The Becoming God

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Our End Has BEEN Assumed By The (...?)

Assumption means acceptance that a thing is real, therefore, in the eternal timelessness, i.e., as far as God is concerned, we already exist as the actual, full and complete Manifestation of Himself, the Consciousness of the Ineffable No-thing. In assuming that end-state of ourselves, accepting, seeing, hearing, feeling the Manifestation we are in God's eyes, we ARE Jesus Christ--the Godman. "We have given you the hope for the One (the I AM we are as God's Manifestation) who Is from the beginning of creation, the One whom we heard and saw with our eyes, saw and felt with our hands, He who Is the manifestation of Life. And Life became revealed, and we have seen and we are witnessing and we are preaching to you Life to the end of the universe* (everlasting), that which was with the Father and who revealed it to us" (1 John 1:1-2 Alexander).

The question is, how do we manifest the Endman, the Godman we are becoming? If you have been baptized in the Holy Ghost, you have had a foretaste of the experience. The Christian faith is that God has put olam, the stripling/child of Proverbs 8/eternity--the Endman--for this end-state IN us (2 Corinthians 13:5). The reality is that we are what we are on the way to--what God assumed it would be like for Him to be us. He whom we are in our end-state is God manifest. God is not an individual "over there," but is a field of consciousness we are all a part of.

What Did Moses See And Understand?

A bush burning, but not consumed by the flames? I think a portal of life that goes on and on and on. "It is appointed unto men once to die . . . " (Hebrew 9:27 KJV); not to live, but to die, to begin experience in this sphere/field/dimension of life from that sphere/field/dimension we had, which shall end in our becoming God's long-ago assumed Self-Manifestation. Our assumed future is present to Him. THE LIFE/EXPERIENCE IN THIS DEATH (AMNESIA/IGNORANCE OF GOD) KEEPS GOING ON AND ON AND ON, UNTIL WE ACTUALLY AWAKEN AND BECOME THAT MANIFESTATION.

"I AM THAT 'I AM'" (Exodus 3:14); i.e., I am that God-assumed manifestation of His self we shall be in our end-state, the Manifestation, WHICH IS ONE WITH GOD--is included in the One I AM God says He is in Deuteronomy 6:4. God says to that end-state Manifestation of Himself, which verily IS Himself, God, "Let Us (you, Moses, and Me) make man in our image" (Genesis 1:26). What we are to manifest NOW is our end-state, the Manifestation. By this we love our neighbors as ourselves and destroy the works of ignorance, the Devil. Interestingly, the rich man burning in Hades was told, "They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them . . ." (Luke 16:29); that is all that is needed to become the Manifestation Jesus Christ was and is.

Do we preach to convert, or preach to get everyone to manifest their God-assumed End-state?

The Question Is How To Manifest YOU

All we have to manifest is ourselves--i.e., our END-state. That is what we really are. I am pretty sure Neville Goddard got it in spades: God put our End-state--our final Manifestation as It--within us. That is Neville's understanding of Ecclesiastes 3:11--"He hath set olam, the stripling--our God-assumed eternal being, the "Child" of Proverbs 8 and the offspring of Genesis 3:15--in their heart, so that (in such a manner) no man can find out the work that God maketh from the Beginning ("As the Beginning, the Son of God creates the heavens and the earth"--Genesis 1:1) to the End (our final state of existence as His Manifestation)."

We each are a party of three: the stupid flesh, the imagining spirit of consciousness which thinks it is the flesh, and final God-manifestation-being God has assumed/is assuming we ARE. He, verily God incarnate, is reaching out to us--his former states--getting us to wake up and to generate up to who we really are: HIM. All we are supposed to do in this life is to manifest the Ineffable. The common practice of manifestation to get our jollies is only to demonstrate what in fact we really are--HIM, and to get us to DO it. 'Israel', God's prevailing in this effort, is to realize that All is One (Deuteronomy 6:4).

"Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not (i.e., do you not know) your own selves (of your own self)? How that Jesus Christ--your own End-state assumed by the Ineffable--is in you (i.e., IS your own self), except ye be reprobates?" (2 Corinthians 13:5 my take on the KJV).

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Ineffable No-thing (...?) Has Assumed Me, You, And Everything To Be Its Complete Manifestation

(...?)'s complete manifestation is where It is Going, and, to It, already is. To the Ineffable, the End already is. The whole kit and caboodle of getting there--every potential, avenue, and rabbit hole that can be chosen and followed--already exists, too: He's a gonna get there, come Hell or high water. Fer really eternal, God is in no hurry; accurate generation is the thing; a thousand years is as a day.

