The Becoming God

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Why Christ Could Pay the Price for Our Sin and Took Our Punishment

This is a little hard to follow. The question is: how could Jesus Christ pay the price/ take the punishment for our sins unless they could be attributed to him? For the wages of sin is death to the sinner, not to someone else. The principle of justice is: "HE did it; HE pays!" Mama can't do it. This will probably raise the ire of some Christians, but I contend that "our" sins ARE Jesus' sins.

My point is that the two of us--Jesus and ourselves--are one. We are the Milta (Miltha), the Word or Manifestation of the Ineffable Most High God, in the process of becoming God manifest. The two of us are together AS ONE. And He ain't done yet; i.e., the Milta is not yet complete with our being Him becoming the Manifestation of the Ineffable. The qualities and characteristics of the Ineffable have to GENERATED in us through experiences with Him over an expanse of TIME. The Ineffable is already well along in the process of becoming manifest AS THE MILTA, to the extent that I believe the Milta is now the one doing it. That is, the Ineffable's imagined/ assumed manifestation of Itself is Itself agent to Its fulfillment in and through us. HE'S DOING IT, SO "OUR" SIN IS HIS. So He could take "our" sin and pay the price, take the punishment WE deserve upon Himself before God, winning our forgiveness, which is given unto Him to dispense as we submit to Him to become the fulfillment of the Milta.

That seems simple enough.

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of these my brethren, even these least, ye did it unto me" (Matthew 25:40 KJV). "And the King replied and told them, 'Amen, I am telling you, that whatever you do for one of these my little brethren, for me you have done that' (Alexander). They (we) are Him, and He we. Be sure you are part of the family, His Body.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Jesus, the Milta (Miltha), IS the Promises of God AND Their Fulfillment

The Milta is both the INTENTION and PLAN of God. His intention and plan is to become Himself manifest. God's INTENTION and PLAN is to become Himself-manifest. The Milta is the COMPLETION of His action, and is the PROCESS unto that completion. The Milta, that QUALITY of God, became incarnated in and as the person of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, and as the Son of Man performed correctly everything Man-as-a-corporate-entity has performed incorrectly (see my paper on Irenaeus' doctrine of recapitulation). The Milta paid the price for all Man's variance from manifesting God correctly, fulfilling the punishment for Man's disbelief of and rebellion against God's Word, and rose in fulfillment of the Promise of Man's becoming the actual Manifestation of the Ineffable, which He, the Milta is.

The Ineffable's assumed Milta is making us become Him in actuality. It is a big task. Make certain you are on the right road, that your world-without-God, created from your vain imaginations, is redeemed and submitted to His saving grace.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Both And

From בית מלך, Yochanan (The Good News According to John) Introduction & Chapter 1:

The author explains to us that the Jewish Targums, written down in the 1st through 7th centuries CE, translated the Hebrew scriptures for the Aramaic-speaking populace. In these translations, "God" is often delineated as "the Word of God" and the like. Because to the Jewish mind, God is BOTH the Ineffable AND the Word:

"In stating that 'the Word was with the God, and God was that Word' Yochanan is expressing the Hebrew understanding of 'both and' rather than the limited Greco-Roman thinking of 'either or'. In this respect Yochanan’s Gospel establishes itself in Biblical Hebrew thought from the outset. Therefore, failing to understand Yochanan’s words from a Hebraic mindset will lead to misinterpretation and limited understanding on the part of the student of this Gospel."

God is the whole party--His stuff AND our stuff. From invisible power to experience-facilitating particles, from non-existence to existence, from breath (Spirit) to manifestation of action, GOD IS ALL LEVELS AND ALL FORMS OF EVERYTHING. There isn't anything else. And He gets things done by speaking HIS word, which is also Him. Which, not having any mouth, is a pretty good trick. God's SPEAKING is His essential connotation manifesting, the Milta (Miltha), the "Word." He is BOTH THE SPEAKER AND THE SPOKEN, BOTH THE CAUSE AND THE EFFECT. The Ineffable wears all the hats he wants to, John, for He is all the Jehovahs in the picture.

