The Becoming God

Monday, July 01, 2024

Sympathy for the Ineffable, the Lonely (...?) [No-thing]

Has it occurred to you to wonder what the Ineffable Being is? Whatever It is, that "Being" is conscious. We call Its consciousness God, God being that consciousness's ACTIONS. But that Not-Being that HAS consciousness and acts, what is THAT?

The Ineffable is infinite, eternal, invisible, incorporeal and formless, not of anything we know or can know. Its consciousness is like a field, but the Ineffable is the undetectable source of that field. Although we are of It, there is a great divide between That-Formlessness-Which-Is-Aware and ours senses.

The Ineffable somehow exists present everywhere without body or even the ability to act--silent, unknowable and intangible--alone despite Its being everything that is. Alone and inexpressible, unable to reach out and touch, to caress, to console, to speak, to encourage, to correct, to act in any way toward us, or act toward anything else for that matter.

What constraint! What constriction! To have knowledge that cannot be shared, emotions that cannot be expressed--to have Life Eternal confined to one's non-being . . . to be alone.

The Ineffable Being, conscious as it is, has one avenue of action: imagination. The No-thing imagines; It is conscious; It THINKS. Our first question is: what is the power--what are the powers--of that imagination?

I personally believe that the infinite, eternal, Ineffable Intelligence has the power to become physically manifest as whatever It assumes Itself to be, to transcend from being Intelligent Power into being what It imagines--assumes--It physically is. I had this epiphany one night some years ago: that I and everything else--all existence--was and is this wonderful Intelligence assuming Itself to be the quantum particles formed into these bodies we experience our imagination in and among. Thus we are "real," but are imagined reality. Verily, we are imagination, just as God is, for we are His imagination. The only real difference is where and in what this imagination is occurring.

The second question is: what is the Ineffable Being's purpose in what It imagines? Let me suggest that it is to be recognized, to be known and appreciated, to get reciprocation of consciousness, to achieve oneness in multiplicity--"Multiply and increase, and fill the earth" (Genesis 1:28 Alexander)--to become manifest--His expression.


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