The Becoming God

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The End of the Lord: The Oldest Lesson in the World -- Bullinger's Translation/Version of the Book of Job

This is especially for the so-called Law of Attraction. The whole book here in pdf is wonderful to me, but if you just want the gist, read Part 1, which should start about page 21 of 232 in the pdf.

The Book of Job

The Book of Job

"Then answered Job, and to YHWH said,
'I know, I know, that Thou canst all things do:
No purpose of Thine can be withstood.
Thou asketh, "Who is this that counsel hides,
And darkens all, because of knowledge void?"
'Tis I! I uttered things I could not know;
Things far too wonderful, beyond my ken.
Hear now, I pray thee: let me speak this once.
Thou saidest, "'Tis I who ask thee: Answer Me."
I heard of Thee by hearing of the ear,
But now mine eye hath seen Thee.
I abhor myself. In dust and ashes I repent'" (Job 42:1-6 Bullinger).

"Here then we reach the culminating point of this wonderful book.
Jehovah's ministry had accomplished Jehovah's 'end.'
Job, now, justified God and condemned himself, and thus manifested his possession of true 'wisdom.'
Job was humbled in the dust, with ashes on his head: and realized that in the light of God's glory and greatness, he was nothing.
Ah! we may try to be nothing; and we may sing, 'Oh, to be nothing'; but all our trying and all our singing will never produce that result; or bring us into this, the only place of blessing.
If we succeeded in our trying, it would be only artificial; and that can never take the place of what is real. If we could thus, by our own effort, bring ourselves to feel that we are nothing, that would only be, in itself, a ground for feeling that we were something, after all. If we were able, of ourselves, to bring about so wonderful a result, it would only tend to increase our 'confidence in the flesh.'
No! If we would have the reality, and be nothing, as well as feel nothing, it must be brought about in the only way that can really accomplish it. It must be Divinely produced if it is to be a Divine reality.
We must have a true sense of the glory and greatness of God. That alone will show us, and convince us, that we are 'nothing.' We shall soon feel it then" (pages 46-47 [66-67 pdf]).

Been there; done that. The oldest lesson -- and the beginning. In my opinion, you are not really a Christian until you actually get to the last line: the Divine reality...Divinely produced. looks like a nice site

New to me is -- "I am the love company." Seems like a good collection of different authors, but I have most enjoyed the writings of Jennifer Ramdeo. E.g., If you have liked Neville, you will LOVE Jennifer.

Monday, February 24, 2020

OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES From the Ancient Aramaic Language Translated by Victor Alexander


Translator’s Notes           5
Genesis                         9
Exodus                      142
Proverbs                    260
Qohlat                       308
Isaiah                        327
Jeremiah                   510
Daniel                       667
Jonah                        715
Zechariah                  721
Malachi                      746

Friday, February 21, 2020

Matthew 6:13a: If God is the Entire Field of the Ineffable's Consciousness, What is the Evil One?

I noticed in Alexander's translation that the Lord's Prayer ends with “except separate us from the evil one.” The evil one? The one evil guy? Niet. If the evil one is here, and the same evil one is there -- everywhere -- the evil one must be a FIELD, a condition common to all of us.

To my way of thinking, the Prayer is an ATTITUDE we are to hold toward the field which is the Ineffable’s consciousness. That field is the power everything is the manifestation of. It is the only "one," as in "God is one." The world and our bodies are manifestation of that power, and especially our consciousness is that consciousness. The evil (immature) one of the field of consciousness is ignorance. We, alas, are born in this world as the manifestation of that ignorance. We are here to OVERCOME/LEAVE the Ineffable's ignorance by having the Ineffable's mature nature inculcated and generated in us through our experiences in this world.

Per the Lord's Prayer per Ferrar Fenton, the Ineffable's consciousness, i.e., Its nature, kingdom, and will, must be being hallowed, restored, and done on earth as it is in heaven. Our prayer is our ATTITUDE. We, as sons of the consciousness of the Ineffable, manifest ATTITUDES. To the Father consciousness of the Ineffable we pray, “except separate us from the evil one.” Separate us from the ATTITUDE OF IGNORANCE.

What might the attitude of ignorance be? “I want it my way.” Sounds like the pride which went before Adam's fall -- selfish desire in Eve, our power to manifest.

