The End of the Lord: The Oldest Lesson in the World -- Bullinger's Translation/Version of the Book of Job
The Book of Job
The Book of Job
"Then answered Job, and to YHWH said,
'I know, I know, that Thou canst all things do:
No purpose of Thine can be withstood.
Thou asketh, "Who is this that counsel hides,
And darkens all, because of knowledge void?"
'Tis I! I uttered things I could not know;
Things far too wonderful, beyond my ken.
Hear now, I pray thee: let me speak this once.
Thou saidest, "'Tis I who ask thee: Answer Me."
I heard of Thee by hearing of the ear,
But now mine eye hath seen Thee.
I abhor myself. In dust and ashes I repent'" (Job 42:1-6 Bullinger).
"Here then we reach the culminating point of this wonderful book.
Jehovah's ministry had accomplished Jehovah's 'end.'
Job, now, justified God and condemned himself, and thus manifested his possession of true 'wisdom.'
Job was humbled in the dust, with ashes on his head: and realized that in the light of God's glory and greatness, he was nothing.
Ah! we may try to be nothing; and we may sing, 'Oh, to be nothing'; but all our trying and all our singing will never produce that result; or bring us into this, the only place of blessing.
If we succeeded in our trying, it would be only artificial; and that can never take the place of what is real. If we could thus, by our own effort, bring ourselves to feel that we are nothing, that would only be, in itself, a ground for feeling that we were something, after all. If we were able, of ourselves, to bring about so wonderful a result, it would only tend to increase our 'confidence in the flesh.'
No! If we would have the reality, and be nothing, as well as feel nothing, it must be brought about in the only way that can really accomplish it. It must be Divinely produced if it is to be a Divine reality.
We must have a true sense of the glory and greatness of God. That alone will show us, and convince us, that we are 'nothing.' We shall soon feel it then" (pages 46-47 [66-67 pdf]).
Been there; done that. The oldest lesson -- and the beginning. In my opinion, you are not really a Christian until you actually get to the last line: the Divine reality...Divinely produced.
I dont get this.
Neuromantic*, at 9:54 PM
The illusion of our submission to God has to become something real. If it is our accomplishment, we have something to boast of. God has already worked it. Find THAT, and everything is cool.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 3:26 PM
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