More from the article linked above:

"if the word of the Lord will be my help, and will keep me, the word of the Lord shall be my God:” -Paraphrase Genesis 28:20 Onkelos (35-120 CE/AD)

The second century Targums of Yonatan and Yerushalayim paraphrase certain texts as referring to the Memra (Word):

"I will cause the glory of my Shekinah to dwell among you, and my word shall be your God, the Redeemer;” -Targum Yonatan Leviticus 26:12

"out of thee, before me, shall come forth the Messiah, that he may exercise dominion over Israel; whose name is said from eternity, from the days of old.” -Targum Yonatan Micah 5:2

"ye have made the word of the Lord king over you this day, that he may be your God:” -Targum Yerushalayim Deuteronomy 26:17

“He (Yeshua) is wrapped in a garment immersed in blood, and He is called by the name Ho-Logos[G] (Ha-Davar[H]) the Word, Ho-Theos[G] (Ha-Elohim[H]) the God.” -Revelation 19:13 (Author’s translation) (and my strike-throughs).

"and the word of the Lord created man in his likeness.” -Targum Yerushalayim Genesis 1:27

"and the word of the Lord God said, behold the man whom I have created, is the only one in the world.” -Targum Yerushalayim Genesis 3:22

"the eternal God is an habitation, by whose word the world was made.” -Onkelos (NB the Eternal God is a habitation--a consciousness?)

"yea, by my word I have founded the earth:” -Targum Yonatan Isaiah 48:13

“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” -Hebrews 11:3 KJV


Interesting article, no? By the JEWISH interpretation, God is "both" the Ineffable, the Breath, "and" the Word of God. This "essential connotation" of the Ineffable is ALWAYS THE SAME--YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOR EVER, AND is saying, "Come unto Me" (Matthew 11:28).

God Is All Right Now

The evidence T. L. Osborn had for God was the experience of Jesus, in person, walking into his bedroom at six in the morning. You can say that this visit was a vision, that T. L. only saw Jesus in his imagination, which is all well and good, but from that experience Tommy was convicted that Jesus is alive and in power. T. L. saw that Jesus Christ really is the same yesterday, today, and for ever (Hebrews 13:8 KJV), that Jesus died for us and rose from the dead, and He is ALWAYS THE SAME. Jesus' being the same on all counts is a constant. Jesus, i.e., the Milta (Miltha), the essential connotation of the ineffable Non-manifest No-thing which became IS manifest as Jesus, IS ALWAYS "DIED" FOR US, IS ALWAYS RISEN IN OUR JUSTIFICATION, AND IS ALWAYS READY TO FORGIVE AND HEAL US . . . RIGHT NOW . . . IF we accept Him as lord of our life. T. L. proclaimed this to millions of people face-to-face, explaining the principles involved and their consequence, and God saved and healed whoever believed. Every salvation and healing convicted T. L. even further that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and for ever.


Yes, I have most of Osborn's books, and have recently purchased the most recent I didn't have, much regretting I didn't read better the ones I already had. Tommy Lee was saying that Jesus will always honor His promises on our compliance. BELIEVING that (that Jesus will always honor His promises on our compliance) with compliance is FAITH.

Friday, August 16, 2024

How Do You Have A Morning Without A Sun?

I was listening to a fundamentalist on YouTube insist that the six days of creation were literal 24 hour periods, because it says, "And the evening and morning were the first day," and 'day' means a 24 hour period. Period. But how do you have a morning without a sun? Repeatedly? I suggest the absence of existence is 'evening', and production from lack unto completion is 'morning'.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

How Do You Get A Milta (Miltha)?

I did not make up the Milta. John used the Aramaic term in John 1:1, referring back to Genesis 1. There, God says things. Speaking is a good trick when you have no mouth, no body, no locality, no anything. But, God SPAKE. Because God had a mouth, a body, a locality, and everything--the Milta. Because God is the Milta, the manifestation of the non-manifest (...?). In Genesis 1, the Milta--i.e., "God"--creates everything for Himself; for Him, from Him, through Him, and to Him. The Milta is the objective, the only true purpose, for He is the full and complete manifestation of the Ineffable, the Non-manifest, WHO HAS NOT BECOME FULLY AND COMPLETELY MANIFEST YET.