What attitude might be opposite of ignorance? “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise” (NKJV). Love a la 1st Corinthians 13. Give ... Go two miles.

Tonight when I got home I found Alexander's Old Testament Scriptures in a box on my stoop. I wanted it for years (even though I already had all the individual books) and finally got it. Opened it to Alexander's comment on Isaiah 37:16.3, "The winged creatures that carry the throne of Maryah in heaven, representing the fullness of knowledge and benevolence." The fullness of knowledge and benevolence are where we are going, are what we are becoming. We are evolving from the attitude of ignorance to that. Father, separate us from the evil one.

Monday, February 17, 2020

It Worked For Scrooge

It should hit us right over the head. Scrooge (A Christmas Carol) is my favorite movie. I watch it several times a year, all through the year. The 1951 version with Alastair Sims is my favorite of the lot, though the one with Reginald Owen is also great. I sit right at the edge of my seat through them all. I was watching Carl Bradford's video Neville Goddard : Secret of Imagining Money, and it struck me, "Oh, yeah. That's what Scrooge did. He was a money counter. He counted money -- ten dollars out; fifteen dollars back. That's all he did from morning to night, counting money over and over and over and over again.” THAT worked for Scrooge. The spirits of Christmas worked for him, too. Don't forget the spirits of Christmas.

PS: The first I saw of money counting was in the Navy at payday. The guys who lent money to other sailors stood near the pay officers to collect from the men they had lent to. Then I met a missionary to Africa who bought small amounts of gold from the locals below market price. The locals appreciated it, because they hadn't found enough gold to sell to the major buyers. The missionary was very successful. And then there's Pawn Stars. Don't forget the spirits of Christmas.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Why Genesis 16:11-12 Changed: Our Error

I noticed something very interesting in my last post. In Genesis 16:11, the mode of God speaking to Hagar told her she would conceive and bear a son. Would conceive. When He spoke to her, she was fleeing Sarai because she HAD conceived in verse 3. Had conceived. My interesting note was that her conception was in Abram's IMAGINATION. YHWH said it was going to come to pass. I noted in my post:

My copy of the Stone Tanach says,

“And an angel of Hashem said to her, ‘Behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son; you shall name him Ishmael, for Hashem has heard your prayer. And he will be a wild ass of a man; his hand against everyone, and everyone's hand upon him, and over all his brothers shall he dwell.’”

Interestingly, to Abram Hagar had conceived back in verse 3; yet in verse 11 God, “the Name of Hashem” — the mode? — who spoke with her says she WILL conceive. I guess Abram had imagined it, and it was certainly GOING TO come to pass. Anyway, the present Hebrew sounds like Ishmael is going to be a problem — a bane to live with who won’t go away. Irrational, argumentative, violent, and an all around bossy pain in the ass. So far, looks like an accurate prophecy.

But Victor Alexander’s translation from the ancient Aramaic is radically different:

“And the angel of the Lord told her, 'Behold, you are with child and shall give birth to a son, and you shall call his name Ishmael, because the Lord has heard of your obedience. And he shall be a helper of humanity, his hand shall be over all, and the hand of everyone shall be in his, and he shall be welcomed by all his brothers as their kin.'"

Why the change in intent of the passage? This is just my opinion: Look with me again at Alexander's Aramaic: "because the Lord has heard of your obedience." What obedience? Hagar was running back to Egypt. She was as yet unwilling in obedience. What had the Lord heard? Imagination. It was prayer. Abram, Sarai, and Hagar are our consciousness. Obedience was a POTENTIAL. If you have obedience, you have one outcome; if you do not have obedience, you have another outcome. "The Lord has heard of your obedience. And he shall be a helper of humanity." Hagar's obedience didn't pan out, so he didn't become a helper of humanity, but rather its bane. This doesn't refer to the Arabs but to our lives, our consciousness in this world.

I cannot but associate this with the Law of Attraction, which looks to USE tithes -- prayer -- for selfish gain with no honor or respect for God who in indicated by prayer's fulfillment. Go figure.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Genesis 16:11-12 — Whose Error? The Translators’, Vic Alexander’s, or Ours?

What’s wrong with Genesis 16:11-12? I think it is not now like it originally was. Its intent has been changed. The King James Version says:

“And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.”

My copy of the Stone Tanach says,

“And an angel of Hashem said to her, ‘Behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son; you shall name him Ishmael, for Hashem has heard your prayer. And he will be a wild ass of a man; his hand against everyone, and everyone's hand upon him, and over all his brothers shall he dwell.’”

