The Becoming God

Friday, July 05, 2024

Sympathy For The Ineffable

I started writing this on July 1. Over thought it. The Ineffable Spirit has no body. It is consciousness with no mouth, no arms, no hands, no ability to caress, to walk, to talk, to laugh, to work or rest. It cannot embrace; no body! No fellowship, no love, no giving or receiving, just invisible consciousness IN SILENCE. The only sound is Its thinking.

The Ineffable manifests as people. All effort to get company, affection. He so loved that He sent Jesus to catch our attention: "His eyes were like blazes of blue fire, but not anger--burning love!" (T. L. Osborn's "I Saw Jesus"). The Source of all existence cannot reach out to existence! Its consciousness is Its manifestation, Its Christ--Eil. What is THAT? A medium? a field? spirit? What ever the Ineffable is, It is non-corporal. No body, no form, no anything. No light, no darkness, no eyes, no sight, no mouth, no ears, touch, or taste. What is It that HAS mind, that thinks, imagines, is the Source of all thought? Has He ever touched you? He, the unmanifest, can't. Nor can He be touched.

So He becomes people. He is Adam, and Eve. He is Love, and He is Power. They are Man, because He is Man, and so are we. He becomes by imagination, and so do we. God, the Milta (Miltha), manifests as multitudes of men. They/we are the image/manifestation of the Ineffable -- imaginations!

The Sovereign of sovereigns. We are to believe and obey Him because that is right, fitting. He is offended if we do not, because it is right and fitting. Believe me, it is not wise to piss off the Consciousness of the Ineffable. He loves, and God help you if you cause "one of these little ones" (think of a cute little kid with frontlets, so loved by God) to fall.

THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS TO DO WITH ATTITUDES. "We are preaching a living Christ." The sacrificial lambs Abel brought were obedience, good thoughts: "Yes, He meant what He said, and I will think as He" Cain said, "We don't need this." Biblical animals are thoughts. Jacob's goats, Abel's fatlings, are to be submitted to Him.

Esau, the outer, fleshly man, loves the wild, the world. Interestingly, Alexander's note on Jacob, the inner man in Genesis 25:27, states that Jacob was a complete man. Yes, we have a body, but it is about the MIND, our consciousness and God, not the flesh and the wild in the world. We are to be mature in character, disciplined, leaning like Jacob to the "complete" side.


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