said, "We don't need this." Biblical animals are thoughts. Jacob's goats, Abel's fatlings, are to be submitted to Him.

Esau, the outer, fleshly man, loves the wild, the world. Interestingly, Alexander's note on Jacob, the inner man in Genesis 25:27, states that Jacob was a complete man. Yes, we have a body, but it is about the MIND, our consciousness and God, not the flesh and the wild in the world. We are to be mature in character, disciplined, leaning like Jacob to the "complete" side.

Comment on Ezekiel 18:19

"But when the son has practiced justice and righteousness and has kept all My observances (statutes/ ordinances/ decrees) and has done them, he shall live."

Such a son was Abraham: "In exchange for Abraham having listened to my voice and observed my observances, commandments, covenants and Laws" (Genesis 26:5 Alexander). Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus believed God meant what He said. Jesus bet his life on it. They are us: the call is constant to the prophetic sense in man, to our hearing, accepting, and doing of it. That is "Israel"; Eil's Prevailing.

Comment on Ezekiel 2:1 From The Stone Tanach

 Page 1210:

Throughout this Book, God addresses Ezekiel as "Son of Adam," i.e., of Man, and speaks of Israel collectively as "Adam" (34:31, 36:10). The reference is to Adam, the first man, and the mission for which he was created. By the use of these names, God suggests to Ezekiel that he and his nation, despite their severe shortcomings, are still expected to live up to God's hopes for humanity, the mission that was originally given to Adam and then transferred to Abraham and his offspring (R' M. Eisemann).

And to me and to you.

Belief is Going

 Belief is not trusting that God will do what He has said, but going on the way trusting that it is done.

Some Tensions in My Mind

There are a lot of things that all have to fit together:

The qualities of Universal Consciousness are localized individually as a man. E.g., God's power appears as a man, and God's love embraces people as a man.

Spiritual events imagined or experienced as being/occurring outside of ourselves actually occur inside.

The Ineffable's consciousness imagining is a thing, and so is Its assumption becoming.

We are the End Manifestation of the Ineffable's assumed manifestation in the process of becoming Itself.

Eil's kingdom is being restored.

Our thoughts become our experience with the purpose of  communicating revelation through illustration.

The word(s) we translate as 'eternity' mean "a really, really long time--time out of mind (longer than we can comprehend). But it is finite.

That quality of God becoming localized is still the Infinite Power--"God," Eil--but incarnate. I.e., the Milta manifestation of the Ineffable is the Ineffable becoming manifest in the Milta.

We are always fighting weeds in the Garden, weeds that say, "He didn't mean what He said."

The world is imagic. The weeds we fight in the garden are . . . ?

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Back to "God is a Closed System"

What I said on July 1st was too sketchy, only a shadow of what I wrote to myself back on May 12th. I do try to share only things I know are real and true. I know that they may sound paradoxical, contradictory, even mutually exclusive, but I know each view to be real. I just do not know HOW they are true. One thing I have got is God is a closed system. The best explanation I have heard is Neville Goddard's in his lecture "God's Law and His Promise," when coupled with an understanding of Victor Alexander's view of the Milta (Miltha) in his footnote on John 1:1 (in the Aramaic New Testament: Translation of the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures directly into English). In my opinion, you do NOT have the Bible until you have Vic's idiomatic version of the ancient Aramaic, because absolutely no other Bible has his (its) perspective, which is that the Milta is the manifestation of the essential connotation of God--the Allahoota/Godhead, the consciousness of the Ineffable Being--i.e., that the Milta is God Himself . . . manifested. In short, the Milta is what is going on, which is that the subjective Ineffable Being is becoming objectified, WITH BOTH SUBJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE BEINGS BEING THE SAME BEING. He's the only game in town. That is why the Greek word logos is inadequate as a translation of the Aramaic concept of the Milta, as it expresses the subjective only, and lacks the substantive, objective, fruitful, conclusive, concrete ACT of the expression.

When the essential connotation of the Ineffable Being is manifested, it is not other or elsewhere; it IS the Ineffable Being, the umanifest manifested. The non-corporal and the corporal are both the One. The present problem is that the character of the non-corporal has been generated, developed over what we call time unto the state that it presently is. The Milta, which the Ineffable has ASSUMED to exist needs the same cultivation that has formed the non-manifest into what It is. Even the Ineffable cannot make the character derived from free-choice decisions. The end is known and is being inculcated; the Manifestation just needs to get there by making Its free-will decisions.