Interestingly, to Abram Hagar had conceived back in verse 3; yet in verse 11 God, “the Name of Hashem” — the mode? — who spoke with her says she WILL conceive. I guess Abram had imagined it, and it was certainly GOING TO come to pass. Anyway, the present Hebrew sounds like Ishmael is going to be a problem — a bane to live with who won’t go away. Irrational, argumentative, violent, and an all around bossy pain in the ass. So far, looks like an accurate prophecy.

But Victor Alexander’s translation from the ancient Aramaic is radically different:

“And the angel of the Lord told her, 'Behold, you are with child and shall give birth to a son, and you shall call his name Ishmael, because the Lord has heard of your obedience. And he shall be a helper of humanity, his hand shall be over all, and the hand of everyone shall be in his, and he shall be welcomed by all his brothers as their kin.'"

I believe the Aramaic version was the original intent of God. But I also believe that what it says now is the prophetic intent that now bears. I.e., both are right. At least the original WAS right. That was God's intent for man, which then held true for Ishmael. But like what happened to Adam, it has been changed. And like Adam, the original intent of God for Ishmael has been changed BY Ishmael. (It was a long time from Genesis' origin until its written canon form.) Ishmael's fate HAD changed. It was changed by his people who held onto what I now call the Crescendo Error, that God is divided from Creation. I.e., that God is separate from us, that Creation is no part of Him, that we are divided from Him, that God is one APART from us.

I call this the Crescendo Error because it continues and builds up right to the end of Revelation, when it, Ignorance, is cast into Eternal Destruction. The Error is not knowing that God's being one INCLUDES us. When in Exodus 3:14 God said (per the Hebrew), "I AM THAT I AM," implied was "THUS YOU ARE, TOO." It is even clearer in the Aramaic, "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh": "I-I come by Consciousness/Imagination everything of your world" (my own take on Alexander's notes* below).

The epitome of IGNORANCE is not knowing that we are part of God's oneness. The Ishmaelites from Abram run parallel to man in his amnesia from God. THERE ISN'T TWO, GOD AND CREATION. There isn't an "other." God did not make a family "over there," but as AN EXTENSION OF HIMSELF. There is no existence of anything except HIM. And it riles Him when we say, "Niet. There is no way that I am God or any part of God or anything like Him." That is calling God a liar. That is willfully, intentionally misreading the scriptures and denying what they say. THAT is the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit, Who says, "You are GOD, because He is you."

By the way, I am not talking about Ishmael as Arab or representative of Islam. I am talking about a consciousness, the mindset of anyone who sees God as being separate, away, distant, divided from us, inconsequential, or non-existent. That is the spirit of independence and practicality, of politics and dualistic religion. If you think that God ISN'T you, you are in that camp.

Like the Ineffable in Its infancy, our ignorance is UNLIKE what the Ineffable is NOW. Its perfection demands that, as It is everything, anything unlike It become like It; that It be perfect in every way. See yourself and everything else AS God, and get rid of the ERROR.

*Victor Alexander's notes on Exodus 3:14's "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh":
*3:14 Lit. Aramaic:
(1) "Ahiyeh": "the One Who Comes in His Coming," the absolute sense of "the One Who Comes."
(2) "Ashur": "the Beginning Spark that kindles the Fire" or "the Light."
(3) "Hiyeh": "His Coming."
(4) "Ahiyeh" and "hiyeh" are related forms of the same word. They mean more than "the Coming." They signify also the "Eternal Presence," "the Ever-Present," and the "Never Ceasing Intent of the Comer to Come."
(5) In the same way, "Ashur" signifies "the Uncreated Creator who Creates Everything from Nothing."
(6) Also, "Ashur" signifies: "Above-the-Flames."

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Malachi 3:10; Whose Error? The Translators', Vic Alexander's, or Ours?

What is wrong in Malachi 3:10? I have addressed this passage before, but see a hitherto missed aspect. The King James Version says, "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."

Ever hear this message preached before? Of course. It is every preacher's favorite passage, an offer by God Himself to prove Him by giving the pastor or ministry money. "Yeah, buddy. Let's prove God!"

