The Becoming God

Thursday, December 07, 2023

The Field-like Divine Being Says By Its Form That It Is A Person

But It is not a man. The word 'Adam' means "the blood of the Divine." That would be the (...?)'s consciousness, the Divine's Life. "And there created God to Adam with His visage, in the visage of God He created him, male and female He created them" (Genesis 1:27 Alexander footnote). Adam is what God is DOING, His ACTION. "Adaming" is the Divine's Godding through us! The Divine Consciousness Adams with Its power of imagination to make alive--what It imagines into existent states. We are simply facets of the Original Mind.

This world in its Adaming is imagic--it LOOKS like God. He assumes; it becomes. That is a picture of Him!! He has assumed Himself-in-form: "Let us make man in our image . . . to do what we do." In assumption we have dominion like unto His dominion (and it better be like unto His assumption). As His visage we Adam--that is our ACTION of assuming. It is God's part of the action to make it so. OUR BEING IN THE ONE IS COOPERATIVE: WE CAST, AND HE REELS IT INTO HIS EXISTENCE/EXPERIENCE.


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