THAT is the problem. "Going to be complete" doesn't hack it. The Ineffable (...?) knows exactly what It will be like when It is fully and completely manifest, and has assumed that It is fully and completely manifest, that that full and complete manifestation might come about. But the Ineffable's manifestation still lacks fulfillment. There is a deficit. The Milta still comes up short: the Ineffable's assumption, Its assumed manifestation of Its essential connotation, is perfect; we--Its end--not so much. Hence the Milta gives everything in pursuit of completion.

"It Is Written"

The Scriptures are revelation of God. If a scripture is written, then it is. The Scripture's being written doesn't mean that it is historical, it means that what it reveals of God is real--is true in THAT sense.

I Believe In The Milta (Miltha); The Milta IS For Real, Really Really Real

I believe in the Milta. I believe that the Milta is God. The Milta is YHWH and the Father and Christ. The Milta is the "Son" of God and the "Son" of Man, and is unique--one of a kind--and is countless billions. And perhaps oddly, I do not think any of this is contradictory. Because there is only One, and all of everything is from-and-of the unmanifest Ineffable (...?). Considering the Milta is like sitting a revolving chair and spinning around. The Milta is the unmanifest Most High manifest, and that Non-existent is the Milta. That is just what It is. There is a Source of the Conscious Field that is God Who has become all things. The Milta is the essential connotation (whatever that means) of all the (...?), the Manifestation of the Unmanifest.

What is the Milta specifically? Well, what is God? Consciousness, all holiness and goodness, patience, love, power, wisdom--(I think you know the drill)--Light, Life, and Love. Those are its "matter," Its substance. The (...?) is manifest by Its Consciousness, "God," and the (...?)'s Consciousness is manifest by the Milta. The word Milta (Miltha) is Aramaic, and the closest Greek translation John could come up with was Logos. Poor, insipid Logos. Logos is consciousness, idea, reason. Milta is the existence of the nonexistent, the conveyance of intention to conclusion, the completion of an act. The Ineffable wanted a form, and the Milta IS it. It stretches from the Source of Consciousness to us, and It beacons us to return, to become the very Manifestation of the Ineffable (...?).

How do we do that? He (YHWH, the Milta) says in Matthew 11:28, "Come unto Me." For HE does it. All else we can do is repent. In our repentance He works the miracle. "Repent, and believe in the Gospel." For God's sake, man, woman, He is really DOING it. Aweigh anchor, Matey, and keep the law and the commandments.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

T. L. Osborn's Message

T. L. Osborn spoke to my Missions class at Melodyland School of Theology back in the 1970s. I really didn't know who he was at the time. I have come to know, and I believe that everyone should be thoroughly familiar with the teachings of T. L. Osborn. He was a driven man, a man of purpose. For he had seen--for real and close up and personal--the for real Living Savior Jesus Christ. For real. That changed his world. Jesus he saw, was is alive and seated in power as God in heaven, working in heaven as God because he is God. T. L. from that moment lived just to tell you (and everyone else in the world) that--that Jesus Christ is alive, in power and authority, loves us, and is God--the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Unfortunately with his passing, Osborns books are becoming out of print and difficult to find. On the other hand, T. L. was something of a broken record, repeating the same basic core message in virtually all of his publications (his message is simple). He used each as a format to preach the same truths about the same Jesus over and over. He preached these simple principles repeatedly because he KNEW them to be REAL AND TRUE AND EFFECTUAL. If you can find any one of his books, you've pretty much got them all, though you are still missing out on a lot of superior teaching in the ones you don't have. Here are some of the things by and about him and his wife Daisy I found on the Internet:

I Was a Burned Out Missionary, Then Jesus Walked into my Room…

T.L. Osborn | Jesus Appears - Episode #3

Biblical Healing

Healing the Sick




Quotes by T. L. Osborn

God's Life in You

You are God's Best

Women and Self Esteem by Daisy Osborn, includes If I Were a Woman by T. L. Osborn

Kingdom Sermons website

Healing En Masse

Monday, August 12, 2024

Gonads that have People Becoming Holy--Being Disciplined and Responsible in All Relationships

A long time ago I heard that we are not people who have gonads, but gonads that have people. Looking at our society cultivated for sexual attraction, I have to agree. As people, we primarily serve our successful and continued propagation. People exist--do all that we do--primarily to assure reproduction. God's first commandment to man in the garden was to multiply and replenish the earth; i.e., he MADE us horny. But, the caveat was to be like him in it, in his image, which is holy, controlled, responsible, disciplined, and always in sanctified relationship. As the Ineffable is to the Milta, and the Milta to the Ineffable, so are we to be as spouses and family and neighbors to each other. I.e., RIGHT. Eh, they (the Ineffable and the Milta) aren't people, they are Persons,* qualities at either end of the field of Consciousness that is "God." And we are to manifest them in holiness and righteousness. And the thing is: they are real. The world really needs the Holy Breath.