Except according to Vic Alexander's translation from the Aramaic, God isn't saying that at all. In fact, He says quite the opposite: "All the nation brings its tithes into my stores and there is food in my house, and they test me with this, said the Almighty Lord, and I open a window for you in heaven and shower you with blessings until you say, 'this is more than enough'" (bold emphasis mine). Not that they don't, but that they DO. Not that He will, but that He DOES. Did Vic miss something here?

I don't think so. I cannot prove it either way, but I think God is frying bigger fish here than tithes and offerings. The problem as I see it is that the Jews were USING God's promises without giving Him due respect. They were EXPLOITING Him by bringing all the tithes into the storehouse. They HAD their proof of Him. But their words were: "It is vain working for the Lord" (verse 14). They held themselves to be SEPARATE from God. This harkens back to the original problem voiced in chapter 1, verse 6: "A son honors his father and a servant his Lord. If I am the Father, how are you honoring me, and if I am the Lord how are you submitting to me?"

Their Father, and OUR Father, is God. The sin He is concerned with is our not recognizing our God-the-Son-hood -- denying that we ARE the sons of God. As God is EVERYTHING, this robs God of His Godhood IN US. Not a good move. This is OUR mistake. We are bits of God becoming like the Father.

This is, admittedly, difficult to see. Like Romans 5:12, which SEEMS to say that all spiritually died because they sinned, when in fact it says all sinned because they were spiritually dead (i.e., asleep). Row hard for making sense of this stuff.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Where I Got the Whacked Idea of One God in Three Modes

Where did I get the idea of God in three modes? From the Oracles of the Jews, the Jews, and Victor Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic. As Rabbi David A. Cooper explains in God Is A Verb: Kabbalah And The Practice Of Mystical Judaism, the Ineffable is beyond Ein Sof, the Endlessness of God. It was the Ineffable who created God, which is It's Consciousness (and thus Its Imagination). I.e., the Ineffable became conscious, imagined, and THAT was God's creation. The Ineffable's Consciousness was and is the Beginning and End of all things. Hence it is the Manifestation -- the "Son" of the Ineffable.

According to Cooper, mystical Judaism's Genesis 1:1 can be read: "With a Beginning, (the Ineffable) created God, the heavens, and the earth." Beginning here is not a time or event, but the Ineffable's Consciousness. Alexander's translation from Aramaic agrees: "As the Beginning, the Son of God creates the heavens and the earth." The Ineffable, It's Consciousness, and Its Manifestation.

I have to assume that the Ineffable evolved through self-generative processes into what It is now. I look at this imagic world and see the same self-generative processes here. We are playing catch up from Big Bang matter to the nature of the Most Holy. The Milta, the Manifestation of God, has broken out upon man as the Anointing a la Jesus Christ. It is given. Evolve.

A Passel of God

The thing about the oneness of God is It, if you would, is everything. That's Pantheism! shouts the theologian. No, it's a good deal past that. God in Its oneness is more than all of everything. It is all of the Ineffable, all of Its Spirit/Consciousness, and It is everything that is manifest (manifest being Its Intelligence by Its power having become the material It believes it IS). These are the three "modes" of the one God.

Oneness applies also to the individual bits of Consciousness we call God. You're a bit, I'm a bit, everything is a bit, every conscious being on every planet since the Big Bang is a bit. I call us conscii. We are all a collective -- eternal beings of the eternal God (the Consciousness) of the infinite and eternal Ineffable Being. The Ineffable doesn't move except by Its consciousness's IMAGINATION. THAT is "God." God is the whole passel of bits — conscii — of the Ineffable's IMAGINATION. What we do is "Jesus Christ," because of the standing orders -- Its name (nature) must be being hallowed, Its will must be being done on earth as it is in heaven, and Its kingdom must be being restored.

Every thing is God, but none is separate from the rest. I am not 'a' god, nor am I becoming God, nor am I individually all of God. There is only one God that is 'a' God, and that is the Ineffable in Its triune modalities which are in the process of becoming MORE of what It already is. This is an imagic world in an imagic universe. Ask a scientist to explain the expansion of the universe ... and the expansion of the expansion. Yes, not only is the universe expanding in space, the space it is in is expanding as well. Here's a visual: in outer space you shoot two bullets in the same direction one second apart -- one right after the other. They are going the same direction and at the same speed, but the first one keeps getting farther and farther ahead of the second. Because the space they are whizzing through is becoming more and more and more space. Makes me wonder if the Ineffable started as small as a grain of mustard an eternity ago. It's a Big Guy now ... you, and me, and everything.

