The Becoming God

Monday, February 10, 2020

Victor Alexander's Translations: What is Your Relation to the Restoration of the Ancient Aramaic Church?

I know I am not the only one who sees little correlation between today's Christianity and the church of the first century AD. Or BC, for that matter. There is little, if any. While waiting for the restoration of the ancient Aramaic church, I decided to become a part of it. Or God did for me. I still can hardly believe that God got me into a seminary as an upper division student eight years after barely getting through high school. That was such a miracle, I know it was his will for me to learn what I did there. Not that that was necessarily favorable. Come to think of it, it is extremely ironic that he first sent me into the occult to learn what is good there, and into seminary to learn what is bad here. The common denominator is just reality -- His reality.

Reality is that today's church has little to do with His Reality. At the end of the Season of Grace, which coincided with the end of Daniel's seventy sevens of years, Jesus Christ ascended and one hundred and twenty were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Jerusalem was cleared out and Paul was sent to the Gentiles. I can only speak of the Western church, which after the first century took a number of steps away from the church that is supposed to be. Trying to get back to that church, I started correcting my bibles. The Companion Bible is great for that. A friend introduced me to Herb Jahn's Exegeses Parallel Bible. Then I found Vic Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic.

Nothing could make more sense, if you want to be a member of the ancient Aramaic church, than to read the Aramaic scriptures translated with the Aramaic perspective by a native Aramaic speaker. Well, Vic is the closest thing I can find. His effort is as laughable as my starting as a junior in seminary -- he had no institution of support, no staff or crew. He just saw that we did not have the Bible of the first century, and set himself to providing one. Apparently, he had no proofreader, either. He was a film maker, for Christ's sake. But he prevailed to translate the entire New Testament and a good portion of the Old Testament for us. He was a one-man battalion in the war for the First Century Church.

As Victor noted in his blog before it was taken down (he can put it back up, by the way, if anyone would care to support its hosting costs), the translators of the Bible did not know the ancient languages. They didn't "get" it. They couldn't write a verse without mistranslating something in it. I cannot read his versions long without my jaw dropping at some point, for some dramatic variance from what the Western church teaches. I readily admit to always having been a oneness Pentecostal from my baptism in the Holy Spirit. Nothing to do with the United Pentecostal Church or any doctrine. I just met God, and He was and is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit -- one God in three MODES. Like it or lump it,  He is one God, three "Q'nu-meh." (The Greeks didn't know how to translate it, so they left it alone. Oh, gee, then the Greek version must be a TRANSLATION of the Aramaic.)

I think I may have prevailed upon Mr. Alexander to lower the prices for his translations. He said he could sell them for a lower price, but he has not informed me of actually doing so. You can hunt around on Amazon for his versions of the New Testament, the Old Testament scriptures, and the individual books of the Old Testament he has translated (Exodus, Genesis, Proverbs of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Jonah, Zechariah, Malachi), and Story of Jesus: From His Own Words. If he informs me of a new price list, I will post it. I have bought everything at full price just to support him, and I hope you will, too.

I encourage Vic to lower his prices to help disseminate the Scriptures of the Ancient Aramaic Church throughout the whole world. You can contact Vic at, or at

Vic Alexander
1129 Linden Ave. #2
Glendale, CA 91201 USA

For now it is full price, but consider it making a contribution to a guy who gave twenty years of his life to give you what the Bible actually MEANS BY WHAT IT SAYS. You, God, and the Scriptures: welcome to the Ancient Aramaic Church.

PS: I notice that the most recent update did away with spell-check on Blogger. Guess they were bought off by Grammarly. I haven't got it, so sorry for any mistakes.

PPS: Since his translations, Vic has been severely attacked. Ignore, please, the works of the deceiver and remember they came after the existing translations. I was hoping Vic could finish translating the Book of Joel, one of my favorites.


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