The Becoming God

Monday, July 01, 2024

God A Closed System: The Milta (Miltha) And The Knowledge of Gnosticism

I try to share only what I know to be REAL and TRUE. I do not know HOW some things can real and true when they appear to be paradoxical, contradictory, even mutually exclusive, each view being factual despite existing tensions of "how can that be?" The gist of what I have found is that the One--"God"--is a closed system, that we are inside and of Him, and that He is undergoing transformation.

The transformation of the One, i.e. the transitioning within It, is the story of the Bible. It is the story of God's becoming, of His character--the essential connotation of the nature of the Ineffable Being--becoming form . . . ALSO. The whole thing is quite mind blowing, and yet is extremely simple: the consciousness of the Divine has become us in order for us to ultimately become Him.

It is a big project. God knows what it will be like for His essential connotation to be in form, and He has already assumed that He is--that He in that form already EXISTS. THAT is the Milta. It--His Manifestation--exists in His assumption that It does. And It is doing what He does, which is becoming manifest. The Milta is God's speaking, "Let there be light," which becoming progresses from the ignorance of the Big Bangish expansion to the New Jerusalem's knowledge of BEING God manifest in form.


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