* Think of the whole nation of Israel, with all its culture--the whole of the people--as the embodiment of an individual person. "Nations" in the Bible are (persons . . . who are) people groups.

Trusting God, Believing God: T. L. Osborn's Book "How to Enjoy Plenty"

I am admittedly a big fan of Neville Goddard. Neville Goddard the theologian that is, not Neville Goddard the manifesting technician. I have never yet tried to manifest anything for myself. But it was Neville who led me far into understanding that God is a field of consciousness that imagines and becomes what it assumes itself to be in literal reality, be it "good, bad, or indifferent." I know that divine consciousness from transcendent experiences I have had with it in recent history. I can tell you honestly that the consciousness is real (literal, "here") and powerful to accomplish whatsoever it wants to accomplish. And what it wants to accomplish is an opportunity for us.

As Neville says, the (let's capitalize it) Consciousness has become us, that we might become it, so why not apply oneself to manifest whatsoever one desires? The answer for me is trust in God. I KNOW he is real. I KNOW he has done--finis and complete-o--what he has done in redeeming us to himself by the blood of Jesus Christ--the Milta--on the cross. Here is how T. L. Osborn explains it (as I understand him):

God wants to manifest in form as persons in relationship. That would be us . . . like him (think the Ineffable, his Manifestation--the Milta, and the breath between [common to] them). To that end God (the Milta) formed this earth as a perfect world, a garden full of all good, of PLENTY for us to enjoy. We come into this world forgetting what the Milta has said (our experience with him), and in our ignorance we live for ourselves instead of living for him. Rule, purpose, and authority are his, not ours. We have become unlike him, eating from the Tree of Life, which gives us knowledge of good and evil, evil being what we have been doing.

Like T. L., when I saw what I had done I wept. I couldn't believe it--I had just seen myself created and my mind transferred into this being, yet I lived only for myself, robbing God of all he might have gained in his use of me. In panic, I cast control of my life, my self-lordship, out of myself, and in full submission to God awaited judgment. Mentally prostrated, I said, "You are Glorious God, I am just a mudman. Whatever you tell me to do, that I will do." I listened intently. And listened. I virtually strained my hearing listening for what he might tell me to do. Then I heard a faint, "Remember this, and it is all right."

I was forgiven, and accepted! Ecstatic with gratitude, I received the Holy Breath in my bowels and it flowed up my throat and out my mouth in an Asian language. LIFE! I was back on the PLENTY side of the garden.

I BELIEVE IN GOD. He is real, and the Bible world we are really in is real. I trust God, the Milta, "Jesus Christ the LORD (YHWH)." I trust him and pray, but I do not assert self-lordship. The thing is to REPENT and submit my need unto him in trust that he's got it, for I AM ON THE PLENTY SIDE.


The Milta (Miltha) is the essential connotation of the Consciousness of Ineffable (...?)--of Its GOODNESS.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

T. L.'s City - the Gospel's Completeness

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is really very simple: the Milta (manifest as Jesus) accepted all punishment for our lawlessness (being unlike God in any way) upon Itself, and died. He rose from the dead with the right to forgive and to perfect us into being Him. Saving faith is belief that the punishment is a done deal, that Jesus forgives us in real repentance, and that we proceed with the perfecting.

I heard an African pastor's testimony, that he was in heaven and saw the glow of a city on the horizon. "Oh, that is T. L. Osborn's city," replied his guide. T. L. Osborn believed that this Bible world is real, that Jesus was the Messiah, what I know as the Milta, that he really came manifest in the flesh and really died as our substitute on the cross, and that by His redemption WE ARE RETURNED TO THE STATE OF NEVER HAVING SINNED, AS JESUS NEVER SINNED. The Milta took it all, and gave us His all. THAT is HERE, and NOW. That is the state in which we approach God and pray: we are to Him . . . the Milta.