For a long time I did not get Neville Goddard's saying that YHWH meant "I AM." The 'Y' is a third-person prefix. But finally I have gotten that "His" Being is what I am. Christmas is the birth of "Him" in me. I am to be about my father's business. I turn the cleansing waters into wine. I everything He does, because I am Him.

My New Understanding of "I AM"

God assumed my end to be Him; i.e., assumed me to be His manifestation--the two of us one.

Assuming me Him, He said, "Let Us . . . "

His intent and purpose for me is to be Him.

There is transition involved, but for God there is no time, so although I presently BECOME Him, I also presently AM Him.

Jesus Christ is the end-man I am becoming, you are becoming--we are.

If we do not become and be Him (i.e., progress in self-control to be His manifestation), well, though He be patient, God's got some heavy duty spanking. Very, very, heavy duty spanking.

I must be God's prevailing--"Israel"--in making me Him, confessing not, "I wanna . . . " but, "I AM!!"

Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Altered Bible

The Bible has been altered over the centuries, but is what it says about Jesus DIFFERENT to us due to the alterations, or due to our misinterpretation of what it said, and now says?

Scholarly investigation brings us back very close to the original texts. We can see the purposes and intents of the alterations. The main difference, though, between what the original scriptures MEANT and how we now conceptualize that is in how we interpret them.

Deconverters say that there is no actual evidence of a Jesus in the past. The evidence to be sought is in the PRESENT. No Him now = no Him then, but Him NOW = Him THEN!

But how Him then--objective or subjective? I.e., was He a physically manifested subjective force of the Divine Consciousness? The present church consensus says, "Yes! The objective manifestation of the Word in and as an individual."

The scriptures ALMOST agree, saying, "Yes, He, AND YOU! The ineffable No-thing, you and I are ONE! You are my beloved Son, and in you I am well pleased, IF YOU BELIEVE."


I do not know if I am Victor Alexander's biggest fan, but I think his idiomatic English translations from the ancient Aramaic best capture the purpose and intent of the original authors. Do his translations say what I have said above? That's a matter of interpretation.

The New Testament I have is this one: There are others, which see.

I love Vic's Story of Jesus: From His Own Words. It is small, but packs a theological punch. The errors it has are typos.

Vic has a collection of the Old Testament Scriptures he has translated thus far. I have it, of course, but it is thick and incomplete. I far prefer to pick up and use the individual books:


Exodus: Liberation

Proverbs of King Solomon (the 24 chapters actually written by Solomon)

Book of Isaiah


Daniel, Jonah, Zechariah, Malachi -- kiss your KJV of these goodbye.

Scroll of Hosea. I don't believe this is included in Old Testament Scriptures.

Vic also has an individual Gospel of John, which is just as the NT text. My early Christian thought was much influenced by an individual NASB Gospel of John that was given to me. This one book by Alexander is priced at Amazon same as the whole New Testament, but as a tract to the as-yet unconverted, I think it is worth it. I mean, come on, we are talking of the revelation of the Eternal Living One we are part of. I'd pay the whole world for that.

I do not have Vic's The First Civilization, as I read and saved so much of his blog, which covered much of the same material when it was up.

Another of Vic's books I missed is Weltanschauung: Worldview. I am sorry I don't have Kindle, where it is available for free. Mentally, we can chose which world we are in—in the flesh, or in the spiritual. We can also choose the regime in which we participate: commie, capitalist, religionist, individualist, or tribal. Jesus chose spirit and God's-per-Moses. The point is these are real things, which God confirms with miracles. Choose well.

Monday, December 18, 2023

We Are Not The Man

Well, we are, but we aren't. We, the spirits who inhabit the bodies of men, are more on the God side. The bodies are us, too, but our involvement with them is T. A. D., temporary assigned duty. I think they are diversion from the long process of our becoming the Manifestation of God. The grace of God, if you would. They break it into pieces, segments that don't drive us nuts with frustration through the generation of Him--persecutions that at least end for the time being.

Saturday, December 16, 2023


In 1975, I saw my sin. Technically, I was a Christian, but as a Pentecostal I was pretty green. I asked Jesus to give me the gift of tongues, and was rejected. I really did not know what the baptism in the Holy Spirit was. Being rejected by God disturbed me, and I, still in prayer, sought to find out 1) why I was rejected, and 2) how to become acceptable to God. As nothing else in the world mattered to me, I entered a trance.