PS: I wished Vic Alexander a happy Independence Day, and asked some questions about the Milta. Part of his response:

Happy 4th of July, Dan!
   Some time ago, I realized that the most important verses in the Bible are the first five at the very beginning of Genesis and the first five verses in the Gospel of John (the youngest Disciple of Jesus.) If you read them and read the footnotes to them, you'll come to a better understanding of the whole Bible.
   Thank you for the wish Yours in Eashoa! Thank you, Dan.
Your friend, Vic Alexander

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

John the Baptist, Job, and You

As I read of John the Baptist, I think the locust were his spiritually inspired, illustrative thoughts, and the wild honey was their Holy Spirit illumination. I do not see much difference between John the Baptist and Job, except for a lot of verbiage. God liked them. They suffered, like Christ, because crucifixion, which comes in submission, hurts. But the going through of it is ultimately worth it. It is an imagic world; imagic of HIM, not us.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Says God: "Invest"

I am on a kick from T. L. Osborn's observation that sin is saying of God's directive, "Do not eat of," "He didn't mean it." That is the gist of what Satan told Eve in the Garden, and is the gist of what we tell ourselves as we direct "our" lives in this world of darkness, ignorance and death. Lucifer said (and we say to ourselves), "God said it, but he didn't really mean it." These lives we live are not our lives, they are His Life. They; i.e., we, are God's thought alone. We get to do some steering as we go down life's highways, which are our thoughts now, but we are accountable to Him to learn to be like Him, because we are Him. This means constant revision of our thoughts, feeling it real lovingly. Meditation/prayer is an all-day affair, for it is the Milta (Miltha) in process.

"And the Lord appeared to him and told him, 'Do not go down to Egypt, settle in the land that I command you. Live in this land and I will be with you and bless you, because to you and to your offspring I give all these kingdoms* (properties), and I shall uphold the oaths that I made to Abraham* (swore). And I shall increase your offspring like the stars of heaven, and I shall give to your offspring all these lands, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed through your offspring. In exchange for Abraham having listened to my voice and observed my observances, commandments, covenants and Laws'" (Genesis 26:2-5 Alexander, bold emphasis mine).

I.e., Abraham (our spiritual consciousness), which believes God means what He says, is rewarded. Believe in the Reward (the literal meaning of the Greek word for 'Gospel,' euangelion) AND SO INVEST.

John 3:13-21 -- Correcting What I Believe Are Misled Readings

John 3:13-21. How can such a short passage be misread so many different ways? One guy I found on the Internet says that Jesus, in verse 13, claims to be present simultaneously both on earth and in heaven. Vic Alexander has the verse saying that the Son of Man was in heaven, while every other source says it "is."

Many people say you must be born again (v. 7) to be saved.

I imagine most people think that Jesus spoke of hearing the physical wind and not knowing from where it came or to where it was going (v. 8).

Did Jesus really suggest that He must be physically lifted up on the cross (v. 14)?

Most of this is straightened out by Bullinger's notes on John 3:1-21 in his Companion Bible. Foremost to be noted is the fact that John stops quoting Jesus after verse 12 and switches to preaching in verse 13. Yes, John was an evangelist, and here he evangelizes from what Jesus said in his encounter with Nicodemus in John 3:1-12. I.e., John 3:13-21 is a SERMON BY THE EVANGELIST.

Nicodemus, a wealthy ruler and teacher of the Jews, flat out failed perceive the Holy Ghost. Jesus said that to live in the Kingdom (as one sent from God, which Nicodemus was aware of), one had to be born from ABOVE (v.3).

Still not getting it, Nicodemus wonders how one can be born--literally--again.

Bullinger notes the mistranslation of John 3, verse 5, which mistranslation is "of the water and of the spirit." He points out that there are no definite articles here, and not two different things. What Jesus said in effect was, "Except a man be born of water--yea, spiritual water, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." For THEN a spiritually born person will hear THE SPIRIT (pneuma; not anemos, wind) BREATHE (i.e., voice) DIRECTIONS DIRECTLY INTO THE MIND. It has nothing to do with wind whipping around or physical sounds.

Jesus seems to end on the note of, "I tell you of spiritual things I know of from experience, and you don't get it" (v. 12).

NOW (verse 13) John commences to expound on this teaching. Jesus knows spiritual things because He came down from heaven, and now, after His saving work, He has ascended BACK into heaven--"He is the Son of Man (was a human man here) Which IS (now, back) in heaven.

HERE IS WHAT I BELIEVE TO BE AN EVEN BIGGER ERROR: John 3:14. Jesus was not telling Nicodemus that He, Jesus, the Son of God, had to be crucified--"lifted up"--like the Brazen Serpent was lifted by Moses in the wilderness. I am sure I have heard that message literally hundreds of times, and I am certain that if you are a Christian, you have heard it, too. I am going with Victor Alexander on this one: JOHN, not Jesus, said in verse 14, "And just as Moses lifted the darkness by the light of life, this is how you should glorify* (lift up) the Son of Man. So that every human [being] who believes in him does not [go to] oblivion, except that they may have life everlasting* (to [the end of] the universe)." Moses lifted the darkness--the ignorance of man--in the wilderness BY TEACHING THE TORAH. THAT is what Jesus did, and it is what He commanded his followers to do: "And teach them to observe everything I commanded you" (Matthew 28:20 Alexander; see Bullinger's The Companion Bible Appendix 47, "The Book of the Law."

