The Becoming God

Monday, July 01, 2024

Says God: "Invest"

I am on a kick from T. L. Osborn's observation that sin is saying of God's directive, "Do not eat of," "He didn't mean it." That is the gist of what Satan told Eve in the Garden, and is the gist of what we tell ourselves as we direct "our" lives in this world of darkness, ignorance and death. Lucifer said (and we say to ourselves), "God said it, but he didn't really mean it." These lives we live are not our lives, they are His Life. They; i.e., we, are God's thought alone. We get to do some steering as we go down life's highways, which are our thoughts now, but we are accountable to Him to learn to be like Him, because we are Him. This means constant revision of our thoughts, feeling it real lovingly. Meditation/prayer is an all-day affair, for it is the Milta (Miltha) in process.

"And the Lord appeared to him and told him, 'Do not go down to Egypt, settle in the land that I command you. Live in this land and I will be with you and bless you, because to you and to your offspring I give all these kingdoms* (properties), and I shall uphold the oaths that I made to Abraham* (swore). And I shall increase your offspring like the stars of heaven, and I shall give to your offspring all these lands, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed through your offspring. In exchange for Abraham having listened to my voice and observed my observances, commandments, covenants and Laws'" (Genesis 26:2-5 Alexander, bold emphasis mine).

I.e., Abraham (our spiritual consciousness), which believes God means what He says, is rewarded. Believe in the Reward (the literal meaning of the Greek word for 'Gospel,' euangelion) AND SO INVEST.


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