The Becoming God

Friday, February 21, 2020

Matthew 6:13a: If God is the Entire Field of the Ineffable's Consciousness, What is the Evil One?

I noticed in Alexander's translation that the Lord's Prayer ends with “except separate us from the evil one.” The evil one? The one evil guy? Niet. If the evil one is here, and the same evil one is there -- everywhere -- the evil one must be a FIELD, a condition common to all of us.

To my way of thinking, the Prayer is an ATTITUDE we are to hold toward the field which is the Ineffable’s consciousness. That field is the power everything is the manifestation of. It is the only "one," as in "God is one." The world and our bodies are manifestation of that power, and especially our consciousness is that consciousness. The evil (immature) one of the field of consciousness is ignorance. We, alas, are born in this world as the manifestation of that ignorance. We are here to OVERCOME/LEAVE the Ineffable's ignorance by having the Ineffable's mature nature inculcated and generated in us through our experiences in this world.

Per the Lord's Prayer per Ferrar Fenton, the Ineffable's consciousness, i.e., Its nature, kingdom, and will, must be being hallowed, restored, and done on earth as it is in heaven. Our prayer is our ATTITUDE. We, as sons of the consciousness of the Ineffable, manifest ATTITUDES. To the Father consciousness of the Ineffable we pray, “except separate us from the evil one.” Separate us from the ATTITUDE OF IGNORANCE.

What might the attitude of ignorance be? “I want it my way.” Sounds like the pride which went before Adam's fall -- selfish desire in Eve, our power to manifest.

What attitude might be opposite of ignorance? “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise” (NKJV). Love a la 1st Corinthians 13. Give ... Go two miles.

Tonight when I got home I found Alexander's Old Testament Scriptures in a box on my stoop. I wanted it for years (even though I already had all the individual books) and finally got it. Opened it to Alexander's comment on Isaiah 37:16.3, "The winged creatures that carry the throne of Maryah in heaven, representing the fullness of knowledge and benevolence." The fullness of knowledge and benevolence are where we are going, are what we are becoming. We are evolving from the attitude of ignorance to that. Father, separate us from the evil one.


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