In my trance, following a wilderness path I came upon a huge, grey cube which blocked my progress. I knew it was that thing about me that God rejected, and that I could not make any progress towards my answers because of it. The problem was, it wasn't identified. I searched in vain for any name or marking on it. I could not climb up it, I could not get around it, and I could not go down the passage it covered. I knew I had to give this thing about-and-of me to God to become acceptable to Him, but I had absolutely no idea what it was! How could I give it to Him if I could not name it? Worse, not knowing what it was, what if it was something I really did not want to give up? What if it was doing something I really did not want to do? Thoroughly stymied in my mental arguments, I finally called out, "Lord, I do not know what this is, but whatever it is, I give it to You."

In my imagination, I saw a man created out of mud, a mudman, and following along him, I became him. I had to take care of myself: I had to find a safe place to stay; I needed to find firewood; I had to gather some food. I was mentally debating whether I should gather food for that night first, or plant seeds for food tomorrow when it hit me: I was in charge of me. I was making all the decisions of what I needed to do, and how I was going to do them. It scared me half to death, for--


That "my" life was not mine struck me like a two-by-four smacked upside along my head. In quite actual terror I realized that I was robbing--had robbed God of all the purpose He must have had for me when He created me. Just moments prior I had been lifeless mud. Then suddenly I was alive. God had given me HIS life, and I, not recognizing Him, was using it for MY purposes. I had never asked God what He had made me for, for what purpose He had made me to live. What was I SUPPOSED to have done? I had never thought of Him while I lived; I had always determined what I wanted to do, and just did it. I had never even said, "Thank You," to Him for this life. I had just figured this was MY life, that I can do anything I want with it. I had even "given" myself to God AS HIS PEER--if I did not like what He did with me, I was going to take my life back! I now realized that to God, I was in rebellion, rebellion as witchcraft!

Long story short: using spiritual sensitivity I had gained in the occult, I cast control of myself out of myself: I thoroughly surrendered myself to God. I thought I would fall like a blob onto the floor next to the seat I was kneeling at, BUT I WAS CAUGHT. Sensing this support, I submitted myself to God, and lo (sorry for sounding dramatic), the sky above me (in my imagination) glowed with the Presence of God. I determined to shut up and listen for His directions, and He accepted me. In the Silence He simply said, "Remember this, and it is all right." Ecstatic in the euphoria of being accepted, I was baptized with the Holy Spirit.

What had been my sin throughout my life? Directing my own life as though I was independent of God, separate and divided from Him--being unconscious of my BEING HIM.

Post Script: What do you think was "this" in "Remember this, and it is all right"? Surrendered and submitted to God, I had said, "You are Glorious God; I am a mudman. Whatever You want me to do, that I will do." This relationship is part of what I am to remember. I know that I am actually IN the mudman, but while I am, I AM him, and he is me. I think that part and parcel with this relationship I am to remember to SHUT UP AND LISTEN. The mudman is wholly dependent upon the Divine from Whom and of Whom he is. We are God's Manifestation; correspondence of ourselves to Him is key. What He IS is what we are to DO. Please do not forget that we FOLLOW.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

When In Genesis 1:26 God Said, "Let Us Make Man In Our Image", Was "Us" His Assuming The End Of His Manifestation Would Be Another Just As Himself?

I.e., was “us” . . . us? There is the Ineffable (...?), Its Consciousness, and Its Manifestation; literally "Me, Myself, and I." We are Him becoming Him manifest, and we are thus involved in man—ourselves—becoming His image. Make you (and all you imagine) His image.

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Re Abdullah's Technique: What Would TOMORROW Be Like If Its YESTERDAY Was True?

To help distinguish the desired end from the present situation, think of what tomorrow would be like if what you want today was its yesterday.

Friday, December 08, 2023

You Are Them Pushed Out

Man, which is a facet of the Divine Imagination, is a fragmented being. We are parts--bits and pieces--of a CORPORATE mind. The Divine Mind, God's imagination, is behind us all. We often hear that other people are ourselves "pushed out." Well, we are them pushed out, too. We have to grow/mature CORPORATELY. As if. This is an a-hole world; you can see almost everywhere how it deserves punishment. But we have to do God-stuff as Him in it anyway: pray, preach and teach. Imagine the good end we intend, that God intends. It will come. Keep the faith that Christ is in us, 'cause He is, and be patient.