The idea is to make US like HIM, to make IGNORANCE into KNOWLEDGE, to give the FORM of One to the UNMANIFEST One. The Milta is on a quest, and I'll bet He is going accomplish it.

The Milta (Miltha): the Most Important Concept in the World

The most important concept I have ever heard of is the Milta (Aramaic, per Alexander; I have heard that Miltha is its Babylonian pronunciation, or perhaps it is its female gender form). THE MILTA, THE "SON" OF THE INEFFABLE BEING, IS THE INEFFABLE BEING'S OWN MANIFESTATION--ITS IMAGINATION. THAT MANIFESTATION IS "GOD," THE ALLAHOOTA (Godhead).

The Milta is not "other than" the Father; it is the essential connotation of the unmanifest Ineffable Being having become manifest. It is not separately other, but is the unmanifest manifest. Western theology teaches that the Son is not the Father; in truth, the Son IS the Father . . . MANIFEST. BOTH ARE THE SAME GUY--THE INEFFABLE BEING BOTH UNMANIFEST AND MANIFEST.

The Ineffable Being imagines. THAT imagination, Its consciousness, is Its manifestation. The nature of the Ineffable Being exists as an unmanifest, thing-less thing that imagines, which imagination is Its "Son," Whose intelligence effectually manifests Its assumptions.

All of this, or "these," are One, the Ineffable Being: the Ineffable Being's unmanifest nature; the Ineffable Being's manifest consciousness we call God and the Son, and the effectuality of the Ineffable Being's thought throughout all time--His Becoming, the Christ.

Sympathy for the Ineffable, the Lonely (...?) [No-thing]

Has it occurred to you to wonder what the Ineffable Being is? Whatever It is, that "Being" is conscious. We call Its consciousness God, God being that consciousness's ACTIONS. But that Not-Being that HAS consciousness and acts, what is THAT?

The Ineffable is infinite, eternal, invisible, incorporeal and formless, not of anything we know or can know. Its consciousness is like a field, but the Ineffable is the undetectable source of that field. Although we are of It, there is a great divide between That-Formlessness-Which-Is-Aware and ours senses.

The Ineffable somehow exists present everywhere without body or even the ability to act--silent, unknowable and intangible--alone despite Its being everything that is. Alone and inexpressible, unable to reach out and touch, to caress, to console, to speak, to encourage, to correct, to act in any way toward us, or act toward anything else for that matter.

What constraint! What constriction! To have knowledge that cannot be shared, emotions that cannot be expressed--to have Life Eternal confined to one's non-being . . . to be alone.

The Ineffable Being, conscious as it is, has one avenue of action: imagination. The No-thing imagines; It is conscious; It THINKS. Our first question is: what is the power--what are the powers--of that imagination?

I personally believe that the infinite, eternal, Ineffable Intelligence has the power to become physically manifest as whatever It assumes Itself to be, to transcend from being Intelligent Power into being what It imagines--assumes--It physically is. I had this epiphany one night some years ago: that I and everything else--all existence--was and is this wonderful Intelligence assuming Itself to be the quantum particles formed into these bodies we experience our imagination in and among. Thus we are "real," but are imagined reality. Verily, we are imagination, just as God is, for we are His imagination. The only real difference is where and in what this imagination is occurring.

The second question is: what is the Ineffable Being's purpose in what It imagines? Let me suggest that it is to be recognized, to be known and appreciated, to get reciprocation of consciousness, to achieve oneness in multiplicity--"Multiply and increase, and fill the earth" (Genesis 1:28 Alexander)--to become manifest--His expression.

God A Closed System: The Milta (Miltha) And The Knowledge of Gnosticism

I try to share only what I know to be REAL and TRUE. I do not know HOW some things can real and true when they appear to be paradoxical, contradictory, even mutually exclusive, each view being factual despite existing tensions of "how can that be?" The gist of what I have found is that the One--"God"--is a closed system, that we are inside and of Him, and that He is undergoing transformation.

The transformation of the One, i.e. the transitioning within It, is the story of the Bible. It is the story of God's becoming, of His character--the essential connotation of the nature of the Ineffable Being--becoming form . . . ALSO. The whole thing is quite mind blowing, and yet is extremely simple: the consciousness of the Divine has become us in order for us to ultimately become Him.

It is a big project. God knows what it will be like for His essential connotation to be in form, and He has already assumed that He is--that He in that form already EXISTS. THAT is the Milta. It--His Manifestation--exists in His assumption that It does. And It is doing what He does, which is becoming manifest. The Milta is God's speaking, "Let there be light," which becoming progresses from the ignorance of the Big Bangish expansion to the New Jerusalem's knowledge of BEING God manifest in form.