The Becoming God

Friday, December 08, 2023

Yod As God

It was from Dr. Roy Blizzard on some TV show that I heard that the Hebrew letter aleph in the word Adam signified the Divine. 'Dam' is blood, Adam is the Divine's blood. Life is in the blood. Adam is the Divine's life. It is I who says that that Divine Life is the ineffable No-thing's consciousness, which we call "God." But I am not talking about this.

In Exodus 3:14 God says that His name is I AM. Except He doesn't. He's got that aleph there -- aleph-hey-vav-hey -- the Divine's something. What is hey-vav-hey? If I am not mistaken, it is hayah, Strong's 1961, the to be verb: is, am, was, were, will be, become, to come to pass, quit, etc. What I have noticed about hayah (because I read Ethelbert Bullinger's note on 'was' in Genesis 1:2 in the Companion Bible) is that there is transition involved. Something is, but it wasn't before. The earth was, because it BECAME that way. Hayah usually is not just being, but BECOMING. I do not think God said that His name was I AM, but rather He said His nature was the Divine's BECOMING: "I am the Divine's becoming." "I become what I become," LITERALLY!! Neville Goddard notes that this voice, seemingly from without, is whispered from within (lectures Imagination Plus Faith 17:20; Is Causation Imaginal 23:45).

Aleph is 1st person prefix. Yod is third person.


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