The Becoming God

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Back to "God is a Closed System"

What I said on July 1st was too sketchy, only a shadow of what I wrote to myself back on May 12th. I do try to share only things I know are real and true. I know that they may sound paradoxical, contradictory, even mutually exclusive, but I know each view to be real. I just do not know HOW they are true. One thing I have got is God is a closed system. The best explanation I have heard is Neville Goddard's in his lecture "God's Law and His Promise," when coupled with an understanding of Victor Alexander's view of the Milta (Miltha) in his footnote on John 1:1 (in the Aramaic New Testament: Translation of the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures directly into English). In my opinion, you do NOT have the Bible until you have Vic's idiomatic version of the ancient Aramaic, because absolutely no other Bible has his (its) perspective, which is that the Milta is the manifestation of the essential connotation of God--the Allahoota/Godhead, the consciousness of the Ineffable Being--i.e., that the Milta is God Himself . . . manifested. In short, the Milta is what is going on, which is that the subjective Ineffable Being is becoming objectified, WITH BOTH SUBJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE BEINGS BEING THE SAME BEING. He's the only game in town. That is why the Greek word logos is inadequate as a translation of the Aramaic concept of the Milta, as it expresses the subjective only, and lacks the substantive, objective, fruitful, conclusive, concrete ACT of the expression.

When the essential connotation of the Ineffable Being is manifested, it is not other or elsewhere; it IS the Ineffable Being, the umanifest manifested. The non-corporal and the corporal are both the One. The present problem is that the character of the non-corporal has been generated, developed over what we call time unto the state that it presently is. The Milta, which the Ineffable has ASSUMED to exist needs the same cultivation that has formed the non-manifest into what It is. Even the Ineffable cannot make the character derived from free-choice decisions. The end is known and is being inculcated; the Manifestation just needs to get there by making Its free-will decisions.


PS: I wished Vic Alexander a happy Independence Day, and asked some questions about the Milta. Part of his response:

Happy 4th of July, Dan!
   Some time ago, I realized that the most important verses in the Bible are the first five at the very beginning of Genesis and the first five verses in the Gospel of John (the youngest Disciple of Jesus.) If you read them and read the footnotes to them, you'll come to a better understanding of the whole Bible.
   Thank you for the wish Yours in Eashoa! Thank you, Dan.
Your friend, Vic Alexander


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