You want to read your Bible correctly? According to Alexander, ‘Elohim’ simply means “Over the Flames.” In Psalm 82:1 and 6, it isn’t “gods”; it is “God.” We are Elohim, not gods, but God.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Massive Downloads of My Blog

I certainly do not mind anyone downloading all of my posts, but it makes me curious as to what is going on. Some people make an industry of rewriting or translating information of various sorts and republishing it as their own. That's cool. Some want records for research. That's even cooler. Anyone want to tell me why they want everything I've written? Y'all have project going on? Just curious.
My e-mail address is, or enter a comment below. Thanks.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Victor Alexander's Translations: What is Your Relation to the Restoration of the Ancient Aramaic Church?

I know I am not the only one who sees little correlation between today's Christianity and the church of the first century AD. Or BC, for that matter. There is little, if any. While waiting for the restoration of the ancient Aramaic church, I decided to become a part of it. Or God did for me. I still can hardly believe that God got me into a seminary as an upper division student eight years after barely getting through high school. That was such a miracle, I know it was his will for me to learn what I did there. Not that that was necessarily favorable. Come to think of it, it is extremely ironic that he first sent me into the occult to learn what is good there, and into seminary to learn what is bad here. The common denominator is just reality -- His reality.

Reality is that today's church has little to do with His Reality. At the end of the Season of Grace, which coincided with the end of Daniel's seventy sevens of years, Jesus Christ ascended and one hundred and twenty were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Jerusalem was cleared out and Paul was sent to the Gentiles. I can only speak of the Western church, which after the first century took a number of steps away from the church that is supposed to be. Trying to get back to that church, I started correcting my bibles. The Companion Bible is great for that. A friend introduced me to Herb Jahn's Exegeses Parallel Bible. Then I found Vic Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic.

Nothing could make more sense, if you want to be a member of the ancient Aramaic church, than to read the Aramaic scriptures translated with the Aramaic perspective by a native Aramaic speaker. Well, Vic is the closest thing I can find. His effort is as laughable as my starting as a junior in seminary -- he had no institution of support, no staff or crew. He just saw that we did not have the Bible of the first century, and set himself to providing one. Apparently, he had no proofreader, either. He was a film maker, for Christ's sake. But he prevailed to translate the entire New Testament and a good portion of the Old Testament for us. He was a one-man battalion in the war for the First Century Church.

As Victor noted in his blog before it was taken down (he can put it back up, by the way, if anyone would care to support its hosting costs), the translators of the Bible did not know the ancient languages. They didn't "get" it. They couldn't write a verse without mistranslating something in it. I cannot read his versions long without my jaw dropping at some point, for some dramatic variance from what the Western church teaches. I readily admit to always having been a oneness Pentecostal from my baptism in the Holy Spirit. Nothing to do with the United Pentecostal Church or any doctrine. I just met God, and He was and is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit -- one God in three MODES. Like it or lump it,  He is one God, three "Q'nu-meh." (The Greeks didn't know how to translate it, so they left it alone. Oh, gee, then the Greek version must be a TRANSLATION of the Aramaic.)

I think I may have prevailed upon Mr. Alexander to lower the prices for his translations. He said he could sell them for a lower price, but he has not informed me of actually doing so. You can hunt around on Amazon for his versions of the New Testament, the Old Testament scriptures, and the individual books of the Old Testament he has translated (Exodus, Genesis, Proverbs of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Jonah, Zechariah, Malachi), and Story of Jesus: From His Own Words. If he informs me of a new price list, I will post it. I have bought everything at full price just to support him, and I hope you will, too.

I encourage Vic to lower his prices to help disseminate the Scriptures of the Ancient Aramaic Church throughout the whole world. You can contact Vic at, or at

Vic Alexander
1129 Linden Ave. #2
Glendale, CA 91201 USA

For now it is full price, but consider it making a contribution to a guy who gave twenty years of his life to give you what the Bible actually MEANS BY WHAT IT SAYS. You, God, and the Scriptures: welcome to the Ancient Aramaic Church.

PS: I notice that the most recent update did away with spell-check on Blogger. Guess they were bought off by Grammarly. I haven't got it, so sorry for any mistakes.