I Hope An Interesting Note On Neville's "Technique"

Neville was in New York and wanted to go to Barbados. He didn't imagine somehow of getting money for a ticket; he imagined BEING in Barbados. Neville wanted out of the army. He didn't imagine finding some way to get discharged; he imagined BEING home in New York. Neville was in Barbados, but needed to get passage to New York. He didn't imagine miraculously acquiring a ticket; he imagined BEING on the ship ready to sail. In the Lord's Prayer (Alexander's Aramaic version) it says, "Give us the bread for our daily need." Not means to get money for the bread we need, but the bread--finished product--itself.

Yod As God

It was from Dr. Roy Blizzard on some TV show that I heard that the Hebrew letter aleph in the word Adam signified the Divine. 'Dam' is blood, Adam is the Divine's blood. Life is in the blood. Adam is the Divine's life. It is I who says that that Divine Life is the ineffable No-thing's consciousness, which we call "God." But I am not talking about this.

In Exodus 3:14 God says that His name is I AM. Except He doesn't. He's got that aleph there -- aleph-hey-vav-hey -- the Divine's something. What is hey-vav-hey? If I am not mistaken, it is hayah, Strong's 1961, the to be verb: is, am, was, were, will be, become, to come to pass, quit, etc. What I have noticed about hayah (because I read Ethelbert Bullinger's note on 'was' in Genesis 1:2 in the Companion Bible) is that there is transition involved. Something is, but it wasn't before. The earth was, because it BECAME that way. Hayah usually is not just being, but BECOMING. I do not think God said that His name was I AM, but rather He said His nature was the Divine's BECOMING: "I am the Divine's becoming." "I become what I become," LITERALLY!! Neville Goddard notes that this voice, seemingly from without, is whispered from within (lectures Imagination Plus Faith 17:20; Is Causation Imaginal 23:45).

Aleph is 1st person prefix. Yod is third person.

Thursday, December 07, 2023

The Field-like Divine Being Says By Its Form That It Is A Person

But It is not a man. The word 'Adam' means "the blood of the Divine." That would be the (...?)'s consciousness, the Divine's Life. "And there created God to Adam with His visage, in the visage of God He created him, male and female He created them" (Genesis 1:27 Alexander footnote). Adam is what God is DOING, His ACTION. "Adaming" is the Divine's Godding through us! The Divine Consciousness Adams with Its power of imagination to make alive--what It imagines into existent states. We are simply facets of the Original Mind.

This world in its Adaming is imagic--it LOOKS like God. He assumes; it becomes. That is a picture of Him!! He has assumed Himself-in-form: "Let us make man in our image . . . to do what we do." In assumption we have dominion like unto His dominion (and it better be like unto His assumption). As His visage we Adam--that is our ACTION of assuming. It is God's part of the action to make it so. OUR BEING IN THE ONE IS COOPERATIVE: WE CAST, AND HE REELS IT INTO HIS EXISTENCE/EXPERIENCE.

The One Evidence of God

What evidences God is His response. We ask, do our part, and He in direct response answers and/or provides. That is Malachi in the Old Testament. God doesn't appear with fireworks and flags; His ACTION is enough. For God's sake, what other evidence do you need?

Jesus the Repairer

I heard someone teaching that Biblical forgiveness is AFTER punishment. The price has to be paid, the punishment meted out, THEN one can be forgiven. Jesus is that quality of the Divine which makes all unlike God, like God. He is His repairer. He takes all error and generates it into correctness. Thus Satan has nothing (that remains in error) in Him. Jesus takes all sin and makes it good. He is the mechanism of the event of total reconciliation of everything to God.

Manifestation is not of our imagination but of our collective, group assumption of what is real.

Specificity is key to changing/ altering that. No one imagines their child getting cancer, but we all assume that it is possible. We are to contribute specificity to what God desires to accomplish, to work WITH Him, our assumed beliefs becoming His course to His desired end. Accentuate the positive: "think on these things." Do not support the negative.

The Greatest Error

Any idolatry posits that its separate-from-us-god needs to be appeased. The point of Deuteronomy 6:4 and Genesis and, well, pretty much the whole Bible is that God is NOT separate and that God does NOT need to be appeased, as everything is His--is HIM, anyway. The idea that God is separate and divided from us is the greatest error and heresy of the Christian Church. Israel, God's Prevailing, is to understand that they and we and everything else is included in God's Oneness. Do not think of God as Wholly Other; think of Him as Wholly ONE.