At twenty-five years old, I was living in a pickup truck in the Ala Wai harbor in Honolulu. When the weather got cold, I'd put on a t-shirt. I picked up temporary labor work in the harbor to get by financially. I could occasionally eat at The Captain's Table, the Wailana, or even the Hilton Lanai, but usually dinner was instant noodle's, an egg, and cheese cooked in my truck.
Then God acted in my life, and I saw it. Not Him, but the action. That changed everything. Then my friend, who lived in the Hawaiian Village, saw His acting in her life, too. I repented and got "saved" at the House of Praise. Rod Wilson of YWAM asked, "What has Jesus done for you?" I think he meant in the last week - has he opened a door? Healed anyone you know? Got you a job? Straightened out a relationship? No one volunteered anything. Rod scolded us, "Be aware of God's actions in your life. You should always be ready to give your testimony. Now, think again. What has Jesus done for you?"
I slipped into a trance-like fantasy. I saw Jesus being scourged. His back was torn up like hamburger. I saw the cross placed on his back. I saw him dragging it along the path, falling as he went into shock. He was dying for me - in my stead - and I wanted so, so earnestly to trade places with him. I was filled with conflictive, almost convulsive feelings of regret and appreciation.
The upshot of this event was that while I saw Jesus in my fantasy, he spoke to me PHYSICALLY. To me, a cheap, pointless bum on a little rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. God spoke to me - even little worthless me- audibly in the brain. He said, "Come unto Me."
Like Moses, I discovered that God can transcendently speak to people. If to me, and if to Moses, to whom else has he spoken? Certainly many, and certainly they have written down what they heard. I set out to find out what God has said to man.
It is truly massive. And it is truly historical. (I wonder if these voices are not his angels gathering his elect - "And then he will send his angels and gather his chosen from all four spirits, from the top of the earth to the top of heaven" [Mark 13:27 Alexander.]) God has been speaking, but it gets befuddled with man's ignorance ruling his (man's) mind. That is the wonder of the Oracles of the Jews and the New Testament: some people have been separated, "sanctified" from ignorance to get His communication down. Now we have to deal with it. LISTEN TO HIM. He speaks!! Audibly, or in our thoughts as He leads them (see
Mark Vickler). God teaches us! Take the intermediaries off your feet, and listen! It goes from seeing the bush of His actions to
hearing His name (nature).
I think I'd better try this again.
God Speaks to Man - rearranged by me:
I speak to you.
Be still.
I am
I spoke to you
When you were born.
At your first sight.
At your first word.
At your first thought.
At your first love.
At your first song.
(That was Me, your imagination, speaking to you.)
I speak to you
Through the grass of the meadows.
Through the trees of the forests.
Through the valleys and the hills.
Through the Holy Mountains.
Through the rain and the snow.
Through the waves of the sea.
Through the dew of the morning.
Through the peace of the evening.
Through the splendor of the sun.
Through the brilliant stars.
Through the storm and the clouds.
Through the thunder and lightning.
Through the mysterious rainbow.
(That is Me, your imagination, speaking to you.)
I will speak to you
When you are alone.
Through the Wisdom of the Ancients.
At the end of time.
When you have seen my Angels.
Throughout Eternity.
(Listen, and I, your imagination, will speak to you.)
I speak to you.
Be still.
I am