PPS: Since his translations, Vic has been severely attacked. Ignore, please, the works of the deceiver and remember they came after the existing translations. I was hoping Vic could finish translating the Book of Joel, one of my favorites.

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Cultivate Seeing the Invisible

In my post, "Canaan, the Perfect Country and 'The First Thing is You Must Know Exactly What You Want' -- YOU!!" (January 25, 2020), I said, "'The first thing you do,' Neville repeatedly said of his technique, 'you must know exactly what you want in this world.' We must decide exactly what it is we want in life.
“Cultivate that. It isn't one thing. Don't think just, 'Chocolate.' Expand. What you want is lot of specifics, 'a land flowing with milk and honey.' You want the land, the house, the job or business or sources of income, the friends and the family, the time and the climate and the government, & etc.. What we each want is 'the perfect country, Canaan.' Contemplate the Canaan for your life."

Rereading Neville Goddard's 1948 Lesson 5, "REMAIN FAITHFUL TO YOUR IDEA," I see something else to be cultivated. This idea is a bonanza to anyone having a hard time visualizing and/or deciding what it is they really want: learn to see the invisible spirit world of the past and future as concrete reality in the present. Says Neville in Lesson 5:

"The natural view confines reality to the moment called NOW. To the natural view, the past and future are purely imaginary. The spiritual view on the other hand sees the contents of time. The past and future are a present whole to the spiritual view. What is mental and subjective to the natural man is concrete and objective to the spiritual man.

"The habit of seeing only that which our senses permit renders us totally blind to what, otherwise, we could see. To cultivate the faculty of seeing the invisible, we should often deliberately disentangle our minds from the evidence of the senses and focus our attention on an invisible state, mentally feeling it and sensing it until it has all the distinctness of reality.

"Earnest, concentrated thought focused in a particular direction shuts out other sensations and causes them to disappear. We have only to concentrate on the state desired in order to see it.

"The habit of withdrawing attention from the region of sensation and concentrating it on the invisible develops our spiritual outlook and enables us to penetrate beyond the world of sense and to see that which is invisible" (bold emphasis mine).

The contents of time are invisible states, but are real and "there." They are all that is in potential. Maybe they occurred in a past life, or will occur in some future life. We can disentangle our thoughts from the present and explore those states as heightened daydreams. They do not have to be exactly what you want in life. I think it is all right to window shop in fantasy among possibilities that can be. We do as much on the car lot, clothing store, and in shopping for a home. "Hmmm, this cheesecake, or that cheesecake?" Try them both -- take 'em out for a spin before you decide.

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Do We Not Recognize Our Own Cruelty And Meanness?

Do we know what compassion means? What is it like? What would it be like if we had compassion? How are we missing it when we are? Just how stiff ARE our necks? The stiffness of the neck is in the mind. When we see misery, do we immediately reject acceptance of that state and see joy and beauty instead? I wonder if that is the deal about two tunics. We have one we are wearing, and one in the blessing of our mind. We can change the state we see and a “tunic” will manifest on their back.

What if we saw everyone as our friend, as family, as people we wanted to help?

A Bit More About The Apple Turnover God: Modalistic Oneness In The Pentecostal Concept Of God

There is only one God, who is “Jesus” to us. Jesus in MY mind is the Milta, the manifestation of all three modes of the one Spirit the Ineffable is.  The Milta Jesus was UPON, IN, and AS the Jewish man we call by that name who was a type of US. Milta is the essence of Godhood. Jesus was a show, a display of what is going on. Neither the Ineffable nor Its Spirit is a giant primate of light with long white hair sitting on a big chair controlling the universe by some kind of magical remote control. The man Jesus (and that might mean YOU!) is the only God we will ever see. For the physical is God, too. The Spirit/Consciousness, the Ineffable, and the Son are ONE. I would like to personally thank whoever was the focal point of all this in the Season of Grace.

Sunday, February 02, 2020

Apple Turnover God -- a Picture of the Infinite

I want to give this illustration of modalism a shot:

A rectangular puff pastry. The center is flat on the pan. The sides are folded up across the center. The center is the incomprehensible, eternal, infinite, and silent Ineffable Being. One side of it is the Ineffable's Consciousness, or "Spirit," which gives It voice. The other side is the "ignoranced" material manifestation Its Intelligence has become. Three modes, but only one Being. All three are the same Thing: the Ineffable No-thing, Its Consciousness, and the physical realm — the material manifestation OF Its intelligence. All these are the SAME God, but in different modes. Their essence is the Milta (Aramaic, see Alexander), which became manifest in the Season of Grace about two thousand years ago. This tri-mode Spirit INCLUDES us, the realization of which is the whole point of this exercise we are in.

