The Becoming God

Monday, March 03, 2025

The Secret of the Milta: Eternal Fulfillment of the Ineffable's Manifestation FIRST, and Not Yet

Milta (miltha) is the Aramaic word the Greek word logos is the translation of. In my humble opinion, there is no greater idea in the Bible than the Milta; the Logos, not so much. I most sincerely recommend and request that you labor with the concept of THE Milta, that aspect of God which is incarnate as Jesus Christ. Victor Alexander admonishes, "Only the Messiah Eashoa is ever to be called the Milta" (footnote on John 1:1).

Both milta and logos can mean "word, idea, thought, expression, logic, rational." However, the concept and meaning of milta goes further, for it includes the completion and fulfillment of these concepts. I.e., milta is the whole enchilada, from the conception of the idea through its becoming thoroughly, substantively existent. The idea assumed to exist in milta becomes complete, objective, concrete manifestation in reality. Thought to have happened, it does.

What we are talking about in the Milta is the manifestation of God, God being the consciousness of the Ineffable Being. Neither God nor His Manifestation is a picture, illustration or explanation of the Ineffable, but is the literal manifestation of that (...?). Thus, in John 1:1 Victor Alexander translates the Milta from the Aramaic as "the Manifestation," for the Milta is the Eternal Manifestation of the essential connotation of God. The Milta is God in the flesh--That Which Was, That Which Is, And That Which Ever Will Be.

Christ in us is the hope of glory. This idea is encapsulated in Ecclesiastes 3:11, where Messiah or Christ, I believe, is set as "Eternity": "He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put Eternity (my capitalization) in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end." (NKJV).

I believe this verse is mistranslated. Of the many translations of this verse, I think Young's Literal Translation phrases it best and is the most illuminating: "The whole He hath made beautiful in its season; also, that knowledge He hath put in their heart without which man findeth not out the work that God hath done from the beginning even unto the end (italics mine)." The "without which" makes this translation mean quite the opposite of all the others. That Knowledge--Eternity, the Eternal One--that God has put into men's hearts BY WHICH THEY CAN FIND OUT THE WORK THAT GOD HATH DONE--AND IS DOING--FROM THE BEGINNING EVEN UNTO THE END. THAT is what this is all about.

For God's assumption of His Milta, of His being fully and completely manifest, is becoming fulfilled. Again, THAT is what this is all about. And He is eager for it to come about. From before eternity past the (...?) has wanted to BE, and that is the plan and pattern put into us: His fulfillment.


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