I hope to meet T. L. Osborn some day, to thank him for his books, for his perspective, and for his belief in completeness.

The Incredible Weirdness of It Being Real

I am 75 years old now, so like David Crosby said when he turned 80, I know it won't be long before I die. The one thing I have to do in the meantime is to tell you that this, the Bible world we are in, is real. I know this Bible world is real because I have had present-day EXPERIENCES with God. Of course I have had fantasies and imaginings of God's work around me, but tangible, historic experiences are different. When I heard Jesus, the Miltha, speak to me "audibly" directly into my auditory nerves, it wasn't one of my imaginary voices. He somehow transcended and translated His voice from whatever He is to auditory input in my brain. No one else around me heard a thing. I noted at the moment that it was a really good trick.

Equally good was his expanding my left arm maybe 5/8s to 3/4 of an inch at the exact moment the name Jesus was mentioned in a prayer. I held myself very still and watched very intently as my arm grew out. For years I had thought that there was something wrong with the long sleeve shirts I had bought. The problem was with me; the right hand sleeves were always too short and bound on my wrist because my left arm was too short. Since then, no problem.

This world is a manifestation of the Ineffable Being's intelligence: He imagines it is, so it is. My self and everything else in the entire universe IS that intelligence manifesting in imagined arrangement moment by moment. Stoked on this realization, I said to the intelligence, or to Its Imaginer, "You can heal me." IN THAT MOMENT, I WAS HEALED.


On the Milta (Miltha), of the Aramaic-Speaking Church of the East

Every Jew and every Christian pastor, every one should review his or her theology in light of the Milta (Miltha). Write the word down. Look it up. Google it. Study it. Contemplate the concept it represents. Do not be afraid; it will not bite. The Milta is the best idea you and I are ever going to have: The Milta IS the Gospel the Jews were to believe when Jesus came preaching, "Repent, and believe in the Gospel." This will be very worthwhile and rewarding research. Our minds need this expansion, because our concepts of God are way, way, way too small.

The Milta is the Person (!) we have called the Logos, the "Word" of God, but He is much, much more than any concept the word Logos allows for. Without dispute, the people of the New Testament Gospels lived their lives speaking the Aramaic language. All direct quotes of Jesus in the New Testament are Aramaic, not Hebrew or Greek. 'Logos' might have been the best Greek translation John could think of for Milta, but it is the ARAMAIC idea of Milta in the then-lived cultural understanding--the concept of the Milta the Apostles of Jesus Christ actually had--that we have to get back to.

The word 'Logos' gives only half the picture; less, actually. OUR CHRISTOLOGY IS MISSING OVER HALF OF GOD!! From The Mystery of Miltha: "However, miltha has meanings not even hinted at in these other terms, and certainly not in the Greek logos. Over the centuries, miltha has been rendered as 'force', 'manifestation', 'emanation', 'substance' as well as 'word', and even all these put together still." Dig, bro, dig.

The Greek word logos means "something said or thought"--a word, speech, utterance, message, or expression. Logos is a communication. Wikipedea notes that Aristotle applied logos as "reasoned discourse." Logos is said to be a symbol of Divine Reason. It is said by some to be best understood as incarnated Torah. I think most will agree that the meaning of logos has to do with the idea of 'idea' itself; that logos is the communication of reason, of an idea.


When God spoke creating the world (Genesis 1), that speaking was the Milta. In His speaking, the act of creating each thing mentioned was completed. For the act of creation via the Milta is "complete to the concrete."

My point here is that the Milta is not "like" God, the Milta IS God. The Milta IS the Ineffable Being in the form the Ineffable Being has assumed It would be if It were manifest in form. He knows what that would be, and He believes that He IS, now, that Manifestation. The Ineffable has THOUGHT/IMAGINED what it would be, and assumes NOW that He is, NOW, the Milta. He assumes that He IS. The Milta IS to Him. He just, now, has to BECOME as He so assumes that He is. AND HE IS PASSIONATE ABOUT THAT. We are that Manifestation's potential, and the report is that He--the Milta--has become a man, the Son of Man, to do it. That Manifestation of the Ineffable Being is Jesus Christ,YHWH, our Lord, Who died for us, and now calls us to become Him (a work He has already DONE; it is up to us to ACCEPT it).