Yes, I know apple turnovers are triangular, and this doesn't have apple in it. I hope you get the picture, anyway.

Saturday, February 01, 2020

The Center Is Silent Shouts The Law Of Becoming

I have heard it said that the prophets and apostles wrote the scriptures that we might have whatsoever we desire. I don't think so. Not like that, anyway. I think that what they saw and referred to was the Law of Becoming, that the Ineffable is BECOMING MANIFEST, and how we can participate in THAT. Basically, whatever our consciousness is, because we ARE the Ineffable's consciousness, becomes our world, our manifestation. We are going to think until this becomes Him.

There is only ONE consciousness. That one Consciousness is becoming the Ineffable's perfect Manifestation in many different (but ultimately united) ways. The physical manifestation the Ineffable's Intelligence has become is experientially IGNORANT of the spirit (consciousness) and of the Ineffable. The Holy Spirit is a manifestation OF the Ineffable which gives the Ineffable SPEECH. Of Itself, the Ineffable is SILENT. It exists, but is incapable of speaking apart from Its Consciousness, the Holy Spirit.

The Ineffable is SILENT; Spirit is Its only expression. Its intelligence is the "computer simulation " we are in in Its becoming. The ancients knew nothing of computers, but saw and sensed the Ineffable’s becoming. It SEEMS like a computer simulation because computers simulate the brain, a manifestation of the intelligence of the Ineffable's consciousness. Is the simulation a computer program? Computer programs are like it, not the other way around. The “simulation” is the Ineffable becoming, becoming manifest as It has determined to do and has ASSUMED THAT IT IS.

It has told the end from the beginning. The end of Revelation is the Manifestation having had all the bugs worked out of It, as was foretold in Genesis chapter one. In Genesis chapter one, It said, "This is what I am going to do." The first creation was the PLAN. That set destiny. That made it a Law. Getting us to the destined end is the "Kingdom" of God, Jethro (God's Excellence; i.e., His powers and force -- spirit), steering us that way. His likeness has to be GENERATED in us.

It is not that we should get all that we want, but that He gets what HE wants. What we think, our consciousness, is what the world becomes. THAT'S THE LAW, THE LAW OF BECOMING. Assume beneficently. Pray, think, expect love and goodness and provision and satisfaction and relief and serenity and health and order and integrity for ALL. All good things for everybody. Have compassion. The Ineffable loves Itself in that it is RIGHT. It wants what is right for ALL.

The Center is silent; we are Its speech. Its speech is manifestation. The Ineffable's becoming in Its Consciousness, the universe, and our lives IMAGES Its greatness, Its Intelligence, and Its power. This is truly an IMAGIC world.

PS: Listen to Gregg Braden on this. He has a number of like videos worth listening to. E.g.:
You Need To Hear About This Astonishing Discovery
"They Can't Hide It Anymore" | START USING IT NOW!!!
The Implications of This Discovery Are Totally Off The Scale
If You Understand This Everything Will Make Sense
They Found It, The Master Code That Governs Everything
This Recent Discovery Is So Powerful It Defies Belief
Scientists "We Have Never Seen Anything Like This"
How To Awaken Hidden Potentials Within Our Lives
If We Embrace This, Everything Will Change Rapidly
The Key to Manifestation
How Differently Would You Live If You Knew How to use this Power?
How to Manifesting Prayer Work
Science of Prayer - Heal Documentary's Gregg Braden on Quantum Physics and Prayer
This Can Benefit Everyone | How To Implement Change

As Gregg Braden will tell you, none of this is new. Neville Goddard was teaching this years ago: "You cannot find a cause outside of your own consciousness. Your world is a grand mirror constantly telling you who you are. As you meet people, they tell you by their behavior who you are" (Lesson 5, 1948, "REMAIN FAITHFUL TO YOUR IDEA"). Lesson 5 is particularly insightful and practical. In it Neville lays out his technique of inducing the change people call "manifestation" (I would have titled Neville’s lesson, “REJECT ‘REALITY’ NICELY.”)

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